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Summary: AU // Scott and Mitch have broken up. Now, Scott has a son and Mitch is his sons teacher. They have to see each other every day, but a Valentine's Day miracle happens.


"This is so stupid," Scott mumbles as he picks up a pack of Valentine's cards for his son.

"It's not, daddy!" Henry huffs, tugging at his dads shirt. "I want to give a card to that cute boy in my class."

"Boy, huh?" Scott smirks as he looks over at his son. "What's his name?"

"His name is Jason," Henry tells him, his cheeks turning a bright pink from blushing.

"That's cute, but I still think it's stupid. There's no reason for the school to have little kids celebrating Valentine's Day. You hardly know what love is," Scott scoffs. "Why can't they let y'all just be kids?"

"I know what love is," Henry defends. "It's when you really like someone!"

Scott chuckles. "Okay, Henry. Whatever you say. But, you just tell me if the kids in your class start being mean to you for liking another boy. Daddy will go down to that school and beat their asses," he says.

Henry giggles. "Daddy, why would they be mean to me?" He asks, looking up at his dad.

"Because..." Scott sighs. "Because, some people think that it's wrong for a boy to like another boy. But, don't listen to those people, okay? You can like whoever you want to like, okay?"

"Have you ever liked another boy?" Henry asks as they went to pay for their items.

"Of course I have. I've liked many boys before. I've even been in love before. But, now... I just want to focus on you and take care of you," Scott smiles as he looks down at his son.

Scott pays for the items that they had gotten for Henry's class tomorrow. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and the kids were required to bring cards and candy for the other kids in the class.

So the next day, Scott drops henry off at his classroom.

"Good morning, Mx. Grassi!" Henry greets as he walks into the classroom with his dad.

"Oh, good morning Henry," the teacher smiles as he looks down at the boy. "How are you, this morning?"

"Good! Look, we bought candy!" Henry holds up his bag.

"Good job, Henry. Why don't you take those over to your desk, okay?" The teacher tells him.

"Okay!" Henry starts to take off, but Scott reaches over and quickly grabs him. "Daddy."

"Hey. Can't leave without saying goodbye, can we?" Scott chuckles and gives Henry a kiss on the cheek. "I'll be here to pick you up when school is over, okay? Have a good day at school."

"'Kay, daddy. Love you!" Henry exclaims before running off to sit at his desk.

Scott chuckles and stands up, and then he looks over at the teacher and sighs. "Mitch,"

"Scott," Mitch replies, crossing his arms against his chest. "Still pissed that we broke up?"

"No, I'm pissed that these kids have to learn about Valentine's Day when they hardly no what love is," Scott snapped. "Why can't you just let them be kids? They have plenty of time to learn about love."

Mitch chuckles. "That's really what you're upset about? There are different kinds of love. Valentine's Day is a fun holiday and shouldn't be taken seriously. They get to decorate cards and eat candy. Big whoop,"

Scott scoffs and shakes his head. "Whatever. I have to get going," he starts to walk away but stops when Mitch grabs a hold of him and pulls him back. Scott blinks a few times as he looks up at him. "Mitch?"

"I'm sorry," Mitch apologizes. "I don't mean to be so rude. It's just... weird seeing you everyday again."

"Well, things might have been different if I had known you would be my sons teacher," Scott tells him.

"So, what you're telling me is that... there's no chance of us getting back together?" Mitch asks.

"What?" Scott asks, surprised. "You want to get back with me? It's been three years. You broke up with me because you wanted better things. Remember? I thought you moved on?"

"Truth is, I haven't. I was stupid to break up with you. I still care about you," Mitch says.

Scott takes a deep breath. "This is... a lot to take in," he says.

"How about we talk about it over dinner?" Mitch asks hopefully.

"Okay, but I hope you don't mind Henry tagging along with us? I can't afford a babysitter right now,"

Mitch smiles and shakes his head. "I don't mind at all," he says. "So, will you be my Valentine?"

Scott laughs and shoves Mitch playfully. "Don't be so cheesy. Of course I'll be your Valentine!"

"Mx. Grassi?"

Mitch looks down when he feels a tug on his shirt, and he smiles when he sees Henry. "Oh. Yes, Henry?" He bends down slightly so he can see Henry better.

"Daddy told me that he was in love better. Was he in love with you?" Henry asks.

Scott's eyes widen as he looks over at Mitch, nervous about what he'll say.

"Well, I would like to think so, Henry," Mitch smiles.

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