birthday disasters

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Summary: AU // Scott finds out that he's an Omega on his birthday, and he can't wait to tell his best friend, Mitch. Once Mitch finds out that Scott's an Omega, things don't go as well as Scott thought they would.


Scott gasps as soon as his best friend, Mitch, walks into his bedroom. Scott has been feeling ecstatic all morning after learning that he's an Omega. He couldn't wait to tell Mitch the news. Mitch is an Alpha, and Scott's always had this crush on him. So, he's happy that there's a chance Mitch could be his Alpha.

"What is it that you wanted to tell me?" Mitch asks. "Oh, and happy birthday, Scotty."

Scott beams. "Thanks, Mitchy!" He hugs Mitch tightly. "I've been waiting all day for you to come over."

"I know, but... your parents wanted you to spend time with your family first, and... I get it," Mitch nods.

"Mhm. I've had the best day ever. You wanna know why?" Scott asks, squealing. "I'm an Omega! Wow. Can you believe it? It's what I wanted. I would never surprise as an Alpha. Oh, Mitch...?" He frowns when he sees that Mitch isn't saying anything, and he's only staring at Mitch. "What's wrong?"

Mitch scoffs and shakes his head. "You're an... Omega?" He asks.

"Y-Yeah...?" Scott blinks a few times. "I don't think that's very surprising. I'm not that buff of a guy, and mommy says that I'm too sweet to ever be an Alpha. Dad agrees with her, even though he really wanted me to be an Alpha, but he accepts me as an Omega too."

"Well, he shouldn't," Mitch snaps. "Nobody is going to love you as an Omega."

Scott gasps. "Wh-What?" He asks, not believing what Mitch just said. "Mitchy..."

"No. You're nothing but a worthless Omega, Scott. That's all you'll ever be. A stupid, worthless, male Omega that no Alpha would want. Including me," Mitch takes a deep breath.

Scott's eyes begin to water up. He has no idea why Mitch is saying all of these hurtful things to him, and now he's just lost his best friend. There's no way he could ever look at Mitch the same.

"I-I think you should g-go," Scott sniffs, quickly wiping a tear that slips out of his eye.

"Gladly," Mitch snaps before turning and storming out of Scott's bedroom without saying another word.

Mitch makes his way downstairs, where he sees Scott's sister Lauren.

"Hey, Mitch! Are you staying over for dinner tonight since it's Scott's- oh," Lauren frowns as Mitch completely ignores her and walks out of the house, slamming the door shut. "That can't be good." She runs up the stairs and makes her way to Scott's room. She takes a deep breath and pushes the door open.

There, she finds Scott on his bed, covered in his blankets. She can hear him sniffing. Lauren doesn't know what's happened but she knows that if Mitch hurt her little brother then she is going to be pissed.

"Scott?" Lauren asks softly, walking over to the bed. She hears a whimper from under the blankets, and Scott tries to hide himself even more. Now she knows something definitely happened.

"Go away!" Scott cries, sniffing, and curling up into a ball.

Lauren sighs, and sits down on the bed next to Scott. She reaches over and then she gently pulls down the blanket. She gasps when she sees that Scott's face is covered in tears, and he's still crying. It breaks her heart to see Scott so upset, especially on his birthday. He should be happy, and only crying happy tears.

"Scotty," Lauren whispers, reaching over to wipe away his tears, but they keep pouring out of his eyes. "What's wrong? Why did Mitch leave like that? He completely ignored me."

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