back to how we were

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Summary: Scott and Mitch break up after a big argument. A couple years later, their friends think they should reunite and make up with each other, but how will the two react?

A/N: sorry I haven't posted in awhile(?). wattpad is having a breakdown or something and I didn't want to post if no one could see anything. so, yeah... anyways, someone requested this :)


"You know, what?" Mitch scoffs angrily at his boyfriend standing in front of him before taking the ring off of his finger and throwing it at the tall blonde in his front of him. "Fuck you, Scott! You can forget this whole marriage thing. How can I fucking marry someone that doesn't even trust me? I'm out of here!"

Scott gasps as the ring hits him in the face, and he quickly catches the ring before it falls. "Wait, Mitchy... please," he begs. He quickly tries to grab Mitch's arm but Mitch shoves him back, causing him to fall onto the couch. He looks up at Mitch as tears begin to form in his eyes, but Mitch is too angry to feel sorry.

"No," Mitch snaps. "You had your chance. We're through." He grabs his phone and keys and then he storms out of the living room without saying another word to Scott.

Scott sits there for a second, shocked at the events that just happened, before he jumps up from the couch and runs after Mitch. He leaves the house as fast as he can, but it's too late. Mitch is already pulling out of the driveway. There's no stopping him, and he's not coming back either, and it's all Scott's fault.

If only Scott had just trusted Mitch, none of this would have happened.

After that night, things went downhill for Scott. Mitch stopped responding to his texts and calls, and Scott finally gave up which is something he didn't want to do. But, it was obvious that Mitch no longer wanted anything to do with him. Scott doesn't blame him though. Mitch has every right to hate him.

A few months later, Pentatonix were forced to end, due to the fact that Mitch and Scott would not cooperate and were refusing to be in the same room as each other. They couldn't get anything done.

Scott hates that it came down to this, and it's all his fault.

Scott turned to alcohol and pretty much drank twenty four seven now, and locked himself up in the house that he used to share with Mitch. He thought about just selling the house and getting an apartment, but there's too many memories from this house that he's not ready to let go of yet.

"Scott, you can't keep doing this to yourself. You have to move on,"

Scott rolls his eyes for the millionth time as Kirstie tries to give him another lecturing about how he's ruining his life, and how he should just move on from Mitch already because Mitch has already moved on.

"Kirst, just leave me alone, alright?" Scott snaps before walking into the kitchen to grab more alcohol.

"But, you have some much more potential than this. You're talented, Scott. People wanna hear your voice, and hear what you have to say. You shouldn't throw everything away just because of some guy,"

Scott turns around and glares at Kirstie. "No! He's not just some guy! He was my childhood best friend. You know how I feel about him so don't you dare fucking talk about him like that,"

"That's funny, if only you could hear some of the stuff he says about you," Kirstie mumbles.

Scott stares at her with wide eyes. "Wh-What does he say?" He asks.

"I... I don't want to upset you," Kirstie frowns. "I shouldn't have said anything. Mitch will kill me."

Scott immediately walks up to Kirstie, almost in her face. "What does he say, Kirstin?"

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