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Summary: AU // Scott is Mitch's english teacher and they're in a relationship. Mitch is shy and gets bullied a lot. He's had a rough life but Scott's always been his comforter and protecter. He'll do anything in his will power to keep his boyfriend happy.

Trigger Warnings: mentions of abuse and bullying


"Mitchell, stop doodling in your notebook and pay attention,"

Mitch jumps and looks up at the teacher, Mr. Hoying.

 Great. Now everybody is staring at him and Mitch absolutely hates having attention on him. The funny thing is that Mr. Hoying knows this very well.

"Thank you," Mr. Hoying says as he gives Mitch a nod, when Mitch closes his notebook, before he starts going off about their homework for tonight, earning groans from the classroom.

Class finally ended. Mitch quickly gathers his things and starts heading out the door but stops when he hears Mr. Hoying call his name. A chorus of 'ooh's' and snickers spread throughout the classroom.

"I'd like for you to stay after class, Mitchell," Scott says as he stands up from his seat.

Mitch blushes and remains where he is, watching as all the students leave.

"Goodbye Mr. Hoying, see you on Monday!"

"Goodbye ladies," Mr. Hoying says, rolling his eyes when the girls giggle at him. "They never learn..." He sighs before shutting the door so that it's just he and Mitch there now. "Mitch..."

"I-I'm sorry for not paying attention..." Mitch says quickly.

"What? You're not in trouble," Scott says as he sits down on one of the desks.

"I'm... not?" Mitch says as he tilts his head slightly.

"No silly. It's last period and school's over now," Mr. Hoying grins. "You can call me Scott now."

"But won't people be suspicious, Sir?" Mitch asks curiously.

"We'll just say that you're staying after school for extra credit," Scott says. "Unless you want to go home..."

"Well, we live together. I don't like being home without you," Mitch blushes.

"That's sweet," Scott walks over to Mitch and kisses his forehead. "Do you need to go to your locker?"

"Yes, please. It will only take a few minutes," Mitch says.

"Of course. Do you have any homework tonight?" Scott asks.

"Just yours. You're the only one who ever gives us homework on the weekend," Mitch huffs.

Scott laughs and opens the door for Mitch. "All you have to do is read and fill in the blanks. Simple,"

"I hate reading," Mitch whines. "I've never been a good reader."

"Well good thing your boyfriend is a teacher who can help you," Scott whispers in Mitch's ear. "Now go, and hurry back." He gently pats Mitch's butt and pushes him out of the classroom.

Mitch giggles and takes off down the hallway.

Scott smiles as he watches Mitch and then chats to a couple of students passing by.

Scott's sitting at his desk by the time Mitch comes back.

"Shut the door please," Scott says softly, not looking up from his paper.

Mitch does as Scott says and then walks over and sits down at the desk in front of Scott's.

"I have a few papers to do and then we can head home, alright?" Scott looks up at Mitch.

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