kissing booth (pt. 2)

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Summary: AU // Scott is Mitch's new sugar daddy, saving him from becoming homeless. Mitch doesn't know squat about sugar daddies but he will do anything to stay off the streets. Luckily, Scott is there to teach him that having a sugar daddy isn't so bad.

A/N: So, I was wondering if y'all think that I should end this book now and start a new oneshots book now, or just keep posting here until I reach the limit? I've never reached the limit on a wattpad book before so idk haha. Either way, I'm still posting a new oneshots book. Also, this book is almost at 300k views which is insane lol.


Mitch gasps as he's slammed against the wall, his arms being held up while the man in front of him is kissing him roughly. But, Mitch doesn't mind. This is what he's signed up for. Literally.

"Is this what it's going to be like every day from now on?" Mitch asks, panting, as the man pulls his shirt off and starts kissing his stomach. He looks down at the blonde, smirking slightly.

"I gave you a chance to back out," the blonde looks up at him. "You already signed the contract."

"I'm not backing out," Mitch replies. "I've just never done anything like this before, though..."

The blonde, Scott, pulls away from Mitch and stands straight. "I don't want you to feel pressured to do this. I know it was kind of a shock when I walked up to your kissing booth and referred to myself as daddy."

"Oh no. I'm so sorry. I've ruined the mood, haven't I?" Mitch silently curses himself. "It's my first day being your sugar baby and I've already screwed up. I knew I shouldn't have taken this opportunity."

Scott frowns, and shakes his head quickly. "No, no, no. Do not apologize. Ever. I don't want you to feel pressured or doing something that makes you uncomfortable. There are safe words for a reason. If there's something you need to talk about before we continue doing this, then please... let me know. I'll answer any and all questions you may have about being my sugar baby."

Mitch takes a deep breath and then he shakes his head. "Talk later. I just want you to fuck me," he gently snakes his arms around Scott's neck and then kisses him roughly.

Scott moans into the kiss, and then pulls away and starts kissing Mitch's neck, while unzipping his pants.

Mitch looks up at Scott and takes a deep breath.

How he went from having a kissing booth at a fair to earn money to having a sugar daddy is beyond him, but he'll do anything to keep himself from going homeless. Having sex with someone for money isn't so bad. Scott may be older than him but he's attractive, and he's not horrible either. He made sure that he went through everything with Mitch so he wouldn't be confused about what being a sugar baby is.

After they've finished their sexual activities, and Mitch takes a nice bubble bath. Scott takes Mitch downstairs to the living room so that they could talk more. Because, Scott could tell that Mitch is still a little hesitant about this 'sugar daddy' deal that they've made. He wants Mitch to feel comfortable.

"You're free to leave this place at any time," Scott begins once they're comfortable on the couch, the TV is on in the background but neither are paying attention to it. "You may have signed a contract but you are not a prisoner here. You are free to go back to your old apartment if that's what you wish for. I don't want you to feel trapped. The only thing is you be here when I need you to be here, and in return, I give you money."

"As long as I'm still allowed to see my friends," Mitch says, feeling slightly relieved, though he still has a million other questions swirling in his mind.

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