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Summary: Scott is in an abusive relationship but he's not allowed to tell anybody, but Mitch finds out eventually and helps Scott get out of the abusive relationship.

Trigger Warnings: abuse, lots of it, sorry


Scott giggles as he reads the comments on his phone. "You guys are so funny,"

It's Friday night and Scott is bored out of his mind as his best friend isn't home right now, so he decided to go live on Periscope. His fans always made him feel better whenever he isn't feeling right and that's what they were doing right now.

Besides, Scott's boyfriend isn't home so he's doing this while he-

Scott looks up as soon as he hears the front door open, which only means one thing.


"Uh oh," Scott quickly sits up and his eyes fill with fear. "I gotta go, guys. Love you, love you, love you. Bye!" He blows a kiss to the camera and quickly ends his periscope. If Adam had caught him on Periscope, he'd been dead, and that's not something Scott would have wanted the fans to see.

Hell, the fans don't even know that he's in a relationship. Nobody did.

Scott kept it a secret, it's not like he had any other choice. Adam threatened to kill him if he told anyone, and so he didn't tell anyone. He didn't even tell his best friend, Mitch. He's too scared.

Scott nervously stands up from the bed and walks over to the door, slowly opening it, just as Adam's walking up the stairs. His eyes widen slightly but he stands still.

"Who were you talking to?" Adam asks as he walks up to Scott.

"No one... just myself," Scott answers quickly.

Adam chuckles. "You really are fucking crazy," he says before grabbing Scott and pushing him inside.

"A-Adam, please-" Scott begs, already knowing what's about to happen. "I-I have to be with P-Pentatonix tomorrow. Can't it wait?" Lie, but it's the only excuse he has to get away from Adam.

"Well, that's too damn bad. I've had a stressful day at work and I need you to be a good boy for once,"

Scott gasps as he's pushed down onto the bed. "Adam-"

"Fuckin' talk again and I'll punish you, understand?" Adam growls.

Scott watches helplessly as Adam takes off his shirt, and then crawls onto him.

It's been a year of this, of the same thing. Scott being used by Adam. If he didn't do what he'd told to do then he would get punished. Scott's used to it by now though.

Scott wishes that he never went out the night he broke up with Alex, which has been over a year ago. He would have never met Adam in the first place, and he would still be happy.


"Whoa, twitter is blowing up," Kirstie says as she sits next to Mitch on the couch.

They were having a girls night while Scott is home alone with Adam. They didn't know about Adam.

"What for?" Mitch asks as he looks over at Kirstie.

"Dunno. Something about Scott being on periscope," Kirstie tells him.

"He must be bored," Mitch chuckles, and then pulls out his phone. "I told him he could come."

"That's weird. Fans are legit freaking out," Kirstie says. "It's all over my twitter, even in my mentions. They're telling us that we should check on Scott." She looks over at Mitch.

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