future husband

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Summary: Mitch finds a ring one day in Scott's bedside table, and confronts him about it.


"I want that one," Scott says as he points to a shiny ring, that's well over one thousand dollars.

Scott hadn't meant to get totally wasted. It just happened.

And now, here he was, standing in a jewelry store, buying a ring for someone he's not even dating.

"Who's the lucky woman?" The cashier asks as he tugs the ring carefully in a bag.

"It's for the most beautiful boy in the entire world," Scott says, grinning.

"Oh, a boy? That's wonderful. Congratulations. I hope everything goes well with you two,"

"It will, trust me. We're going to be together forever," Scott says as he takes the bag. "We're meant to be together."

"I understand," the cashier chuckles. "Have a good night, Sir. Be safe."

"Thank you," Scott says before skipping out of the jewelry store with a smile on his face.

Scott manages to make it home in one piece. He stumbles into the house. He shuts the door, rather loudly, and looks around. The lights are off so Mitch must already be in bed.

Scott looks down at the ring sitting in the bag and pouts. Guess he'll have to wait.

Scott had set the ring aside, but kept it in a safe place by his bed, locked up in a drawer.

Unfortunately, Scott had completely forgotten about the ring after things started getting busy again with Pentatonix. They were preparing for their upcoming Christmas tour, and they were planning holiday stuff. Scott wanted to go on holiday with Mitch as well as visit his family.

"Mitch!" Scott yells, pouting as he looks around the living room.

"What?" Mitch yells back from upstairs. "Are you ready to go yet?"

"I can't find my wallet!" Scott yells, sighing frustratedly. He and Mitch were planning on going shopping for a little bit but Scott can't go anywhere if he doesn't have his wallet.

"Are you kidding me, Scott?" Mitch asks as he walks halfway down the stairs and looks over at Scott. "How the fuck are we supposed to go shopping if you don't have your wallet?"

"I don't know. Can you check my room? I'll continue looking down here," Scott says.

Mitch rolls his eyes and then rushes back upstairs, and walks to Scott's bedroom. He looks around the room for a moment before walking over to the bedside table and opening it. He moves some stuff around, and then he comes across a little bag. He reaches down and opens it, and his eyes widen when he sees the box inside of it.

"What the fuck?" Mitch asks himself out loud, staring at the box. He slowly opens the box and gasps when he sees the ring inside the box. Scott didn't tell him that he had a boyfriend. He was going to propose? Scott was going to propose to someone without even telling Mitch?

"Did you find it?"

Mitch jumps at the sudden of Scott's voice, almost dropping the box but quickly catching it.

Scott walks into the room and raises his eyebrows when he sees Mitch holding something. "What's that?"

"I don't know, you tell me..." Mitch turns around and holds up the ring. "You have a boyfriend?"

"What? No. I-" Scott walks over and grabs the ring from Mitch and stares at it. "I didn't buy this."

"It was in your drawer so it obviously belongs to you, Scott. Did someone else propose to you then?" Mitch asks, crossing his arms against his chest. He doesn't know why he's angry about this, but he is.

Scott blinks a few times as he looks up at Mitch. "Mitch, I swear to you. I really don't know where this ring came from..." He begins, and then his eyes widen. "Oh no. Oh, fuck... this is my ring."

"Yeah, why did you buy it?" Mitch asks, impatiently.

"I was... I was drunk. Like, totally wasted. I bought the ring for..." Scott stops, and looks down.

"For?" Mitch asks, holding out the word slightly. "Scott, who was this ring for?"

Scott takes a deep breath as he looks up at Mitch as tears form in his eyes. He had hoped that he wouldn't have to ever tell Mitch about this ring. "For you,"

Mitch is taken back by Scott's answer. "F-For me? Wh-Why did you buy me an engagement ring?"

Scott sighs and then he sits down on the bed, running a hand through his hair. "I fucked up, okay?" He mumbles.

"Scott," Mitch warns before sitting next to him. "Talk to me, please. Why did you buy me this ring?"

"I told you... I was drunk. You know I get emotional when I'm drunk. You got another new boyfriend and... I-I was just jealous. I guess I had just been thinking about us all night that I went and bought you a ring," Scott tells him. "That's the honest truth, and I'm sorry Mitch."

"What do you think would have happened if you had actually proposed to me?" Mitch asks calmly.

"I think you would have left," Scott says, looking over at Mitch. "And I wouldn't have blamed you."

Mitch chuckles and shakes his head. "I wouldn't have left," he says. He reaches over and grabs the ring, and then he places it in Scott's hand, and holds up his own hand. "Put it on me."

"Mitch-" Scott begins, shaking his head. "This isn't a good idea."

"Shush, okay? Just put the ring on me," Mitch bites his lip slightly.

Scott hesitates before slipping the ring on Mitch's finger, surprised that it actually fits him. "Wow,"

Mitch smiles. "It's beautiful," he whispers as he stares at it. "Yes."

"What?" Scott asks, looking over at Mitch with wide eyes.

"Yes, I'll marry you," Mitch says without any hesitation. "Of course I'll marry you."

"Mitch, this is a big decision to make. W-We aren't even dating," Scott says. "You'll have to spend the rest of your life with me. I mean... the reason we didn't work out is because we didn't want to ruin-"

Mitch rolls his eyes as Scott continues to ramble on. He grabs Scott's shirt and pulls him in for a kiss, kissing him with all the passion he had in him.

The kiss lasts for a few moments before Mitch finally pulls away and takes a deep breath. "Holy shit-"

Scott looks up at Mitch and smiles. "You sure you want to become my future husband?"

"I wouldn't want to be anyone else's future husband," Mitch replies, a smile forming on his face.

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