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Summary: Mitch gets heartbroken, and Scott's there to make him feel better.


Mitch slams the door shut behind him and storms into his apartment, heading straight to the kitchen. Mitch was heartbroken, but he was also angry, and he needs alcohol as soon as possible.

Mitch walks over to the fridge and opens it, pulling out vodka. He needs to forget, he wants to forget.


Mitch doesn't say anything when he hears Scott's voice, he only grabs a glass from the cabinet.

"Mitch," Scott says when he enters the kitchen. "What's going on?"

"I'm drinking. Do you want a glass?" Mitch asks, still not looking at him.

"No, I'm fine," Scott answers, still confused at what was going on. "Um, did something happen?"

"Yeah, something fucking happened," Mitch snaps as he pours his vodka into a glass.

"Mitchie, please slow down," Scott begs as he starts to worry for his best friend. He hasn't seen Mitch act like this in a long time which worries him.

"Scott," Mitch snaps angrily as he finally looks over at the tall blond. "I got my fucking heart broken. So just leave me alone while I drink over it."

"Wait... who hurt you?" Scott asks, instantly walking over to Mitch to comfort him. The thought of Mitch being heartbroken, broke Scott's own heart.

Mitch sighs. "The boy I've been seeing. I don't want to talk about it right now," he mumbles.

"No. Come on Mitchie... you don't have to drink to get over a boy. He's not worth it. Let's put on a movie, I'll order us a pizza, and we can eat all the ice-cream in the world," Scott says.

Mitch blinks a few times as he looks up at Scott. "You'd do that for me?"

"Are you serious? You're my best friend. I'd crawl to the end of the Earth for you," Scott chuckles, and he gently kisses Mitch's cheek. "And I'd also kill the fucker who broke your heart."

Mitch laughs and pushes him playfully. "I'll go get the movie ready. But I'm not wasting this vodka," he says before walking out of the kitchen with the glass of vodka in his hands.

Scott chuckles and shakes his head, and then he pulls out his phone to order the pizza. He desperately wants to be able to comfort Mitch, because Mitch doesn't deserve to get his heart broken like this, and part of him wants to find the douche who hurt Mitch, but he knows that wouldn't make this situation any better, so he just needs to be able to be there for his best friend.

"Pizza will be here in thirty," Scott announces as he walks into the living room, where he found Mitch sitting on the couch, staring blankly at the tv screen. Netflix was on but he hasn't chosen a movie to watch. "Mitchie?" Scott bites his lip before walking over to the couch and sitting next to him. "You okay?"

Mitch blinks a few times and takes a deep breath. "Why does this keep happening?"

"I'm... not sure what you mean?" Scott asks nervously.

"Why can't I find the one?" Mitch asks quietly as he looks down at his hands.

Scott frowns. "It'll happen, you've still got so much time left," he whispers softly.

Mitch sighs and leans against Scott, and Scott instantly wraps his arms around Mitch and pulls him closer, gently rubbing his back to calm him down. "I just don't want to be single forever, you know?"

"I understand, I do..." Scott nods. "You'll find the one eventually. Don't stress about it. You're still young, and you should be having fun while you still can. You don't need a man."

"I know, I know that. Really... but, it would just be nice, you know?" Mitch sighs.

"Can I ask, what happened?" Scott asks, biting his lip slightly.

"I saw him at the coffee shop," Mitch begins. "He was with another boy and I didn't think anything of it, but then I saw them kiss. So naturally I walk over to the jerk and pour my coffee on his head."

Scott laughs loudly. "Oh God. I would have loved to see that,"

"It was quite a site if I'm being honest. I just... I really thought we were going somewhere. We've been seeing each other for a few weeks. I don't know what I did wrong but... I'm kind of glad I saw him like that early on in the relationship. I would have been more heartbroken if I caught him years into the relationship,"

"Cheaters are the worst kind of people," Scott shakes his head.

"Damn right," Mitch scoffs and rests his head on Scott's chest, and starts looking for a movie to watch.


"Pizza's here!" Scott exclaims as he walks back into the living room with a large box of pizza.

"Finally," Mitch says as he sits up, rubbing his hands together excitedly. "Let me dig in."

Scott grins and places the pizza onto the coffee table. "Wait, I'll go get plates and napkins," he turns around and walks out of the living room to go back to the kitchen.

Mitch shrugs and opens the pizza box, taking a pizza out.

Scott walks in a moment later and chuckles when he sees Mitch is already eating. "Couldn't wait?"

"Come on, you can't expect me to wait when there's a pizza sitting in front of me,"

"Good point," Scott laughs and walks over to the table and places the plates and napkins down.

"Thanks babe," Mitch says as he looks up at Scott.

"You're welcome," Scott smiles as he sits down beside him.

"No, I mean... thanks for doing this. I'm just lucky to have a friend like you during times like this,"

"Did you honestly think that I was going to let you drink alone over a boy?" Scott asks.

"No," Mitch smiles a little. "Where would I be without you?"

"I could say the same thing about you. Pizza makes everything better, eat up," Scott grins and then he gently kisses Mitch's cheek before grabbing his own pizza.

Mitch smiles bigger. Scott was right, he didn't need a boyfriend. He was young, and he could have fun without some other boy, especially when he had Scott beside him.

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