the truth

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This idea is from violinrocks_emily_ I hope you like this ❤


"Why is Scott still with that jerk?" Mitch grumbles, crossing his arms against his chest. "It's been months, and they're still together. I just... I don't understand it. Alex is horrible."

Mitch can see Scott standing with Alex in the cafeteria doorway right now. They're clearly talking about something important because Alex is being hush and Scott looks upset, which Mitch doesn't like at all. He doesn't like when Scott is upset. He deserves to be happy always.

Alex is Scott's first boyfriend, and they've been dating for seven months. Scott is totally in love with him, or so it seems. They seem happy together even though Mitch knows that Alex is not the one for Scott because Alex bullies Scott and controls him. Scott deserve someone better.

"Maybe he sees something in Alex that we don't see," Kirstie suggests, shrugging.

"Alex treats Scott like crap. You've seen it before! He yells at him all the time and calls him bad names, and I don't like it when Scott comes running to me crying because of Alex," Mitch sighs.

"Well, it's not like you can tell Scott to break up with him," Kirstie frowns as she looks at Mitch.

"Mitch!" Scott cries as he runs up to Mitch with tears pouring out of his eyes.

"Scott, what happened?" Mitch asks as he stands up, instantly pulling Scott into a hug.

Scott sobs as he hugs Mitch tightly. "A-Al-Alex broke up with m-me," he cries.

"What?" Mitch yells. He bites his lip as he looks around, and sees a few people staring at them. "Scotty, let's go to the bathroom, okay?" He gently grabs Scott and pulls him out of the cafeteria and then he leads the way to the bathroom where they have more privacy to talk. "Okay, what happened? Talk to me."

"A-Alex br-broke up with me," Scott sobs as tears start pouring out of his eyes.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. I know how much you liked him-"

"You hated him," Scott sniffs, wiping at his eyes.

"That doesn't matter. You liked him and he broke your heart. Did he say why?" Mitch asks.

"He just... he wasn't feeling our relationship anymore a-and he wanted something different so he thought that we should break up. He didn't even give me a chance..." Scott mumbles.

"Well, he's an idiot for breaking up with you because you're a great guy," Mitch whispers as he reaches over and then hands Scott a paper towel to wipe away his tears. "Come on now Scotty, don't let him see you cry. He doesn't deserve your tears."

"I-I loved him," Scott cries. "I'm n-nothing without him!"

Mitch scoffs. "Scott, I'm gonna need you to stop right there. Is that what he told you? Because that is absolutely not fucking true at all. You are beautiful and talented and are loved by many,"

"But why couldn't Alex love me?" Scott cries.

"You'll find someone better than him. That I can promise you," Mitch smiles and pulls Scott into a hug.

The hug lasts for a few seconds before Mitch pulls away again, and looks up at Scott.

"Today's Friday so we have no school tomorrow so you're going to come over tonight and sleepover, and we're going to have a girls night. We're gonna watch movies and paint our nails and gossip..."

"You don't have to do that Mitchy," Scott sniffs a little, though a smile is forming on his face.

Of course Mitch would be there for him, and try to help him forget about Alex.

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