proposals on tour

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Summary: Scott and Mitch have been dating for quite a few years now, and Scott wants to spend the rest of his life with Mitch, so he plans something special on the last day of the On My Way Home tour.


Today was the last day of tour on the On My Way Home Tour. Everybody was excited and they were all filled with nerves as so many people they knew were going to be in the audience.

This was such a big deal for Pentatonix, as they were ending the tour in Arlington, Texas.

Today's show was not only special because it was the last show of the tour, and that it was ending in their hometown, but it was also special because Scott had something planned, specifically for Mitch, his boyfriend of six years. He was nervous more so than usual because he'd been planning this for a long time and he just hoped that everything would work out.

"Nervous?" Kirstie asked, smiling as she stood next to Scott. She and Scott were in the dressing room while the others were messing around somewhere backstage, as they had a half an hour before showtime and they needed to kill time.

"Nervous is the biggest understatement," Scott chuckled. "But I'm also excited."

"Mitch is totally in love with you, you have nothing to worry about," Kirstie smiled.

"But, what if he does say no?" Scott asked, biting his lip nervously.

"Do you honestly, really think that Mitch would say no?" Kirstie asked.

"Yes, I mean... no. I don't know!" Scott groaned. "Maybe he's not ready to settle down and get married yet. We're both still really young and I wouldn't want to pressure him or anything. And not to mention our schedules are busy as fuck, there's a possibility."

"You two don't have to get married right away, you know? Besides, weddings take a long time to plan so it's not like you're going to get married next week," Kirstie said.

"I guess you have a point... but I'm just so nervous, way more than I should be. I love Mitch so much and there's no one else I'd rather spend the rest of my life with," Scott sighed.

"You're such a romantic," Kirstie smiled and kissed Scott's cheek. "Don't worry about Mitch."

"Talking about me again?" Mitch asked as he walked into the room, grinning.

Scott looked over at Mitch and smiled. "Hey stupid,"

"Hey bastard," Mitch laughed as he walked over to Scott and kissed him.

"I'll never understand your relationship," Kirstie laughed and shook her head.

"Nobody will," Mitch smiled as he wrapped his arms around Scott.

"That's what makes our relationship different than others," Scott said. He wrapped his arm around Mitch and kissed his forehead. "Excited for tonight?"

"Yes, I'm very excited..." Mitch answered. "But I'm feeling a little nervous."

"Don't be. You're going to go out there and kill it," Scott assured.

"There's just so many people that we know out there and I don't want to let anyone down..." Mitch sighed as he rested his head on Scott's chest. "But I'm still very excited."

"Me too," Scott looked over and Kirstie and smiled.


"Wow, you guys have been such an amazing crowd," Scott said, smiling at the hundreds of people who were in the audience. "I'll definitely remember this show for a long time."

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