Hogwarts (part one)

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Summary: AU // Scott and Mitch are new students at Hogwarts this year. They meet each other on the Hogwarts Express and become friends. They also meet a girl named Kirstin, and Mitch gets jealous when she and Scott become friends too.


"Bye, mom. I'll see you when school's over," Scott smiles as he waves to his mom, before heading onto the Hogwarts Express. Scott couldn't believe he was finally going to Hogwarts. He's been waiting ever since he got his letter in the mail. He couldn't wait to learn all about magic, and make new friends.

Scott sighs once he gets onto the train. He looks around. There are a lot of people on the train. He starts walking down to find an empty compartment. Unfortunately, he doesn't find one. But, he does find a compartment with just one student in it. So, of course. He's going to take it while he can.

"Excuse me?" Scott asks as he opens the door, looking at the small boy.

The blinks a few times as he looks over at Scott, almost seeming surprised that someone is talking to him.

Scott smiles at him. "All the other compartments are full. Do you mind if I sit here?"

The boy hesitates before shaking his head, so Scott walks in and sits in the seat across from him. "Hello, I'm Scott-" He holds his hand out, but the boy only stares at it. "Oh... um..." He puts his hand down. "Well, what's your name?"

"M... Mitch," the boy answers quietly, speaking up for the first time.

"That's a pretty name," Scott smiles. "Is this your first year at Hogwarts too?"

Mitch slowly nods. He's still confused as to why this boy is talking to him, but he's not complaining, plus... this boy is cute and Mitch won't mind hanging out with a cute boy.

And besides, Mitch doesn't have any friends at home, so why miss this opportunity?

"Have you ever used magic before?" Scott asks excitedly as he now sits next to Mitch.

Mitch slowly nods his head. "On accident, yes. Some kids were bullying me once and I made them fall off their swing," he says, his cheeks turning red from embarrassment. "I got grounded afterwards,"

"That's cool. I bet those kids deserved it for bullying you," Scott nods.

"Yeah. My mom wasn't very amused though," Mitch sighs. "I... don't feel bad for doing it. Is that bad?"

Scott shakes his head. "That's not bad. They were bullying you. They had it coming," he says.

"I'm just... worried that I'll be sorted into Slytherin for thinking such a horrible thing," Mitch admits.

"Well, even if you are sorted into Slytherin... I'll still be your friend," Scott smiles.

Mitch can't help but return the smile, and then he looks over when the trolley comes by.

"Would you like anything from the trolley, dears?" The lady asks.

Mitch instantly sits up, and then he remembers that he doesn't have any money to buy any sweets.

Scott notices this, so he stands up and pulls some money out of his pocket. "We'll take the lot," he says with a smile on his face. He looks down at Mitch, who's only staring at him with wide eyes.

Scott is surprised that Mitch had never had any of the sweets from the trolley, but he later found out that his family is quite poor so he decided not to ask anymore questions.

While Scott and Mitch were eating their sweets, the compartment door opens, revealing a brunette girl.

"Have you seen a toad? A boy named Kevin has lost his," she says.

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