the boy and his bike

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Summary: AU // Mitch is a poet who is taking part of a contest to have his poem published. He only has a few days to finish his poem that he hasn't even started. Mitch meets an annoying biker named Scott.

This was requested by CantSleepMitch and special shoutout to Kirstin_fanacc for helping me come up with this idea. I don't know much about poetry but I really enjoyed writing this :)

Also, I forgot to say this in my last oneshot but thanks say much to everyone who sent in prompts when I posted my authors note. I was seriously running out of ideas and you guys came through so thanks haha. If anyone else wants to leave prompts then go check out my previous authors note!


Mitch sighs as he looks at his surroundings, before taking a seat on the park bench. It's a Sunday afternoon and today he's decided to go out and try to write a poem. There's currently a poetry contest going on right now that he really wants to win and he only has a few days left.

Unfortunately, he's having a tough time coming up with something to write. Mitch is starting to panic because he really wants to win this. The winner of the contest gets their poem published and displayed on the local library, which is a pretty big deal. Mitch has never had any of his work published despite the fact that he's been very passionate about writing and poetry ever since he was a teenager.

Mitch taps his pen against his notebook as he looks around, hoping to get inspiration.

Mitch prefers to go outside and write. He especially likes going to the park and write. There's so much going on and he's able to observe his surroundings which helps him with inspiration for writing.

However, it doesn't take very long before Mitch gets distracted, thanks to a very loud biker.

Mitch covers his ears at the sound of the motorcycle. The noise outside is definitely a con when it comes to writing in public. It does make things harder when he's trying to focus on his writing.

"Come on, Mitch. Focus," Mitch whispers to himself. He looks down at his notebook and sighs.

Mitch blinks a few times when the motorcycle noise gets closer and louder. He looks up and squeals when the biker drives straight up to him, a smirk on his face.

"Excuse me? Do you mind?" Mitch yells, already getting annoyed with the biker.

The man laughs and takes off his helmet. "I saw you staring, so I thought I would come over..."

Mitch rolls his eyes. "Oh, please. I wasn't staring at you. I was staring because that thing-" He points to the motorcycle with his pen. "Is loud, and very annoying. Don't you ever think about the people around you?"

"Why should I? I'm not harming anyone," he replies with a shrug. "My name's Scott."

"I didn't ask for your name, did I?" Mitch sighs.

Scott turns off his motorcycle and stands up. "Boy, you're in a mood," he says.

"I'm trying to write something. I have three days left to finish a poem that I haven't even started yet,"

"You're writing a poem?" Scott asks as he sits down beside Mitch.

"Yes," Mitch looks over at Scott. "Don't tell me you're into poetry?" He raises his eyebrows.

"Hey, we may be big tough guys but bikers can be into poetry too, you know?" Scott chuckles. "Although, I'm personally not really into poetry. It's not really my thing." He shrugs.

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