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Summary: AU // Scott is the new kid and Mitch is the shy, pastel boy who finds out that Scott is his soulmate. He's excited but Scott's not as excited as Mitch is, and ends up breaking Mitch's heart. They're soulmates but Mitch is certain that he's going to end up lonely forever.

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated this in forever but I haven't really had any ideas for oneshots lately and I have also been focusing on my other scomiche books lol

also this book is almost at 150k views? WHAT


Mitch sighs sadly as he stares at the two shapes on his wrist, wishing that they would glow soon, because then that means that he's found his soulmate. Finding his soulmate is all that he's ever wanted.

"Mitchell! Hurry up, dear! It's time to leave for school!"

Mitch jumps at the sound of his mother's voice. He quickly fixes the flower crown on his head and then rushes out of the bathroom. He grabs his backpack and runs down the stairs. "Bye mom!"

"Have a good day at school!"

"Not likely!" Mitch yells before rushing out the door. He sighs before he starts walking towards school. He refuses to ride the bus to school because the kids like to bully him and take his flower crowns and the bus driver doesn't do anything about it. The school is only fifteen minutes away so he doesn't mind the walk.

Mitch finally makes it to school and goes straight to his locker, wanting to make it to class like always so that he doesn't have to deal with bumping into any students in the hallways.

Mitch suddenly feels his body tingling when he's in the middle of pulling down a book out of his locker, sending shivers all over his body. He blinks a few times as he looks around but he doesn't see anything out of the ordinary. Mitch sighs and shuts his locker, and makes his way to the English classroom.

Mitch looks up and is surprised when he sees there's already another student sitting in one of the seats, the seat directly behind his. He seems new as Mitch has never seen him before, and Mitch remembers hearing someone in the hallway talking about the school getting a new student today.

"Good morning Mitchell,"

Mitch jumps slightly and looks over at the teacher, Mrs. Kelly. "Good morning Mrs. Kelly," he mumbles before quickly walking to his seat. He pulls out his notebook and starts doodling. He happens to glance down at his wrist and notices the two shapes on his wrist are glowing.

On his wrist is a moon and a star attached together. His soulmate has the very same shapes inked on their wrist, the only problem is that Mitch has no idea who his soulmate is or where they're at. He doesn't even know if they're a boy or a girl. God, he hopes it's a boy.

Mitch instantly turns around and looks back at the blonde boy sitting behind him.

The boy looks up at Mitch with wide eyes, seeming just as shocked as him.

"Is yours-" Mitch begins.

"Is my... what?" The boy asks, covering his wrist up with the sleeve of his jacket.

Mitch frowns as he watches him, and he's positive that his soulmate is sitting right behind him.

Most soulmates are happy when they find each other, this is the part where Mitch is supposed to jump into his soulmates arms and cry happy tears. Does his soulmate not want to meet him?

"Nevermind," Mitch mumbles before turning around. He feels embarrassed and sad.


The tingling feeling in his body doesn't go away throughout the whole school day, and Mitch assumes that it's because he's around Scott most of the day. Mitch learns that the boy's name is Scott.

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