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Summary: Scott comforts Mitch when he has a nightmare.

A/N: Halloween is coming up, do you guys have any prompts? Any ideas for oneshots? ^__^


Scott can't sleep. It's 3am and he's still browsing on his laptop. But, he still can't sleep.

His boyfriend is sleeping soundly next time, and Scott's a little jealous. Tour starts in a couple of days and he's tried to fix his sleeping pattern, but nothing seems to work. He's even stopped going out late and partying and even that hasn't worked. All he wants to do is sleep.

Scott yawns as he clicks off another youtube video. How many is that now? That 50th one?

Scott's lost count at this point. He's too tired to care.

Scott feels Mitch shifting beside him though he doesn't think anything of it, until he hears Mitch mumbling in his sleep. He looks over and frowns at the boy. Mitch is probably having a nightmare. Scott doesn't want to wake him up but he also doesn't want Mitch to have to suffer through another nightmare.

Scott places his laptop down on the bedside table and then he reaches over and gently shakes Mitch.

"Mitch?" Scott asks softly. "Mitchy, wake up."

"No," Mitch mumbles as he turns on his side, his back now facing Scott.

Scott sighs and shakes Mitch more. "Come on, Mitchy. Wake up. You're having a nightmare,"

"N-No. St- don't!" Mitch cries as he starts thrashing more.

Scott gasps and quickly grabs Mitch's arms and holds onto him. Luckily he's been with Mitch many times before when he's had these nightmares so he knows exactly what to do to wake him up. He gently pins Mitch's wrists down on the bed and then climbs on top of him, straddling his wrist.

"Mitchy!" Scott shouts, and then takes a deep breath.

Mitch's eyes shot open and he lets out a gasp. He stares at Scott, obviously confused.

Scott sighs in relief once Mitch finally wakes up. "Hi," he says.

"N-Nightmare?" Mitch breathes, taking deep breaths, trying to calm himself down.

"Yes," Scott answers, letting go of Mitch's wrists and gently moving his hair out of his eyes. "Stay here, okay? I'll go get you some water." He slides off of Mitch and walks out of the bedroom.

Mitch takes a deep breath before pushing himself up. He rests his back against the headboard and closes his eyes. He absolutely hates having nightmares. Especially ones that involve Scott getting hurt.

Scott comes back in a few moments later with a glass of water in his hands. He walks over to the bed and hands the glass to Mitch. "Here you go," he says before sitting down on the bed next to Mitch.

"Thanks," Mitch mumbles before taking a sip of the water.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Scott asks. "The nightmare, I mean."

Mitch bites his lip and then he sets the glass of water down on the bedside table.

"It was about you," Mitch says as he looks up at the blonde.

Scott blinks a few times. "Me?" He asks nervously. "Did something happen to me?"

"You were being tortured," Mitch says. "We were being held hostage. Th-They made me w-watch them torture you and I couldn't do anything about it. I-I was afraid that they would k-kill you."

Scott's eyes widen, and then he instantly wraps his arms around Mitch and pulls him into a hug.

Mitch lets out a sob. "I-I can't lose you. Y-You mean everything to me,"

"Shh. It's alright," Scott whispers as he rubs Mitch's arm. "I'm right here. You'll never lose me."

Mitch closes his eyes as he hugs Scott tightly, never letting go of him once.

"We're both safe now. We're together. Nobody is going to hurt either of us. It was just a nightmare," Scott whispers as he continues to comfort Mitch, keeping the smaller boy in his arms.

"I fucking hate nightmares," Mitch mumbles into Scott's chests.

"I know," Scott frowns. "I hate when you have them. I don't like seeing you upset like this."

"Don't you ever leave me," Mitch warns as he looks up at Scott. "I'd be a mess without you."

Scott chuckles as he looks down at Mitch. "Guess what? I'd be a mess without you too," he says before leaning down and gently kisses Mitch once before pulling away. "You're stuck with me forever."

"I'm okay with that," Mitch whispers as he rests his head on Scott's chest.

Times like these, when he had nightmares, he's grateful to have Scott around.

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