up in the clouds

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Summary: AU // High above the ground, there's a kingdom in the clouds where everybody is born with wings, except for the royal heir, Character A. Feeling outcast in their own home, Character A travels to the ground, hoping to find more people like them. Character B is an everyday person that finds Character A and teaches them about human life on the ground.

I got this prompt from auideas on tumblr!!


Mitch sighs sadly as he sits up in his room, staring out the window, watching as birds fly past his window. It's like this every single day. Mitch is bored and he wishes he could be out and about.

But unfortunately, he cannot no matter how much he wishes.

You see, Mitch is the royal heir. He runs the kingdom up in the clouds where everybody except for him is born with wings. Mitch doesn't have wings, and he feels left out constantly despite the fact he is royal hair, but he can't go out and do things with the rest of the kingdom and he hates it.

Mitch always thought when he was growing up that being royal heir would be glorious but it's not.

Mitch stands up and walks out of his bedroom, having enough of this boredom finally. He makes his way around the castle and makes sure everyone is okay and doing what they need to be doing.

Mitch has never travelled down to the human world before though he knew that he's always had the option but he's always been too scared. However, there's probably more of a chance that he'll be able to fit in the human world than up in the clouds. What's the harm in trying? Mitch just wants to fit in somewhere.

Mitch gasps as he lands on his feet. He loses his balance and falls down onto his knees.

"Note to self; work on landing," Mitch mumbles, letting out a groan.

"Whoa, are you okay?"

Mitch blinks a few times as he looks up and sees a tall blonde haired boy rushing up to him.


"Here, let me help you," the boy smiles and gently grabs a hold of Mitch, helping him up.

"Thank you," Mitch says to the boy once he's on his feet. He blinks a few times as he looks around, realizing that he has absolutely no idea where he is. He looks over at the other boy. "Um, where are am I?"

"Well, you're in Los Angeles. Are you okay? Are you sick or something?" Scott asks, frowning slightly.

"No, I'm not sick. I'm just lost," Mitch huffs. "That was a bit rude."

"I apologize. I'm just a bit concerned. You seem a bit confused,"

"I am confused. Who are you anyways?" Mitch asks, crossing his arms against his chest.

"My name is Scott. Pleasure to meet you. What's your name?" The boy, Scott, asks.

Mitch almost tells him off, because how dare he not know who Mitch is? Mitch is the royal air! But then, Mitch remembers that he's not up in the clouds where everybody knows his name. He's in the human world where nobody knows his name which is very hard for Mitch to comprehend.

"My name is Mitch," Mitch finally answers. "I should get going. I don't want to be a bother." He turns around and starts walking away from the blonde boy. He's walking down the sidewalk next to a busy street. There are quite a lot of buildings around him but Mitch has absolutely no idea what they are. They don't really have stuff like this up in the clouds. It's all very confusing to Mitch and he's overwhelmed.


Mitch looks behind him and sees Scott running up to him.

"You're going to get lost. Why don't you hang around me?" Scott suggests.

"We don't even know each other?" Mitch asks, blinking a few times. "I could be a murderer!"

"Are you?" Scott asks, raising his eyebrows. "You don't seem like a murderer."

"I'm not a murderer," Mitch says, shaking his head quickly. "I would never..."

"Alright. I believe you," Scott chuckles. "Let me show you around. You can trust me."

"Okay then. Lead the way," Mitch says, and then he starts following Scott down the sidewalk. "Hey Scott, what are those things?" He taps on Scott's shoulder and points to the box things speeding past them.

Scott raises his eyebrows as he looks back at Mitch, a little shocked that Mitch had no idea what those things were. "Those are cars," he replies. "Where are you from?"

"I'd rather not say," Mitch says. He could get in big trouble if he told a human about where he's from. Scott seems trustworthy but not that trustworthy. Mitch hardly knows this human. What if Scott's a murderer!

"Well it sounds like you're from another planet!" Scott laughs.

Close enough, Mitch thinks to himself. This human world is like a completely different planet to him.

Scott spends the next few hours taking Mitch around Los Angeles and showing him all these different things and Mitch is just amazed. He had no idea how spectacular the human world is. He never wants to go back up in the clouds but he knows that he has no choice. He is the royal hair whether he likes it or not.

"This is a cell phone," Scott says as he holds a rectangular object in his hands.

"Wow," Mitch examines the object in amazement. "What does it do?"

Scott laughs. "This is how you contact people. You can call someone or text them," he says.

"So, other humans have this too?" Mitch asks, looking up at Scott.

"Yes," Scott confirms. "Not everybody but most people. It's the fastest way of communication. But, you can play games and watch movies on here too. There's a bunch of different apps you can play on."

"Apps?" Mitch asks, tilting his head slightly. "What are those?"

"Different stuff you can do on your phone. Look. This is twitter," Scott goes to his home screen and presses the blue app with his finger, and another app pops up. "You can talk to anyone around the world."

"What do those numbers mean?" Mitch asks, pointing at the screen.

"Those are notifications. They tell you if you have any updates from people who've been talking to you,"

"Wow," Mitch's eyes widen. "I can't wait to tell Kirstin all about this!"

"Kirstin? Who's that?" Scott asks curiously as he looks over at Mitch.

"Oh, um..." Mitch bites his lip nervously, not wanting to say something that he shouldn't say. "She's a friend from back home. Well, she's my best friend. Speaking of home, I should probably be getting back home."

"I thought you were lost though?" Scott asks. "How will you get back home?"

"Don't worry about me, Scott. I'll be fine," Mitch says as he stands up from the chair. "I appreciate everything you've taught me today. I wish I could stay and learn everything about this incredible world."

"Why can't you?" Scott asks, also standing up. "I have an extra bedroom in my apartment. You... You can stay with me for a couple of days if you would like. It would be so much fun."

"That sounds very tempting but my family would be missing me," Mitch says. He reaches over and hugs Scott, and then kisses his cheek. "You're a very sweet boy. I hope to see you again someday."

"I would like that very much," Scott closes his eyes as he hugs Mitch back.

"I'll see you again soon, Scott," Mitch says. He gives Scott one last smile before turning and walking out of the coffee shop they had been at, and he vanishes back up into the clouds.

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