Chapter 8

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Chris pov.

I watch as Lana has fallen asleep in my lap. I smile as she looks so peaceful. I dont think Oscar's dad ever showed her one ounce of respect or has ever cared for her... I could see it in her eyes whenever i showed some affection... It was like it was all foreign to her... 

I shift so we are now both lying down on the couch. She cuddles into me and i smile because it feels nice having her in my arms. And although i wished i could just kiss all her troubles away i know we have to take things slow... But i could still feel her lips on mine from our sweet short kiss this morning... It gave me hope... I just wanted to show her that i was serious... About her and Oscar... Call me crazy because we dont know each other for that long but something draws me to her...

After we had swapped numbers, we texted a lot and i had to stop myself from texting her day and night... I didn't want to overwhelm her and chase her away... and after 2 weeks i thought i just asked her what she and Oscar were up to... Shooting my shot... I smile because here we are she is lying in my arms... She trusts me enough to fall asleep in my arms... She trusts me enough to let me be around Oscar, but she set clear boundaries... Oscar comes first and i understand and respect that...  And even if she chooses to be just friends i would be there for them... I promised her and i was going to keep that promise no matter what... The smile on her face when i played with Oscar on our hike makes it all worth it. Oscar is a funny and sweet kid... Playing with him was fun. 

All of a sudden i hear the front door open and close and ma yelling out for me. Before i could even react, she walked into the living room and froze on the spot. "I am sorry i... i didn't know..." Ma stammers and Lana wakes up. For a moment Lana is a bit confused but then her eyes go wide as she sees my mom. She blushes and runs her hand through her hair straightening herself out... and she stands up. 

I sigh as i had not planned on doing it like this but i have no choice now... "Ma this is Lana... Lana.... this is my mother... Lisa..." I say and Lana steps forward and sticks out her hand for ma to shake. "Nice to meet you ma'am..." Lana says blushing. "Nice to meet you to and please call me Lisa..." Ma says and pulls Lana in for a hug. I can see her freeze up and ma notices to. "I am sorry i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable... We are just a family of huggers ma says with a big smile on her face. "It's okay..." Lana says softly and then looks at me. "I am going to check on Oscar..." She says to me and i nod... "Excuse me..." She says to my mother and leaves the room to check up on Oscar.

"She seems sweet..." Ma says smiling and i blush. "She is..." I say smiling. "We went on a hike today with her son and the dogs..." I say smiling and ma smirks. "Hanging out with the kid... It is serious..." Ma says grinning and i sigh. "Ma dont... We are just friends for now... She wants to take it slow..." I say and ma smirks... "Yeah sure... Friends... Friends who cuddle up on the couch..." She says and i let out a sigh shaking my head because ma can get a little bit ahead of herself...  Ma is just about to say something when Lana appears again with Oscar. 

Oscar comes running in with Dodger and Bob and i chuckle as he runs up to my mom. "Are you Chris his mommy...?" He asks her and ma chuckles and gets down to his level. "I am and what is your name?" She asks him and he looks to Lana who nods. "I am Oscar..." He says pointing to himself. "Wauw that is a beautiful name..." Ma says smiling and Oscar blushes. "Do you know how to make hot coco...?" He asks my mother and both Lana and i chuckle...

"Do i know how to make hot coco...? Sweetheart i make the best hot coco in whole Boston..."  My mom says. "Really?" He asks her in awe and i look at Lana who is watching everything with a smile on her face but a tear rolling down her cheek. I wrap my arm around her pulling her into my side and kiss her temple. 

"If it is okay with your mom i can make you some..." My mother says. "Can i mommy...?" Oscar asks all excited. "If it is okay with Mrs. Evans than it is okay with me..." She says smiling. "Lisa sweetheart please call me Lisa..." Ma says smiling and then turns to Oscar holding out her hand. "Let's go get you some hot coco..." Ma says and Oscar takes her hand and they both walk to the kitchen. 

We both watch ma and Oscar walk into the kitchen chatting about hot coco and Lana chuckles as Oscar shows her his captain America doll. "I am sorry i hadn't planned on you meeting my mother so soon... I know you want to take things slow..." I said and she smiled. "It is okay... Your mother seems sweet..." Lana whispers and i let out a sigh of relief about the fact she is not freaking out... Well at least not on the outside. 

I take her hand and kiss the back of it before releasing it and we both walk into the kitchen. I smile as ma has lifted Oscar on the kitchen counter and is making hot coco while explaining everything, she is doing... Oscar in return is telling ma about everything he did today on the hike and ma is smiling.  

Ma hands Oscar his hot coco and he is all happy and smiling... Ma pours us all a cup and we all sit down. "So, what do you do for work..." Ma asks and she smiles when Lana tells her about her books. I smile as ma and Lana talk and it all seem to flow naturally, and ma and Lana seem to click...

"I saw mommy and Chris kiss at our house..." Oscar says all of a sudden out of the blue and both Lana and i almost choked on our hot coco... Ma looked at Lana and i and smirked...  

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