Chapter 14

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Chris pov...

It was now Thursday and Lana and i had been texting back and forth a little bit but after her leaving my house i hadn't seen her again. I missed her... I knew that she had no plans today and was home... Oscar was at school so i decided to surprise her and bring her some lunch. 

I picked up some of her favorites and drove to her place. I was nervous... I arrive at her place and smile as her car is here and park beside it. I grab the bag of food and walk to her front and smile as i hear loud music and singing... I watch through the window like some creep and chuckle as i see Lana dance through the living room while cleaning and God it is adorable... Her hair in a messy bun... But i have to swallow hard as i let my eyes roam over her body... She is only wearing some short and a tank top... I take a deep breath and pull myself together shaking the dirty thought out of my head and ring the doorbell... 

The music stops and i can hear her walking to the front door and i know she is checking who it is... The door opens and I smile as Lana looks at me in shock. "Surprise! I brought lunch..." I say smiling and she steps aside and lets me in still not having said a word. 

I walk to the kitchen and put the bag with food on the counter and pull her into my arms and kiss her making her blush and smile. "Hi..." She whispers after we come up for air... "Hi..." I say smiling back and she takes me by surprise kissing me again. I let out a little moan as she deepens the kiss. "I missed you..." I murmur into the kiss, and she smiles. "I missed you to..." She whispers and she holds me a little bit tighter. We stand there for a few minutes holding each other... I can't help but let my hand rub up and down her back and i feel her shiver and i hear her hum making me smile. 

"What is in the bag..." She whispers making me chuckle. "Cheeseburgers and fries..." I whisper and she looks up at me with a big smile. She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me into a kiss again and doesn't let me go... "We should eat... It will get cold..." I whisper and she nods... 

We sit down to eat and i smile as she digs in looking absolutely content... "So, about Halloween..." I say and she looks up at me a little hesitant. "I was wondering... Monday the kids will go trick or treating... But this weekend there is a big maze, and we could do some pumpkin picking and carving... I thought maybe you and Oscar could come over and stay for the weekend and we can make it a Halloween weekend..." I say and Lana's face lights up.  

"I think Oscar would love that..." She says smiling and i smile back. "Only Oscar...?" I say grinning and Lana blushes and shakes her head. "I would love it to..." She whispers. 

We finish up lunch and i watch Lana clean everything up. I bite my lip as she walks around her ass looking amazing in those shorts and i can see she is not wearing a bra under that little tank top... She smiles as she caught me staring and steps between my legs. She wraps her arms around my neck again. "Thank you for lunch and surprising me..." She whispers and kisses me again and i smile into the kiss.  

I groan as her hands glide under my shirt and everywhere she touches me tingles and i shiver. I let my hands glide over her body enjoying every curve under my touch... She moans as i squeeze her ass. 

She starts to push my shirt up and i grin helping her by pulling it over my head... She bites her lip as her eyes roam my bare chest... "Like what you see..." I whisper and she chuckles, but she says nothing as she traces one of my tattoos with her finger.... I hold my breath and let her do her thing following her every move... "Now what sweetheart..." I whisper and she looks up at me with those beautiful eyes, but they are dark but there is a spark in them... She plants a soft kiss on my chest and i close my eyes enjoying the feeling of her lips on my skin... 

"Chris..." She whispers. I open my eyes and look at her and she pulls me in for another kiss... Soft... sweet... passionate... If i could i would kiss her all day... I lifted her up like i had done the last time and put her on the kitchen counter. She smiles and we kiss again. I take the ham of her top in my hands and look at her... She smiles and puts her arms in the air and i pull the top over her head... 

I groan and let my eyes roam her body... God she is perfect... i cup her tits with my hand and roll her nipples between my fingers and she whimpers and pulls me in for another kiss... "Take me to bed Chris..." Lana whispers and i take in a sharp breath... "Are you sure?" I ask... and she nods. "Yes..." She whispers and i kiss her and lift her off the counter. She wraps her legs around my waist and i walk her to her bedroom... 

I carefully lay her on her bed and crawl over her and she smiles shyly at me. I kiss her and she let her hands roam her body. "You are so beautiful..." I whisper and she giggles as a blush creeps over her face... I kiss her again and make my way down... Her little moans egging me on... I kiss down her neck and i smile as she moves her head to the side giving me more access and i smile as her hands are all over me... My own hands find her boobs again softly massaging them and she moans a little louder... 

I kiss my way further down and plant kisses on each of her nipples and she groans squirming underneath me. I kiss my way down further... I hook my thumbs in the little shorts and slowly pull them down groaning at the fact she is not wearing any underwear... I quickly pull of my own pants and i crawl back over her... I kiss her and she blushes... "First drawer..." She whispers and i smirk leaning over and fishing a condom out of the drawer.... I guess she was more prepared than i had expected. 

She takes the condom from my hand and opens the packaging with her teeth and i chuckle... But my chuckle quickly turns into a groan as i feel her hand around my shaft and she slowly starts to pump me up and down making me harder than i already was.

"Fuck..." I groan and rest my head in her neck as i hover over her. She slowly rolls the condom around my dick and i dont know why i find it such an amazing turn on but i do... When she is done, she cups my face with both hands and kisses me again... While we kiss i wrap my hand around my shaft and softly and slowly push into her making her gasp into the kiss. 

We both smile and moan into the kiss as i slowly push in further not wanting to hurt her... She moans and lets out a little sigh. I slowly start to move thrusting into her while we kiss and never stop kissing... I dont ever want to stop kissing her. 

Her moans get louder, and it is like music to my ears. I keep my thrusts slow and soft... I groan because she is so tight, and it takes everything in me to not just fuck her senseless but i want it to be pleasant for her... I want her to feel adored and i want it to be just as enjoyable for her as it is for me... Because God she feels so good around my cock.... She wraps her legs around my waist pulling me deeper making me groan as i lay on top of her holding her close as our bodies melt together. 

She whimpers and moans and i can feel her become tighter squeezing my cock making me moan in return.... I suck at her pulse point in her neck, and she whimpers again... 

After thrusting into her a few more times we both come together moaning and i look at her and smile before kissing her again. I roll off of her and remove the condom. She giggles as i put a knot in it and throw it aside for now because right now i just want to hold her... She cuddles into me, and she lets out a sigh. "Can you stay tonight..." She whispers and i smile kissing the top of her head. "Yes, i can stay but i have to go get Dodger..." I say and she looks up at me and smiles kissing me passionate... She looks at the time and nods. I have to pick up Oscar from school in an hour anyway... She whispers and cuddles into me again. 

After laying there for about half an hour we both get out of bed and get dressed. When she is dressed to go out i pull her in my arms and kiss her. "Are you alright?" I ask her and she nods smiling. "Yes, i am good.... It was amazing..." She whispers and she kisses me again. I smile and give her another kiss and then it is time to go... "Yes, it was..." I whisper. 

We decide to pick up Oscar together and then go pick up Dodger. She throws me her keys and i smirk and open the passenger door of the car for her and she gets in. I get behind the wheel and smile taking her hand in mine as i drive off to Oscars school... 

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