Chapter 62

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Lana pov...

Chris had left again... The weekend was heaven... We had been to the aquarium again and Oscar had the biggest smile on his face seeing his favorite the Octopus again... But Chris as a surprise had arranged for Oscar to go behind the scenes and to feed the Octopus... The guy in charge of taking care of the Octopus listened patiently to Oscar as Oscar told him about his room and that the Octopus was his favorite... and that one day he wanted an Octopus himself which made me groan and Chris and the guy laugh. 

He told Oscar all sorts of facts about the Octopus in the tank and Oscar had the biggest smile as he was all excited feeding him. After we had left the aquarium, we went out to dinner and had a movie night at home... Sunday was just spend hanging around the house... Chris played with Oscar... While Lisa and i were tucked away both of us buried in our books... It was just heaven... It was normal and i loved it... Every now and then i watch Chris play with Oscar and i just smiled being happy that they clicked so well... Everyday i was just thankful for that...

On Monday Chris had brought Oscar to school saying goodbye to him because by the time he would come home from school Chris would be on a plane back to work... I had pushed the thought of that moment to the back of my mind all weekend not wanting to spoil my mood but Monday morning i had a good cry when Chris was taking Oscar to school...

I dont know why but this time saying goodbye was even harder but i kept it together not wanting Chris to feel bad or guilty for leaving... After kissing him goodbye i told him to have fun and he promised to call before Oscar went to bed...

The rest of the week slowly past by and Oscar came home grumpy from school every day... At first i chucked it up to Chris being gone but i noticed people staring at me at pick up... I heard the whispers, and it was not just the other moms... On Thursday the mother i was friendly with came up to me and told me what has been going on... She has never treated me differently after finding out i was with Chris... She had been over to the house... I liked her kid and Oscar and him got along great...

Apparently, the teacher had been talking and news had spread like wildfire... She told me that her son had told her that the teacher had explained to the class that Oscar had not been lying but that Chris was not his real dad... Just a stepdad... Oscar had told me nothing about this... He had been carrying this all week... He must be so sad and confused... I know Chris was his stepdad but Chris and i never revered to him like that... and to Oscar he was his dad from the moment Chris told him it was okay to call him dad... He was more a dad to Oscar than Kyle had ever been... 

I had talked with Chris and Lisa about it before sitting down with Oscar... He cried and it was much worse than i we thought... He had overheard the teachers say that Chris with his reputation would not be Oscar's dad longer than a year... Oscar asked me what a playboy was because that is what the teachers had talked about... While he was sobbing, he told me he didn't want to go back because the teacher was being mean to him... My heart broke... Oscar loved school and him not wanting to go back was unlike him... 

At night after Chris had talked with Oscar over the phone and reassured him that he would not leave him i talked with Chris... We agreed i would have a conversation with the head of the school to see if it could be salvaged... Oscar had friends at school and i didn't want to pull him away from his friends but if push came to shove... I wanted Oscar to have fun at school and feel comfortable...

The next morning i called the school to have a meeting with the head of the school... I was fuming... Carly was going to watch Oscar because i had decided that until i had talked to the head of the school he would not go... 

I arrived at the school with Lisa, and we waited at the reception... Lisa was there to make sure i would not drag one of the teachers out of the school or blow up... 

The head of the school introduced himself as Mr. Carey... I explained to him what had happened, and that Oscar was in tears and not wanting to go to school... I told him i didn't care what the teachers and other moms would say about me but that i wouldn't stand for this treatment of my child... The teachers got called in and at first denied everything... But when we told them we had witnesses willing to attest to it all... They finally sort of confessed and apologized but when i looked at Oscar's teacher i could see she was staring daggers at me... Lisa took my hand and gave me a look as to say she had seen it to...

I left the school not satisfied... "Tell me what you are thinking..." Lisa said when we say back in the car... I broke down crying... "How can i let him go back to that place... You saw the teachers... They were not sorry... They got nothing more than a slap on the wrist..." I said and Lisa took my hand... Lisa started the car and drove off... 

"Where are we going?" I asked looking out the window when she took a different turn... "You will see..." She said smiling. She stopped in front of a fancy school and i looked at her confused... "Okay before you say no and bite mine and Chris's heads off... This is a private school... Carly's kids go here... They are equipped to handle our family dynamic and circumstances... We have put Carly's kids here when paparazzi was hanging outside their old school and the school was not able to handle that..." Lisa said... "It looks expensive..." I mumbled softly...

"I am not poor but i am also not private school rich..." I whispered and Lisa chuckled. "Dont worry about that sweetheart... Chris can..." She said but i cut her off looking at her in horror... "I can't ask Chris to do that..." I said... "Yes, you can... You say he is his dad... Right...? Chris told me to take you here if the conversation at school would not go well... We want Oscar to have a good school and a school where he is feeling comfortable and happy... Let's have a look first and have a talk with the headmaster Mrs. Warren... And after that we can still say no if you really dont want to... But please dont let it be because of money" Lisa said smiling. "Okay..." I said looking at the school again...

I had to admit it looked nice...

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