Chapter 160

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Lana pov...

Chris is leaving to go film for 4 weeks... I smile trying to keep myself together... I am going to miss him for sure but i know if i am going to cry or let him know that i am having a hard time with this he will cancel everything... 

This project is something that can earn him an Oscar and who am i to say no to that... Besides he has been home to long... He needs to get back out there... 

He had brought Oscar to school like he did every morning... Saying goodbye and Carly would be picking him up and taking him home this afternoon... Carly was amazing she was going to go out of her way every day when Chris was gone to take him to school and pick him up so i wouldn't have to... I felt so grateful because it meant i didn't have to drag Maeve along... All i got to do in the morning was getting Oscar ready for school... 

Oscar was having a little bit more trouble with Chris leaving... He and Chris did so much together, and he was going to miss that for 4 weeks... Oscar crying had made Chris almost cancel everything and i had to intervene... I had to stand my ground and tell him to go, and it caused a fight because he found that i was a little bit too happy about him leaving...

It was ridiculous... But now that he was leaving it was harder than i thought... "Do you have everything?" I ask as he walks into the kitchen, and he nods... I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in for a passionate kiss... "Just have fun and call when you can..." I whisper when he rests his forehead against mine... "I will... I just can't help but feel so guilty for leaving..." He whispers and i smile... "Good because i would start to wonder if you wouldn't..." I say and he chuckles. 

"I know you think i am pushing you to leave but i am going to miss you..." I whisper and he sighs and kisses me... "Thank you..." He mumbles and i look at him confused... "For pushing me to do this... I know i have to get back to work... I just got comfortable being home... If i could i would take you all with me..." He whispers and i smile... "I know... But i dont want to disrupt the kids lives and schedules just for 4 weeks..." I say and he nods... 

Maeve starts to cry, and Chris says he will go as he still has some time... I smile as i am listening and watching him on the monitor... He is such an amazing dad... So gentle and sweet... Maeve and Oscar are so lucky to have him... I am so lucky to have him... He walks in with a cooing Maeve and tears in his eyes... "How am i going to say goodbye to her and not hold her for 4 weeks..." He says looking at me and i sigh... I dont have an answer and i am not going to say some bullshit as it will be over before you know it and so on... I can't imagine being away from my kids for 4 weeks and it breaks my heart seeing him so sad about it...

"I promise i will send you pictures everyday... And i will put the phone by her so you can read to her at night..." I say and he nods... We hear the front door which means Scott is here and it is time to go... Scott has some time off between projects and is going to go with Chris... I was relieved because having someone there would make it a bit easier... 

"You ready...?" Scott says in his usual chipper mood and Chris sighs handing Maeve to me... "No but yes..." He mumbles and Scott smirks... "Dont be such a downer... We are going to have fun..." Scott says and i chuckle as Chris sighs... "I guess so..." He mumbles and Scott looks at me and i shrug my shoulders... 

I walk them to the car with Maeve in my arms and make Chris promise to call when he lands and i kiss him one more time before he gets in the car... I watch them drive out the gate and i sigh and kiss Maeve's little head... "It is just us now little one..." I mumble and finally let my tears come through... I walk back in the house and put Maeve in the bounce chair so i can do some housework... She coos and the dogs lay by her side... I play with her for a little bit when i am done and then put her down for her nap... I look at the time and sigh as i still have a few hours until Oscar comes home and i decide to do some work...

I had started a new book and it has been a struggle... With dividing my time between Maeve, Oscar and Chris i haven't really gotten around to it... I was planning to use the time Chris was in Atlanta to make some headway...

Time goes by quickly and after working for a few hours i hear the front door and i get up and walk to the hallway watching Oscar throwing his stuff everywhere... "He sweetheart... How was school?" I ask and he smiles... He starts rambling about a new teacher and i smile glad he had a good day... 

My phone rings and i smile seeing it is Chris and i answer... He tells me has landed and after talking for a few minutes i hand my phone to Oscar who runs off telling Chris all about his day... I am happy he came home in a good mood seeing as he was not in the best mood when he left this morning... I walk to the kitchen and make Oscar a snack and about 30 minutes later he comes into the kitchen and hands me the phone in exchange for his snack... I talk with Chris for a little bit more and after i hang up Maeve had woken up... 

"What do you say about pizza for dinner tonight...?" I ask Oscar and he smiles nodding... I order us pizza and feed Maeve and sit down at the table listening to Oscar as he keeps talking about his day and i can't help but smile... We are going to be okay...

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