Chapter 3

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Lana pov.

It has been 2 weeks since i have given Chris my phone number we have been texting a little nothing to shocking... Just the usual... how are you and Oscar doing... and how was your day... Talking about our days... But he was giving me a bit of whiplash... Some days he would text me nonstop and then there were days of complete radio silence... I just kept telling myself to not get to attached... I just kept telling myself to not let my thoughts spiral on the days he would not text... I had not only myself to think about but Oscar to... I just have to concentrate on my little boy... He is and will always be my number 1 priority... 

I told Chris i was not ready to date and he accepted that, and we agreed on being friends but even that was difficult for me as i was just a mess scared to let people in... only to lose them again...

It has been 2 days and i heard nothing from Chris... I pushed him out of my mind and went to pick up Oscar from school. I smiled as he came running up to me. "Weeeekend...!" He squealed and i lifted him up and kissed him all over his precious face making him giggle... "Mommy stooop..." He said as he was giggling. 

We went to the park with Bob... It was getting colder, and the trees were almost all out of leaves. It was full on fall... I loved it... I loved nothing more to walk through the rain and wind and just let all my sorrows blow away...  We were both running around with Bob stomping in puddles laughing. After a while we went home and got changed and cuddled up on the couch watching SpongeBob with hot coco...

Oscar and i were just deciding what to eat for dinner before our weekly game night when my phone dinged. 

C: Hey what are you and the little man up to tonight? 

I smiled as i looked at the screen, the fact that he didn't ignore the fact that i had a kid made me smile.

L: Me and Oscar where debating what to get for dinner and then which game to play. Friday is game night. 

C: I like games....😏

I chuckled reading the text... He must know how that sounded... "Why are you laughing mommy...?" Oscar said looking at me confused. "Nothing sweetheart..." I said and texted Chris back

L: Do you now?  🤔

I sent him back letting him squirm a bit...

C: Board games, Party games, video games... No other type of games... 😳 

He sent back and i chuckled making Oscar look at me funny. 

L: Okay... good to know...

C: Wauw... you're a tough one...

I smiled... I knew what he wanted so i looked at Oscar. "Would you like Mr. America to come over for game night?"  I asked Oscar and his face lit up and he got all excited nodding his little head.

L: Chris.... Do you want to come over for dinner and game night?  I Have to warn you though we are pretty competitive...

C: Just the way i like it, only if i can bring dinner.... 

L: You dont have to do that... I was going to order pizza... 

C:  I insist, what do you guys like for pizza? 

I told him what pizza Oscar liked and told him that i could share with Oscar seeing as he couldn't eat a whole pizza. I also texted him my address. Chris told me he would go and get pizza and then head our way. 

Oscar was playing with his action figures when i told him to wash up that Chris... Or Mr. America as he kept calling him would be here soon with pizza... I cleaned up a bit and about 45 minutes later the doorbell rang. I checked the doorbell cam to make sure it was Chris. 

I smiled as i looked at Oscar asking him if he would open the door for me. He jumped up and when i heard the door open, I heard an exited Oscar scream. "MAMA!! Mr. America is here in our house..." He squealed as if i not just told him he would come over... 

As i stepped into the hallway i saw Oscar drag a smirking Chris into the house followed by Dodger. "I hope you dont mind that i brought him..." Chris said pointing at Dodger who was now running around my living room with Bob and Oscar all excited. Chris catches me by surprise by hugging me. "No of course not..." I said as he still hugged me and i was anxiously telling my body to relax.... I am not used to this sort of affection and kindness... Every time after affection i was waiting for the punch... or a vile remark...

"You can put the pizza on the table... I hope you dont mind that we eat at the table... Oscar is in a phase where he can't eat without spilling..." I said after her had released me from his hug... Chris chuckled saying he didn't mind at all and i called for Oscar to wash his hands so we could eat. "Mama? Can i show Mr. America my action figures...." Oscar asked as he sat down. 

"Sweetheart... Come here for a minute." I said and Oscar walked over to me. I pulled him in my lap as i sat down. "Do you know the conversation we had about movies the other day...? About it all not being real?" I asked and Oscar nodded his head. 

"Well... His name is not really Captain America..." I said pointing at Chris who was smirking back at us. "I know mama... It is Steve..."  He said proud of himself. Chris chuckled and i tried my best to stay serious... "Sweetheart he only plays Captain America in the movies... His real name is Chris..." I said and Oscar looked at Chris... I could hear his little brain process it all... Chris gave him a little wave as Oscar looked at him. "Okay..." Oscar said accepting this explanation. "Can i show Chris my action figures?" He said adjusting to the new information just like that. I chuckled. "Sure, but first dinner... Otherwise, the pizza gets cold." I said smiling and kissed his little head. 

We ate and Oscar was asking Chris like a hundred questions. Every now and then i chuckled enjoying the fact that for one evening i could eat in peace and let Oscar have another target to ask all sorts of questions. 

After dinner Oscar showed Chris his toys while i cleaned up. I smiled as Chris was playing with him. I had to admit it was kind of... sweet and made my stomach flip a few times. I shook my head... Do not get attached... Do not catch feelings.... I kept repeating over and over in my head...

"Okay sweetheart... What game do you want to play?" I asked Oscar after i watched him and Chris play for a while in Oscars room. "Can we play operation?" Oscar asked. "Sure... Go get it from the hall closet so you can set it up at the dinner table...." I said smiling. "Okay mama..." He said running off. 

I chuckled as Chris was sitting on one of the kid seats. "Do you need help getting up...?" I said smirking... "You are an old man after all..." I joked. "Hey! i am not that old..." He said faking like he was offended... "Well, your 12 years older than me soooo." I said smirking and he looked at me.  

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