Chapter 63

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Lana pov...

After being shown around... Having a meeting with Mrs. Warren and having a lengthy chat with Chris over the phone at night i had given in... Oscar was going to the fancy private school... I knew it was for the best and i was impressed with the school, but it was another thing i was dependent on from Chris... 

But seeing Oscar coming home with the biggest smile and seeing him settle in nicely and making friends easily made it worth it... Chris had been really straight forward about it all... He was Oscar's dad now... So, he didn't see the problem in paying for it... 

Oscar and i were counting down the days until he came home, and Lisa often chuckled as we excitedly crossed out another day... 

I was done with making the sets for the theatre and if i say so myself it looked amazing... Lisa was over the moon with it and kept thanking me and when she asked what she owed me for the paint and other things i told her it was my contribution and that it was my pleasure... 

In a few weeks they would have their play and i was excited for it... I couldn't wait to see it... 

Lisa was in the kitchen making dinner. Oscar was watching a cartoon in the living room. I sat down at the counter and Lisa smiled at me. "Something on your mind...?" She asked and i shook my head smiling. "No... Just happy... I wanted to thank you for all your help over the last weeks..." I said and she smiled... "It is my pleasure really... I loved that i got to know you and Oscar better... I really can't imagine a life without you two in it..." She said and i blushed. 

"Can i be honest with you..." I whisper and she looks at me and smiles. "Of course..." She says smirking. "In the beginning i was a little hesitant of living with you for two months..." I say blushing and Lisa starts laughing. "Yeah, i can understand that... I dont know if i could have done it with my former mother-in-law..." She says laughing... "It is not that i thought we wouldn't get along... I was scared you would think i was a bad mother or something... Or that you would think i wasn't good enough for Chris" I whisper, and she looks at me shocked.

"Why would i ever think that... You have raised a sweet and compassionate and polite boy... You love my son... I can see that... and that is all i want for him... You dont care about his Hollywood life like all the previous women did..." She says looking sour... But she then smiles at me... "You want my son for the man he is in here..." She says pointing at her heart... 

"Well how can you not... He has an amazing heart... All your kids are amazing... If i raise Oscar to be half as great as you did i would be happy" I whisper, and she smiles blushing...  "You have to stop because you are going to make me cry..." She says and we hug...

"Grandma... Mommy?" Are you sad?" Oscar asks appearing in the kitchen and both Lisa and i chuckle. "No baby... Happy tears..." I say pulling him in my lap. "I was just telling your mom how happy we are that we have you in our family..." Lisa says caressing his cheek... He has the biggest smile on his face. 

"Mommy can we make our own pizza tomorrow... Jack from school says they always make their own pizza..." Oscar says and Lisa and i laugh... "Sure tomorrow i have to get some groceries anyway so i can pick some stuff up to make our own pizzas... And what do you say we call Carly and invite them all to eat with us?" I ask Oscar and his face lights up...  He jumps off my lap and a few seconds later comes back with my phone making me chuckle.

I call Carly and agree to pick up all the kids from school and Carly and her husband would come later around dinner time... When Lisa is almost ready with dinner for today i set the table with Oscar. "I love that you always eat at the table..." Lisa says smiling. "Yeah, i like it... We are able to talk about our day with each other and we keep the couch clean..." I say smirking and Lisa chuckles.

We sit down for dinner and after we have had ice cream as dessert Oscar goes to play in his room. Lisa and i fall in a comfortable conversation while we clean up the kitchen before, we both settle down with our books. Chris calls and after het talks with Oscar for a bit about the fact we are going to make our own pizzas tomorrow he hands the phone to me. We catch up and Chris sounds tired... He tells me that the schedule is crazy but that he can't wait to be home with us again...

... When it is time for Oscar to go to bed i tell him to get ready and i grab the fish food... We feed the fish together and after that i tuck him in and we read together... I smile as he falls asleep... I watch him for a few minutes as he lays there asleep with a smile on his face... A few hours later i go to bed myself.

The next morning i get Oscar ready for school. As i drop him off i remind him that i will pick him and Carly's kids up at 3 and i watch him run off greeting Stella who waves at me... I wave back and drive off to the store... 

I smile walking around the store getting the stuff that i need for tonight's dinner. I am daydreaming... 4 more days and Chris would be home... I was happy that he would be home soon... He was going to be home for at least 8 months... I just couldn't wait... I pay for my groceries and walk out of the store to my car... I open the back and start loading all the groceries in the car...

But then all of a sudden it all goes black...

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