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Chris pov...

I watch a sleeping Lana... I had just taken Oscar to school... We are home for a few days now and i am worried... Lana sleeps a lot and refuses to get out of bed... She doesn't speak to anyone other than me or Oscar and even then, not unless spoken to... 

The lawyers Robert has sent over are amazing... Within a day the press was banned from coming near our house and wherever Lana was they had to stay away... What had made the judge rule in our favor... The picture of Lana's pregnant belly black and blue accompanied with her lying on the ground and no one helping... 

A few future interviews had been canceled and there was now a list with press i would not speak to... Roberts lawyers were working on a case to sue all the paparazzi there for damages and distress... I wanted to hit them where it hurt them the most... Their money... 

It was all over the news... I was apparently on a war path against the press... I was not... Just against them who are okay with their employees leaving a pregnant woman lying in the street without helping her... 

I sigh and walk into the bedroom and sit on the edge of the bed... Lana needs to shower... She needed to shower yesterday but she didn't want to get out of bed... She needed a shower and today i was going to be the bad guy... I pulled the plastic bag around her ankle while she was sleeping and i walked to the bathroom turning on the shower... I walked back to the bedroom and sighed... This was going to be no fun but i needed to get her out of this downwards spiral... 

She was still sleepy and half asleep as i pulled her up... "Chris i am not in the mood..." She mumbled as i pulled her shirt over her head... "We are not doing that... You are going to take a shower..." I whisper and she whines... "Noooo please i just want to stay in bed..." She says and i sigh... 

"I know sweetheart, but you will feel a bit better after a shower... After that we are going to the living room were i am going to give you something to eat..." I mumble and she protests but lets me undress her and lift her up and bring into the shower... I put her on the chair i had put in the shower earlier and my heart broke as she was softly sobbing... "I am sorry sweetheart..." I whisper as i start washing her hair and her... She lets me but doesn't look at me... She just stares ahead... I rinse her hair and put some conditioner in letting it sit while i wash her body... 

She lets me wash her she doesn't struggle, and she has her eyes closed and i hope she at least enjoys it a little bit... I hate seeing her bruised body... It looks horrendous and I try to be as gentle as possible and make it as enjoyable as possible... I rinse out the conditioner and when i am done she opens her eyes... They are sad and i lean down and give her a kiss. 

"I am sorry..." She whispers and i shake my head... "You have nothing to be sorry about sweetheart..." I whisper back and wipe away the tear that is now running down her cheek again... "Everything hurts..." She whispers and i sigh... "Then take one of the painkillers sweetheart..." I whisper but she shakes her head... She is so scared it will be bad for the baby she just refuses to take them even when the doctor said it would be okay...

I dry her off and put her in some of my clothes and this makes her smile a little bit... "There is that beautiful smile..." I whisper and i kiss her... I lift her up and she buries her head in my neck as i carry her to the couch and gently put her down in a way her leg is elevated...

"Ma made your favorite..." I say smiling and she looks at me... "Your mom was here?" She whispers and i nod... "I didn't see her..." She whispers and i shake my head... "You were asleep, and she didn't want to disturb or wake you... She said she would be back in a few days with some new food..." I say smiling and Lana nods... "That is sweet..." Lana whispers and i smile...  

I warm some food up for Lana and sit down next to her giving her the plate... "What you are not going to feed me..." Lana says and i laugh and a wave of relief washes over me... She made a joke... I know it is stupid... But she said something funny, and she had barely spoken for the last few days...

I smile as she clears the plate... "Where is my phone...?" She asks and i smile standing up grabbing it and handing it to her... "What are you doing?" I ask and she smiles... "Thanking your mother for the food..." She says blushing and i smile... 

"Can we cuddle..." Lana asks blushing as she puts her phone away and i smile. "Of course..." I say and she moves and i slide beside her so she can lay on her good side so i won't hurt her belly. 

"I am scared..." She whispers when she is finally comfortable... "Scared of what?" I ask and she sighs... "Scared the baby is not okay..." She whispers and i sigh... "The doctor said everything looked okay..." I murmur and she sighs... "Yeah i guess your right..." She mumbles and i kiss the top of her head... She turns quiet again and i wonder if i dismissed her fears to much...  

"I love you Lana... I love you so much and i am sorry i wasn't there to protect you..." I whisper and she cuddles into me more... "It is not your fault... and i love you to..." She answers and i sigh holding her a bit tighter...

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