Chapter 106

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Chris pov...

"There you guys are... We have been looking all over for you two..." Scott says and Lana turns bright red making me chuckle... "We went to get some air and have a little moment just the two of us..." I say wrapping my arm around Lana pulling her into my side and Scott looked at us with a raised eyebrow...

"Now if you will excuse me i am going to get my beautiful bride a drink..." I say and with my hand on her lower back i lead her to the bar... 

The next few hours are spend mingling and having fun... I smile as Lana gets a little tipsy... I haven't seen her drunk often... She is funny a little drunk and a little bolder... My family except Scott already have gone to their rooms... We are sitting at a table with a big group of people most of them my fellow actors... 

Lana is sitting in my lap... cuddled into me... I can see she is getting tired but is not willing to give in... "So how does it feel Mrs. Evans to be married to the second-best Chris..." Hemsworth says and i roll my eyes but without missing a beat Lana answers... "I dont know... ask your wife..." She says smirking and i chuckle and plant a kiss on her cheek. "Good girl..." I whisper in her ear, and she giggles as Hemsworth looks at her flabbergasted not expecting that response... Everyone is laughing even Hemsworth's wife... 

We have a few more drinks... Lana has switched to water... She didn't like being totally drunk she still needed to have some sort of control... Besides she didn't want to be a black out drunk bride... 

"So... Where is the honeymoon going to be?" Seb asks and Lana shrugs her shoulders... "I dont know... Chris won't tell me..." She says letting out a sigh... "He won't even let me pack my own bag... Carly has done that yesterday..." She says pouting and i chuckle before planting a kiss on her back between her shoulder blades... "I know..." Scott says smirking and Lana whines again... "This is so not fair..." She says pouting and looking at me... "He gets to know and i dont?" She says and i chuckle... "Yes... He is not the one i wanted to surprise sweetheart... But i promise you will love it..." I say and i pull her in for a kiss... 

She smiles as we break the kiss... "As long as i am with you... I dont care where we are..." She murmurs and i smile... Part of me thought i was being stupid not telling her... What if she was going to hate it... It was not going to be a luxury vacation... It was going to be romantic... Private and but a bit back to basic...

I had booked this small romantic cabin in a remote location in Alaska... The owners had emailed me yesterday that everything was ready for our arrival...  They had stocked the fridge so that at least the first few days we didn't have to go anywhere... Lana didn't want a tropical honeymoon... She had mentioned this once and i loved the fact she just wanted a little private getaway... So, after doing some research i found the perfect little cabin and i was able to book it for two weeks... Two weeks... just Lana and i... In this little cabin surrounded by woods and snow... Total privacy... I couldn't wait...

I finish my beer and lift Lana off my lap putting her on her feet making her giggle... I stood up and looked at my friends sitting around the table... "Thank you all for coming... Please stay... drink and have fun... But me and the missus are calling it a day..." I said smiling and taking Lana's hand in mine... 

"Thank you all for coming it meant a lot... And it was so nice to meet you all..." Lana says smiling. They all smile back at her and wish us good night and i lead Lana out of the reception hall... 

In front of the door of our suite i stop her and pull her in my arms and kiss her before lifting her up bridal style making her squeal... She giggles as i open the door and walk her in and kick the door shut behind us... We look in the room and it looks amazing and so romantic... 

I gently put her down and again twirl her around wanting to admire her one more time in the gorgeous dress before i am going to peel it off of her... "You looked so handsome today..." She whispered a i pulled her closer and wrapped my arms around her... "Thank you baby... I am glad you approved..." I said smiling before kissing her again as we were swaying a little... 

"Chris..." She whispered laying her head on my chest as her arms were wrapped around my waist... "Yes sweetheart..." I murmured holding her tight enjoying the little moment... "Can we take a shower... I really could use a shower..." She murmured and i chuckled... I took a step back and lifted her up again smirking as i carried her to the bathroom... "I could get used to you carrying me around all the time..." She whispered and i chuckled. 

She yawned and i chuckled putting her on her feet. "Are you tired sweetheart?" I asked and she shook her head but yawned again... "No... I'll be okay... just need a refreshing shower..." She mumbled and i smiled stroking her face... "Well i am going to do what i wanted to do from the moment i saw you walk down the aisle..." I whispered and for a moment she looked at me confused...

I kneeled down and helped her out of her heels as she steadied herself with her hands on my shoulders... She leaned down cupped my face with both hands and kissed me... I stood back up again and slowly turned her around... I slowly started to undo her hair... making it fall down her shoulders.... I then turned her around again and lifted her up and put her on the counter... 

I then grabbed her make up remover and gently helped her take her make up off... Lana never whore much make up... She didn't really need it... But she looked amazing today... "You looked amazing today sweetheart..." I whispered as i was wiping the make-up from her face and she smiled... "I am glad you approved..." She mumbled and i had to suppress a laugh as she was having trouble keeping her eyes open... 

I had noticed when she was sitting in my lap earlier that she was struggling to stay awake... I finished taking off her make up and she smiled at me... "You always take such good care of me... Such a good husband..." he mumbled and i smiled kissing the top of her nose... I lifted her off the counter on her feet again and i quickly got rid of my own clothes throwing them on the bench in the corner making her giggle... "Now let's get you out of your beautiful dress..." I mumbled and she smiled lazily at me. I pushed the straps down her shoulders and in no time the dress glided down her body to the floor...

I helped her step out of it and i picked the dress up and carefully draped it over the bench... I put the shower on and glanced at my beautiful naked wife... God she is beautiful... She sometimes complained about things like the little stretch marks from her being pregnant with Oscar... But even her imperfections were perfect... To me she is and always will be the most beautiful woman inside and out... I could watch her all day and it still wouldn't be enough.... 

When the water was warm enough, we stepped under the shower. She hugged me and laid her head on my chest again letting out a sigh as the water ran over us... "Today was perfect... Everything i ever dreamed off... I love you so much..." She whispered as her hand roamed up and down my back. "Yes, it was... and i love you to sweetheart..." I whispered back... 

We showered and after i helped her dry off i carried her to the big bed... "I am sorry... I am so tired..." She mumbled as i pulled the covers over her. "It's okay baby..." I answered smiling glad she was finally giving in... I crawled into bed beside her and pulled her in my arms... She laid her head on my chest and when i looked down she was already asleep clinging onto me with a beautiful smile on her face... 

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