Chapter 132

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Chris pov...

"It is a girl..." The doctor says and i look at him in shock. "A girl?" I ask and he smiles and nods. "Yes, a little girl..." He says confirming it... "We are having a girl..." I say with tears in my eyes looking at Lana who nods with her own tears in her eyes... "Told you so..." She says softly and i chuckle. 

We both look at the screen of the ultrasound and i keep kissing Lana's hand over and over again... "A girl..." I whisper again with the biggest grin on my face. The doctor gives us a minute and as soon as he is out the door i stand up and kiss Lana passionately... "We are having a girl..." I say again and she smiles and i kiss her again.

"Are you happy with that...?" Lana asks and i look at her and smile... "I am ecstatic...  We are going to have a little girl... We have one of each now..." I say and she smiles. "Are you happy?" I ask her and she nods with tears in her eyes... "Can't wait to buy all those cute girl clothes..." She said and i laughed... "I better pick a new project that to finance those..." I said smirking and she laughed. 

The doctor came back in, and we cleaned Lana up and it was time to go... I groaned when i saw paparazzi hiding out so i tucked Lana under my arm and tried to shield her as much as possible as they snapped pictures and asked their ridiculous questions... The mostly wanted to know if we were having a boy or a girl of course but we kept our mouths shut... 

I felt myself getting annoyed and i was glad that the car was just around the corner. I opened the passenger door for her and helped her in as the paparazzi was breathing down my neck... I walked around the car and chuckles as Lana was blocking the side window with a jacket... It didn't help though it made them move to the front of the car. I got in and sighted... Neither one of us said anything i just wanted to get out of here so i started the car and mad sure i didn't hit one of the vultures and pulled out and drove off...

"Sorry sweetheart..." I mumble but she takes my hand smiling at me. "Dont let them spoil our mood or the news we just got..." She said smiling and i smiled back... "You are right... Now i am going to take my girls out to lunch..." I said smiling and she giggled. We arrived at this little Bistro that was Lana's favorite, and she was all giddy... Al my girl needed was food at the moment if i wanted to make her happy... bring food...

We walked into the bistro and were seated... Lana and i ordered something to drink and we were handed menus. "I can't possibly choose..." Lana said under her breath and i chuckled... "Sweetheart pick what you want... We can take the leftovers home..." I said and she shook her head and blushed... "I can't do that... They think i will be crazy..." She whispered. "Sweetheart they will think you are a pregnant lady with cravings..." I said smirking but Lana shook her head and looked at the menu again. 

I waved over the waitress... "Hi... As you can see my wife is pregnant... and she loves all of your food, and she is a bit indecisive... you know...cravings... Is the chef willing to make a little bit of everything? So that it becomes one meal..." I said and Lana turned bright red... "Chris! You can't ask them to do that...!" She said whisper yelling at me. "It's okay Mrs. Evans... I will ask the chef..." She said smiling at Lana and i grinned. The waitress left and Lana shook her head. "I can't believe you did that..." She mumbled and i took her hand and kissed it... "Just want to keep my beautiful pregnant wife happy..." I said and she rolled her eyes but with a big smile on her face. 

The waitress came back with a smile on her face... "The chef is more than happy to make a little bit of everything... and he will make sure everything is pregnancy friendly so no raw things..." She said and i smiled thanking her and to please send our thanks to the chef. Chris ordered just the one dish and she left again. 

"You better give her an amazing tip when we leave..." Lana murmurs and i chuckled. "Yes ma'am..." I said jokingly and she smiled at me. "So now we have to get serious about names..." Lana whispered and i chuckled. 

"Let's just throw out the names we had... Seeing as both didn't really like them and start over..." I said and Lana nodded... "But let's not discuss it now... Let's do some research first..." Lana said and i smiled... "Okay sweetheart... No baby name talks today..." I said and she blushed. "Can we do some shopping for the baby after lunch?" She asks softly and i see the twinkle in her eyes and i nod... "Of course, we can..."I said and she did a little happy dance in her seat making me laugh.

Our lunch came and Lana looked at the big plates for her and she looked at the waitress... "Please thank the chef for me again..." She said and the waitress laughed saying she would. I smiled watching Lana dig in and looking all happy with her food... I started to eat myself but i just couldn't keep my eyes off of her... She has the biggest smile on her face while she makes little moans when she takes a bite... She can't sit still and i wonder if the baby notices that... I am just happy she seems to get back to herself again... A happy bubbly Lana... 

My phone started ringing and i sighed when i saw it was my manager... I declined and after lunch i would call her back. Lana looked at me surprised that i had declined a call... "It was my manager i call her back after lunch..." I said and she nodded... 

We finished our lunch and i paid giving the waitress a ridiculous tip, but she deserved it... She had made my wife happy and that was everything. I told her to thank the chef again and she chuckled. "His wife is pregnant to... He understands..." She whispers and i chuckled... Lana came back from the bathroom and i took her hand and we walked to the car. I helped her in and sat down behind the wheel and called my manager back...

"I have to discuss it with Lana call you back in 30 minutes..." I said before hanging up... "I sighed and looked at Lana... The want me on the tonight show with Jimmy Fallon..." I said and she nodded. "Okay so?" She said catching me by surprise. "It is New York right around the corner... You should do it... Take Scott with you people love you two together..." She said and i leaned over and kissed her... 

I called my manager back and confirmed. I hung up the phone and smiled at Lana. "Now let's go shopping for our baby girl..." I said and Lana squealed. 

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