Chapter 174

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Lana pov...

Weeks go by and no sign of Kyle... Like i predicted he is biting his time lurking in the darkness for the perfect moment... Waiting until our guards are down due to the false sense of security setting in... I knew this and yet i felt like there was nothing i could do to stop it... 

Everyone is starting to relax... The only one still alert was me... I knew how Kyle worked... I just couldn't tell you when his idea of a perfect moment would be... Chris had pushed some project ahead and the only thing he was doing was go into the office for ASP... Were he was right now... Scott was with Oscar playing video games in his room... 

Mackie and Seb no longer were here they had to go back to filming... I was so grateful for their help, but they had to get back to their own lives... Can't expect everyone to just put their life on hold for us... 

I am making lunch for me and Maeve... She was starting to eat solids and Chris was having so much fun with it trying everything she ate, and he loved feeding her... I think he loved it so much because she made a mess of it and sometimes i wondered if she had eaten at all or just covered herself and Chris in it... But seeing them smile and have fun made it worth it...

I hum as Maeve is in her chair waving her little hands around squealing... She was growing up so fast... She ate solids and was happily crawling around now when you put her on the floor... Dodger was so confused the first time she crawled away from him... It was adorable seeing him gently crawling after her as to say. "Where are you going...?" Come dinner time he sat down beside her knowing things would drop to the floor... I know it wouldn't be long before she started walking... I just felt it...

My phone rings and smile as i see Chris his picture come up... I answer the phone... "He sweetie how is your meeting going..." I chirp... "Hello little girl..." I heard and all blood drained from my face... "Kyle... What... How... No... How did you Chris his phone..." I whisper fear setting in my heart racing and he laughs... That evil laugh... 

My phone buzzed and i let out a scream as a picture of Chris showed up beaten his face bloody and bruised and he seemed to be knocked out.... I startle Maeve who started crying immediately... This made Scott and Oscar come running in... "What happened... Are you okay?" Scott said and i looked at him... "Dont you dare tell them little girl... If you tell anyone he dies..." Kyle growls through the phone... 

"I uhm hit my knee..." I lied and Scott and Oscar looked at me for a second skeptical... "Do you need help?" Scott asked accepting my answer and i nodded... "Can you feed Maeve... Everything is ready to go... You just need to feed her... I need a moment..." I said and Scott smiled and nodded taking over... While i faked being injured...

"See you still know how i like it..." Kyle said as i walked out the kitchen to the bedroom... "Let him go Kyle... Please let Chris go..." I begged him and he laughed again... "Not until i got what i want... And you know what that is little girl..." He said in that evil voice of his... "I will send you an address and when your here i will let this pathetic excuse of a man go... But no tricks little girl or America's golden boy gets it... And you dont want that on your conscious now do you..." He says and i know he is smirking... 

"I first want to know he is alive..." I said and Kyle at first refused... But when i told him i wouldn't be coming if i not at least knew that he was alive he relented... He hung up the phone and a few seconds later he called back in a video call... I have to fight my tears as Chris get water thrown in his face and he opens his eyes... Well sort of because one of them is severely swollen... "See... He is fine!" Kyle yelled all agitated... 

"Seriously little girl... What do you see in this guy... He is weak... But i guess a big bank account makes up for it..." Kyle said laughing... I wanted to scream at him that Chris was more of a man than he will ever be but i knew i had to keep my mouth shut or he would take it out on Chris... "We can make a trade... You for America's golden boy..." Kyle said in a sinister voice... "Lana dont listen..." Chris mumbled and i closed my eyes fighting my tears... "Oh isn't that sweet America's golden boy ready to sacrifice himself for the whore..." Kyle said laughing. Chris started to struggle before Kyle turned the camera on himself... 

"You got your proof... Now i will send you the address... No tricks little whore... Or he will die... And take Oscar with you it is going to be a family reunion..." He said hanging up and a second later an address popped up on my screen... 

I took a deep breath to calm myself... Taking Oscar with me was not going to happen... Besides he didn't want Oscar... He never did... I knew if i told him i would go with him willingly he would let Oscar go... I looked outside coming up with a plan to get past security without them following me... 

I go in the closet get changed and took my purse from the top shelf... I sneak through the house to the garage without Oscar and Scott knowing... I looked at my phone... Chris had a new security system installed that you could control from your phone and i knew if i triggered it at the back i could get out of the gate before they realized i was gone... 

I watched the camera in the kitchen seeing Oscar and Scott play with Maeve and i smiled through my tears... I couldn't risk going in there telling them i loved them for one last time... I just hoped they knew how much i loved them... And that they would forgive me for leaving them... I triggered the alarm at the back of our property and i watched the security people scurry and run to the back and i opened the garage got in the car and opened the gate and as fast as i could i drove off... 

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