Chapter 69

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Chris pov...

I was laying with my head on the bed sitting next to Lana holding her hand and closing my eyes for a second... 

Ma had been by in the evening with Oscar again... He had made her a drawing and we had put it at the end of the bed so she would see it when she woke up... The doctors said it could be any moment because they had stopped the medication to keep her sedated... But they told me to be patient because sometimes the body could protect itself and keep her down a little bit longer... 

They were hopeful that she was going to make a full recovery... So now it was just a waiting game... I dont know how long i had dozed off when i felt a hand go through my hair and when i looked up Lana had opened her eyes and smiled a little at me. 

"Hey baby..." I whispered kissing her hand and a tear ran down my face... "Are you dead to... Because i must be in heaven..." She said smiling a little more but immediately winched in pain. "Careful sweetheart you are pretty banged up..." I whispered and stood up gave her a little kiss and pressed the button for the nurse... "Where is Oscar..." She whispered and a look of panic came over her and she tried to sit up wincing again... "At home with my mom sweetheart but see... He has been by to see you..." I said showing the drawing and i carefully pushed her laying back down... She let out a sigh of relief. 

The nurse walked in and smiled when she saw Lana was awake... "Nice to see you awake Ms. Cooper... We all have been rooting for you..." The nurse said smiling... "How are you feeling?" She asked. "Like i have been hit in the head..." Lana mumbles and the nurse looked at her and chuckled. 

The nurse checked everything over and told us to get some sleep... To call if we needed anything and that the doctor would be by in the morning... She left and Lana looked at me and i kissed her... "I am so happy you are awake baby... I was so scared i lost you..." I whispered and kissed her hand again... "I am sorry... I never saw her coming... I dont know what happened i just woke up in a room tied to a bed..." She whispered and started crying... 

"It is okay baby... Everything is going to be okay now you are safe..." I whisper and crawl into bed with her. She cuddles into me immediately and holds on to me for dear life. She cries herself to sleep and i just hold her carefully to not hurt her as i can see that the stitches on her forehead are not her only stiches... On the back of the head, she has a few to... 

I hold her and let her sleep in my arms. She is awake and talking... She is in pain but overall seems to be okay... But she is probably still in survivor mode and i keep in mind that her mood and overall mental health can get worse... But for now, she is okay and sleeping in my arms... 

I quickly text ma that she has woken up and that the doctor would be by in the morning... I closed my eyes and tried to get some rest before the doctor would be here...

The next morning, we got woken up by a nurse... "Normally it is not protocol to sleep in the patients bed... But after everything you two have been through i think i can let it slide..." She said winking at us... I grinned and Lana protested when i got off the bed and the nurse checked over Lana... "The doctor will be by in a second..." She said and left again... 

A minute later the doctor walked in smiling and introduced himself to Lana... He checked her out to... asking her some questions and doing some tests... "Has Chris told you everything?" He asked and my heart sank, and Lana looked at me and then at the doctor. "No, we haven't really talked yet..." Lana whispered. The doctor took a deep breath and i took Lana's hand in mine. "Ms. Cooper when you came in you were unconscious... You had been dehydrated... and hypothermic... You were also pregnant... but despite out best efforts we couldn't safe the pregnancy..." The doctor said and Lana looked at him and then at me shocked... "I was pregnant?... I lost our baby..." She said looking at me and started to tear up... I nodded and teared up myself.

"Chris i am so sorry..." She said and started sobbing... "It is okay sweetheart... You have nothing to be sorry about..." I whisper and crawl back into the bed with her holding her tight. The doctor excuses himself and tells us to call if we have any questions... "I am sorry... I am sorry..." She kept saying over and over and all i could do was just hold her telling her she had nothing to be sorry about. 

About an hour later i got a text from ma if it was okay to come by with Oscar...  Lana smiled and wiped away her tears... She nodded and i texted ma back that it was okay... I helped Lana clean herself up a bit as she was scared that she would scare Oscar... 

30 minutes later ma and Oscar walked in, and he ran over to the bed. "Careful buddy we dont want to hurt your mom." I said smiling and lifted him up and carefully put him on the bed next to Lana who was not careful and just wrapped him in her arms holding him tight... 

"How are you feeling sweetheart..." Ma asked Lana and she looked at her and smiled. "Sore... but happy to be alive..." She whispered. Ma looked at her and wiped away a tear... "We are so happy to have you back with us sweetheart... We were all so scared and i am so sorry that i was not with you and..." Ma said but Lana held up her hand... 

"There is nothing what you could have done... I dont think you being there would have stopped her..."  She said and planted a kiss on Oscar's head... "Mommy when are you coming home..." Oscar asked and Lana smiled. "I dont know baby... When the doctor says it is okay... Mommy has to get a little bit better first... Thank you for your beautiful drawing... Are you having fun with grandma?" Lana asked to distract him, and he looked at her and smiled. "Yes... We made cookies yesterday..." Oscar says smiling...

An hour later ma and Oscar left. Lana tried to get me to go home with them to get some decent sleep but i was not having it... I was staying here i was not letting her out of my sight... Lana and i talked about everything... I told her Tara had been arrested and how the police had found her... The last thing she remembered was Tara beating her with something and blacking out... While she was tied to a bed... The next thing was waking up here in the hospital... 

She told me that Tara tried to get her to call me... And tell me we were over... When Tara realized she wouldn't do that she threatened to go after Oscar... That is when Lana started to panic and almost broke free and Tara started beating her until she blacked out... All she vaguely remembered was being cold... and then waking up in the hospital with doctors and nurses surrounding her and then she drifted off again. The next time she woke up was when i was here... 

The only thing we didn't talk about was the baby... She didn't want to talk about the baby... When i brought it up she started crying again and i crawled back into bed with her and held her until she had cried herself to sleep again... 

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