Chapter 180

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Lana pov... 

I had fallen asleep in the backseat and when i wake up it is dark... I dont recognize my surroundings anymore... Kyle is asleep in the passenger seat... My dad is still driving and i close my eyes again trying to get some sleep again, but it is of no use...

"So, you decided to become a criminal..." I say to my father, and he grumbles something but i can't make out what... "Really... I knew you were a scumbag but never thought you would stoop this low... I mean what are you thinking... Are you going to support us all with your minimum wage job... He can't work... He is a fugitive..." I say and my dad starts to chuckle and i see an evil grin appear on his face... "Dont worry about that... Your mother had a very nice life insurance... I have enough money for a lifetime..." He says smirking and my heart sinks and the blood drains from my face... He notices and starts to laugh, and it sounds evil... "Mom is dead?" I whisper a tear rolling down my cheek and my dad starts to laugh even harder... 

"She had a little... accident..." He says smirking and i look at him stunned... "Yeah it was so sad..." He says faking sadness... "The day she was going to leave... packed her bags and everything... Telling me she was going to life with her daughter and son in law in Boston... Kept yapping about wanting to be in her grandkid's lives..." He said smirking... "You killed her..." I whisper... My mind is spinning the FBI had been in contact with my parents... They never mentioned my mother was no longer alive... But that was weeks ago... 

"It was glorious... I knew your mother wanted to leave me months ago thinking she was clever hiding things from me... The bitch got it in her little head that she deserved better... Thinking if her whore of a daughter could do it... The bitch thought she could just leave and go to you and i would just let her... And then Kyle shows up... It was like God had answered my prayers... So, we made a little deal... He would make sure it would look like an accident and i promised to help him get you..." He says and i start to feel dizzy... 

"She was coming to Boston..." I mumble more to myself than to my dad and he starts to laugh again... "Well, she is never leaving now... She is staying in the house forever... Should have done this a long time ago... Ashes dont talk back..." He says proudly and i just look at him stunned and numb... Mom finally brought up the courage to leave him and had to pay a price for it... 

She wanted to take me up on my offer i made her the day i had left... She wanted to be part of my family's life... 

"You will have your hands full once you are back... The house is a mess... Ashes dont clean the house..." He says as if he is telling a funny joke... I just look at him horrified by the man who just admitted arranging to kill his wife and for what... For wanting more in life... For no longer wanting to be a doormat... For wanting to meet her grandchildren and be part of her daughter's life... For daring to leave him...

I just look out the window not listening anymore as my dad starts to recite a list of chores i have to do when we get home acting as if we will have a nice family life... "Yeah, your life is going to be a lot different princess no more being lazy... No more cleaning ladies and nannies..." He says and i sigh... "Didn't have cleaning ladies or nanny's..." I mumble and for a moment he is stunned... 

"So you married a rich man... and no cleaning ladies or nannies?" He asks and i sigh... "Nope... No need we manage perfectly on our own taking care of everything together..." I mumble and my dad laughs... "Damn what a Hollywood pussy... Just out of curiosity... How much money does he have...?" My dad says and i shrug my shoulders... "No clue..." I mumble which is not true... Before we got married, we discussed finances... But i was not going to tell my dad a number no way in hell... My dad looks at me through the rear-view mirror to see if i am lying or not but i keep a straight face... 

We drive in silence for a few more hours and it is getting light out and Kyle wakes up... The switch seats and Kyle start to drive, and my dad goes to sleep... I close my eyes and try to get some sleep, but my mind is racing... They killed my mom... Dad showed no remorse for her being gone... It was just such a slap in the face... 

I was going to be alone with my dad and Kyle in that house... The house i said i would never step foot in again... I was going to be used and abused... I was getting angry at myself for not fighting back... But what was i going to do... I couldn't overpower them... I was just alone... I had no weapon... I could cause chaos in the car and have them crash it but that would risk my own life to... But i started to wonder if that was my way out... Was i really going to submit myself to their torture... Waiting for them to be sick of me and make me have and accident to... 

Or was i going to find a way out or die trying...  I kept thinking of plans as we drove on... I was determined to find a way out... I kept running scenarios in my head as we drove on for hours... My eyes closed pretending to be asleep... I dont know how long i had been pretending to be asleep when we stopped because i told them i needed to pee... 

My dad escorted me to the bathroom while Kyle stayed in the car... He waited for me outside and my dad started to buy some food and water and i looked at the tv... I slapped my hand in front of my mouth... Chris had been found... He was alive and, in the hospital... He is alive and badly injured doctors dont know when he will wake up, but he is getting the best care possible... His wife is still missing... My dad sees and quickly pays and pushes me out the door and to the car...

He turns on the radio finding a news station and we listen for news... I can't stop smiling... He is alive... Unconscious but alive... Kyle sees and i get punished immediately by a fist to the face... "Wipe that smirk off your face..." He growls and this time my dad doesn't stop him not caring about bruises anymore to focused on the news wondering if Chris has talked... But i dont care Chris is alive... Even if i dont get out of this he is alive, and he and the kids will be fine...

"Told you we should have killed him..." Kyle growls to my father... "I told you i dont kill...!" He yells back and i scoff... "No, you let others do it for you... Well newsflash... This just in... That still makes you guilty in the eyes of the law and i dont think your precious god will approve of it to..." I mumble and i get another punch to the face this time from my dad and i can taste my own blood as he splits my lip open... I just smirk at him... "Are we getting scared daddy... Dont worry... You will do great in prison as someone's bitch... And at least in prison you can practice for your stay in hell... Because that is where you are going..." I say smirking earning me another punch to the face but i just laugh like a maniac... Chris is alive and save that is all i care about...

He is well protected now, and no one can get to him and with this knowledge i am even more determined to come up with a plan... A plan for my escape... A plan to get back to my family or die trying... 

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