Chapter 129

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"Ma!" I yell. "Kitchen!" She yells back and Carly chuckles... "Well, that is where the knifes are... So, we can cut the umbilical cord..." She whispers and i groan in response. "Not funny Carly!" I say through gritted teeth. 

We walk to the kitchen and ma smiles and hugs us... "This is a nice surprise... Did you two have a day out together..." Ma says smiling and i sigh... "No ma Chris needs to talk to you and i am here to kick him in the ass when needed..." Carly says... "Talk about what...?"  Ma asks and i take a deep breath in... "OMG you are here to tell me the gender of the baby... I have to say i was a bit disappointed not being able to tag along... But tell me..." She said all excited... 

"We have postponed that appointment..." I mumble... "What why?"  Ma asks and i sigh. 

"Ma the reason i am here is because i wanted to tell you this face to face... "I made you promises  i can't keep... Look i am really sorry... I know you were excited... But i am here to tell you that you will not be in the delivery room, and you won't be staying with us for a week after the birth...." I say letting out a deep breath as i say the words i had been dreading to say... 

"Hold on... First... Why didn't you have the gender appointment yet?" She says and i shake my head looking down at my hands.  "Ma that is not important... Did you hear what i said about the delivery? And the time there after... Everyone gets a chance at the hospital to come see the baby but then we will be just the 4 of us for a couple of weeks..." I say and ma looks at me with a blank stare... 

"I dont... I can't... couple of weeks? What are you saying Chris... No compromise at all? I thought me not going to the gender reveal and not coming over for a few days was a nice compromise..." She said and i sighed... 

"Ma you can't be serious..." Carly said stepping in... "You tried to take over... Lana got one shock after another by you and Chris deciding things about her and the baby... you didn't even take her in consideration... No, you dug your claws in your precious boy and to you Lana was just the host..." Carly said and ma looked at her as if she just has been slapped in the face.

"I did no such thing..." She said in disbelief... "Oh ma please it is time to finally cut the umbilical cord... We all know Chris is your precious boy... But it is time to back off... He has a family of his own now and he has to put them first now... And i know that hurts after being the number 1 woman in his life for so long... But it is time..." Carly said and ma just looked at her still in disbelief. 

"Ma... I am sorry... I should not have promised you all these things because it was not only my promise to make..." I said after Carly was done with her little rant.  "No i get it... Lana doesn't want me there... Lana makes you..." Ma started to say and i snapped...

"Ma Stop!!! Have you any idea how we made her she didn't matter anymore... She felt like she had no say anymore over her live... Did nothing she said to you stuck?  Did you not see the desperation in her eyes. Dont you dare blame her for all of this because... I... made the promises not her... Yes, we have talked a lot the last couple of days and i have a lot of making up to do... But she is my wife... I love her more than life itself the thought alone that i made her feel like this is breaking me... I promised her the pink cloud... She had a horrible pregnancy with Oscar so i promised her cloud nine... I fucked up... And i will do everything to make it up... She loves you ma... She really does but she doesn't like the person you have become ever since we told she is pregnant... So, for now we need some space... and that is it... You are not even willing to see where we went wrong..." I say as ma looks at me shocked...

"Fine i get it... No to the appointments and the delivery... and no help from me after birth... But why can't i come around now... before she has given birth...?" She asks and i sigh but before i can answer Carly steps in again.  

"Because ma if i account to my own pregnancy's you can be a bit overbearing... I can handle it because i know how you are but for someone who doesn't know you this well it can be a bit intimidating... Besides ma she has had a baby before... Remember... The little boy named Oscar... So, i think she knows what she is doing and if in the future she needs help maybe she will come to you... But you can't hover over her criticizing every step she takes." Carly says and i sigh.

"Ma... Just a few weeks for now... I will keep you up to date via text... But Lana needs some rest and i need time to make her feel more comfortable and make her trust me again..." I say and ma sits down with a defeated look on her face...

"Ma it doesn't mean Chris doesn't love you anymore... Even Lana still loves you... But they have to put their own family needs first right now... And i bet if you back off a little bit now and, in the future... You get more out of it then if you desperately try to cling on..." Carly said and we both hugged her... 

"Is Lana really in rough shape...?" Ma whispers and i sigh... "She just needs time ma..." I mumble... "I am sorry i made her feel that way... I think i was just overjoyed you were finally having a baby... We didn't have that with Oscar..." She whispers and  i smile... "No, we did not... Maybe one day... If Lana wants it... She can share some pictures from that time..." I say and she smiles... "Can Oscar still come over next week for grandma's afternoon...?" She asks and i chuckle... "Lana and i talked about that and we know how much Oscar loves that so yes he can come along..." I say and this seems to cheer her up a bit. 

"So, when will you have the gender appointment..." Ma asks and i sigh. "The day after tomorrow." I say smiling and she smiles back at me... "Dont worry ma we will still tell you what we are having... But we are not having a gender reveal..." I say and ma hugs me. 

"I am planning a little baby shower for her... Maybe you can help me with that... I think that that is a nice way to say you are sorry..." Carly says smirking. 

After ma and Carly talked some things over and she was feeling a little bit better... I was happy that in the end she seemed to understand... But then again maybe she was just giving in for now... I sigh and i just hope and pray it is not a little play she is putting on...

Carly and i leave but after driving for 5 minutes i have to pull over to let everything out... "Dont worry Chris i know what you are thinking... Why the sudden 180...  But that is why i asked to have help with the baby shower... So, she has something to do and i can keep an eye on her... So, take a deep breath and focus on Lana, Oscar and the baby... Okay... Dont worry we will get you all through this..." She says and pulls me into a hug... letting me cry for a bit. 

"You did it... you cut the cord..." She whispers as she hugs me and my crying turns into laughing... And before we know it tears run down both our cheeks because we can't stop laughing and are in hysterics

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