Chapter 137

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Lana pov...

I look in the mirror letting out a sigh... Today we are going to Chris his mother's house for family dinner. This will be the first time in weeks i would see her and i was a little nervous... She kept her distance and i was happy about that but i was also scared she hated me for it... She still got updates from Chris but other than that nothing...

I sigh again and groan as the dress i am wearing is to tight so i take it off throwing it aside and walk into the closet again. When i was pregnant with Oscar i only wore sweatpants and shirts... I didn't care how i looked because i never left the house anyway... Now i had to get dressed up and nothing fitted anymore... I wore mostly Chris his clothes but i couldn't possibly wear them to family dinner. 

"Lana?" I heard Chris say and i sighed. "Closet...!" I yelled and he appeared... "You are not ready yet?" He asked and i turned around staring daggers at him... "Want to rephrase that?" I asked him angerly, and he looked at me a little shocked. "What is wrong sweetheart...?" He said softly standing behind me and wrapping his arms around me and planting a kiss on my shoulder. 

"None of my dresses or fancy clothes fit anymore..." I mumble pouting letting out a big sigh. "Sweetheart it is family dinner you dont have to be fancy..." He whispers. "Right... That is why you and Oscar are all dressed up..." I mumble all cranky... 

"Okay let's see if we can find something comfortable..." He says and i sigh sitting down on the little couch given up already... "What about this dress..." Chris said holding up a red dress and i shook my head... "Too tight... Already tried it..." I mumble... Chris chuckles making me even more cranky, but he doesn't give up and after digging around in the closet he found a dress that i already forgot about... I had bought it when we shopped for the baby... I look at him and smile while a tear forms in my eyes... 

"Thank you..." I whisper taking the dress and he chuckles cupping my face. "Relax baby everything is going to be okay today nothing to worry about..." He whispers and kisses me and after we break the kiss i put my head against his chest. "Sorry just a bit nervous..." I mumble and he sighs... "I am there with you i won't let you out of my sight..." He says and this makes me relax a bit. 

"Do you need me to help you get dressed?" He asks and i smile and nod and i smirk as he helps me in the dress. I grab some flats and i blush as het takes them out of my hands and sits me down before he puts them on my feet... "Feeling better sweetheart?" He asks and i nod smiling shyly... "Sorry for being difficult..." I murmur and he chuckles shaking his head... "You can be a difficult as you want..." He says kissing my forehead before helping me up.

"Do you have your bag because we need to go..." Chris says smiling and i nod... "It is in the kitchen..." I whisper and Chris smiles taking my hand and we walk out of the bedroom to the kitchen where Oscar is feeding the dogs and changing their water bowls... That was his new choir... He was responsible for feeding the dogs and i have to say he took it really seriously... 

"Ready to go to grandma bud...?" Chris asked Oscar who nodded while i took my bag... "Here are the keys... Go wait in the car..." He says to Oscar and Oscar smiles and runs off... "Sweetheart come here..." Chris said pulling me in his arms... "At any moment... You feel uncomfortable just let me know and i will handle it okay...? If you dont want people to touch you just say that... They will understand..." Chris says smiling and i nod... "Okay..." I whisper and Chris smiles kissing me passionately. 

"Let's go..." He says taking my hand and i follow him out the door and i chuckle seeing Oscar in the front pretending to drive... "God i fear the day he gets his drivers permit..." I mumble and Chris laughs... "Did you put the gender reveal cake in the car?" I ask and Chris smiles nodding... We decided to do a little private gender reveal just for the family... 

"Into the backseat buddy... You're not old enough to drive..." Chris said grinning as he opened the door for me... Oscar crawled in the back and when Chris had me sat down, he went to buckle Oscar in. 

I struggled with my seatbelt and sighed when i finally had it in making Chris chuckle as he sat down behind the wheel... He checked my seatbelt and i rolled my eyes... "Just making sure you and the baby are safe..." He said kissing my temple... "Dad let's go!" Oscar protested and we both chuckled. 

Chris started the car and i stopped him... "I have to pee..." I mumble and Oscar groaned, and Chris laughed... He turned the car off again and unbuckled his seatbelt and mine and got out the car helping me out and he waited with Oscar in the car while i went inside to pee... 

When i came back to the Car Chris and Oscar were laughing and Chris opened the door for me again helping me in and walking around sitting down behind the wheel again. I put my seatbelt back on and Chris checked again and finally we drove off... 

Chris and Oscar were singing along with some songs on the radio and i smiled looking outside trying to keep myself relaxed as my nerves got the better of me...  I felt Chris his hand on my thigh giving me a little squeeze and i looked at him and smiled... 

We pulled up to Lisa's house and Chris let Oscar out of the car who ran up to the house not even knocking and just running in... Chris helped me out and took the cake out of the car and took my hand walking up to the front door... We walked in and Chris yelled out for his mother who answered she was in the kitchen. 

We walked to the kitchen and Chris put the cake down hugging his mother and then she looked at me... "Can i?"  She asked holding her arms out for a hug and i blushed but nodded and she hugged me... "Sorry sweetheart it is good to see you again... You look glowing and absolutely beautiful..." She whispered and i blushed thanking her... I took her hand and put it on my belly as the baby was kicking and she looked at me with tears in her eyes... 

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