Chapter 80

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Chris pov...

I am so confused when Oscar and Lana wave me over to sit in a chair... I am even more confused when they tell me they have a surprise for me... Oscar hands me a box all excited... I tell him it is not my birthday, but he says i just have to open it... I am so confused and nervous for what is to come

I rip the paper off and i open the box rummaging through it... For a moment i think it is a joke... That is until i reach the bottom of the box... On the bottom lays a big brown envelope... I take it out and Oscar starts jumping up and down... "Read it dad! Read it!" He squeals... And i can't help but chuckle at his excitement but what can be in an envelope that has a little boy so excited... I open the envelope and pull out some papers... 

I look at the papers and start to read and i take in a sharp breath before the tears start to come through... I look at Lana with tears in my eyes... "Really?" I ask and she nods smiling but i can see she is fighting her own tears... I then look at Oscar who smiles all excitedly... "Come her bud..." I say and pull him into a hug almost squishing him. "Do you like the surprise dad?" He asks putting his hands on my face... "I love it bud... You make me so happy... This is the best day of my life..." I say kissing his cheek and hug him tightly again. I then stand up with him in my arms and pull Lana in our hug and i sob a little... 

"Well... What is it?" Mackie yells and i release Lana and put Oscar down. "Adoption papers for Oscar..." I say holding up the papers... "I am going to be legally Oscar's dad..." I say and start to cry... The room erupts and everybody cheers and a few tears flow... Ma walks over to me and hugs me... "Congratulations dad... It's a boy..." She whispers and i chuckle... "You knew about this did you..." I ask and she smirks... "Sweetheart we all knew..." She says and i look at my family stunned. "All of you?" I ask and they all nod... "Surprise!" Shanna and Carly say grinning... and i chuckle hugging them all... And then i realize something... This is it... This is the perfect moment... Maybe not the grand gesture i had imagined it to be... But it was the perfect moment non the less...

"Excuse me for a moment..." I say to my family and then walk to Lana... "I'll be right back sweetheart..." I whisper kissing her temple. "Oh okay..." She says looking at me confused and grin before i walk to the bedroom... I smile opening the drawer getting the little black box... I open it and smile... "Perfect moment..." I mumble and I take a deep breath and put it in my pocket and walk back to the living room... 

"Can i have everyone's attention one more time..." I say loudly and the room goes quiet... "Lana... Sweetheart... Can you come over here for a minute?" I say and now Lana looks confused but walks over to me...

"Ooooh this was not how i was planning to do it... I wanted to plan this big thing on the perfect moment... But this is it... I can't let Oscar have my last name and leave you out..." I say and sink down on one knee fishing out the little box and opening it... Lana gasps slapping her hand over her mouth and tears start to form in her eyes... Gasps go all around and i take another deep breath...

"Lana... From the moment i saw you... and Oscar in the park... i knew... I knew i wanted you in my life... You make me so happy... We have been through some things... But i can honestly say we came out stronger and it only made me realize more that i dont want to life another day without you... and Oscar... You and Oscar are my family... But i want to make it official..." I say and take another deep breath...

"Lana... Love of my life... Will you marry me..." I say and she looks at me with tears in her eyes... "Say yes mommy..." Oscar interrupts and there are chuckles all around... "So what do you say..." I say smiling at her...

"Yes..." She whispers through her tears and gets down on her knees and kisses me passionately... "Yes... Ill marry you..." She says again and everybody starts to cheer... I smile and take the ring out of the box and slide it around her finger... "Perfect." I whisper and i look at her and smile... "Wauw it is beautiful..." She whispers and i kiss her again... All of a sudden, a little body throws itself at us and we laugh pulling Oscar between us and hugging him tight. 

Then our little moment is broken by our family and friend congratulating us all and ma pulls me into a hug... "You never told us you had a ring already..." She says with tears in her eyes slapping my chest. I grin and pull her into another hug. "I can keep secrets to..." I say smirking and she chuckles... I then hug my sisters and brother and after that Mackie and Seb congratulate me... "Congratulations man... We are so happy for you, and you might want to check the marvel group chat later..." Mackie says smirking and i chuckle... "Thanks..." I say smirking. "What he said..." Seb says smirking and he hugs me. They then go to Lana who is showing the ring to ma and my sisters... I smile watching her all excited showing off the ring... I made the right choice.

"Dad...?" Oscar says and i crouch down to his level. "Yes bud?" I say and he hugs me... "Thank you for being my dad and making mommy smile..." He whispers and i have to fight my tears again... "Thank you for being the best son any dad could ever want bud..." I whisper. "Now go play with your friends..."

I smile as he runs of to play with his friend... I look around the room... I watch the chaos like Lana likes to call it and i can't say anything else than i am happy...

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