Chapter 89

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Lana pov...

"Okay... The last 2 venues were not what you had envisioned... But i think this one will...  It ticks of all the boxes..." She says smiling all excited. Chris takes my hand, and we follow her inside... I have to admit the surroundings alone already is beautiful... It is remote... But we can do everything here... We can get married here and have the party here... We even sleep and get ready here...

"This is a new venue... Your wedding would be the first wedding held here..." Maggie says smiling as we walk around... I am in awe... Totally in love... "Okay so they are new... I dont know how i feel about that... I want it to be perfect and having it be somewhere where they never have done this... Well, it makes me nervous..." I hear Chris say but i am too caught up looking at the aisle i would walk down... 

"The venue is new... The people have experience working for other people and just decided to start something of their own... I have worked with them before at those other places and i can say i am absolutely confident that they can pull it off... We will meet them after i gave you the tour..." I hear Maggie say but i am not really listening... "Lana?" Chris says squeezing my hand and i look up at him with the biggest smile and he chuckles. "I dont think i have to ask what you think..." He says smirking and i blush... "I absolutely love it..." I whisper and Chris smiles at me. 

We get to the dining room and i think i am about to cry... It is so beautiful... I can just see it all dressed up in my head... The fall theme would go so well with the room... It has this warm feeling even when it is not fully decorated... "You can fit 200 people max... and as you can see it still would feel elegant and intimate... Food and drinks will be served... They have a chef and kitchen staff who can make you anything you want... And they have a bunch of servers with experience..." Maggie says and i smile and when i look at Chris he smiles to...

"Through these big doors you will come to the room where you would have the party... As you can see there is a bar... Room for a band and or DJ and a big dancefloor with standing tables surrounding it... But we can put some chairs and tables in here for people who can't stand all night... We are allowed to decorate however we like as long as it is not remodeling..." Maggie says and i chuckle. 

She shows us the rooms where we could sleep for our wedding night.. A beautiful bridal suite for the wedding night... two rooms to get ready in... One for the bride and one for the groom... and 4 additional rooms for some guests if needed. 

"The thing that will really pull you in is the fact that they have experienced nannies on staff... They will entertain the kids throughout the night if you want to... When it is time for bed, they will make sure there is someone to take care of all that... They can show you all their paperwork and references... It is in the building out back... It is fully equipped for kids off all ages... And you can even keep an eye out every once in a while, through cameras..." Maggie says smiling and we both looked at her stunned. 

"They really thought about everything..." I whisper to Chris, and he nods... "Do you guys want to see?" Maggie asks and we both nod. We walk to a building out back and it looks so cute... It is all dressed up like a hotel for kids... With a little reception and all...  There are colorful rooms, and the lobby is a play area with all sorts of games and toys... "There is room for up to 20 kids... and depending on the number there will be multiple staff on hand all checked out of course and all have the necessary qualifications... 

"It almost sounds too good to be true..." I whisper to Chris, and he nods. We are both a bit stunned... We walk back to the first room where we would be married as we decide on this place and Maggie gives us a minute while she goes and gets the owners... 

"What do you think?" I ask Chris hoping he is just as much in love with it as i... "I think it is perfect... But i want to make sure the owners can handle it..." He says pulling me in his arms and kissing me. "We trust Maggie, right?" I say and Chris nods again, but he is adamant... He wants to make sure...

"I really love it..." I whisper blushing and Chris smiles... "We will make it work..." He says smiling and i smile back... He kisses me again and just when we break the kiss Maggie walks in with the owners... 

They introduce themselves as John and Patty... "The place is beautiful..." I say and they both smile at us... "Thank you it has been a long process, but we are really happy with the outcome..." Patty says and John just nods. They tell us that they always have done weddings and decided to start something for themselves... A place where you can do everything... Chris tells them about our plans for security... That there has to be room for a car or pendle service so guests can be brought from and to their hotels... That he wants to hire security to keep nosy people with cameras out... 

But eventually Chris is reassured, and we tell them we would love to hold our wedding here... John walks off for a bit and when he comes back, he has a bottle of champagne... "We really want to thank you for being the first couple to get married here..." Patty says and Chris and i smile. 

They offered us a discount if Chris would tweet about their venue, but Chris didn't want to... "I am going to pay... and if you guys make it the best day of our life's i will tell the world... But i want to do it because i am happy and not because i have to..." He says smiling and Patty and John smile thanking him and that they will make sure it is the most beautiful day of our life's... 

"Then there is only one thing to do..." Maggie says and we look at her confused... "Set a date of course..." She says as if we are all had gone crazy... And we all burst out laughing...

"Are you happy?" Chris asks when we are back in our car and i look at him and lean over kissing him passionately... "Very happy..." I whisper... and his smiles. "7 October... is going to be one of the best days of my life..." He whispers and i smile. "Mine to..." I whisper and we kiss again...

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