Chapter 184

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Lana pov...

"Get her... Get her..." My dad chants Kyle on from his chair as he has woken up to the commotion... Kyle is screaming as he is kicking me everywhere he can and i struggle to get away from him... My body hurts and every time i almost get away Kyle pulls me back at my feet... I kick scream and try my best to protect my head... "

You are not going anywhere you little bitch... YOUR MINE!!" He screams and he kicks me in the back again and i scream out in pain... "YOUR MINE!" He yells again and another kick this time it lands on my knee and i bite my tongue tasting my own blood to not scream out in pain again. He kicks me over and over again and i know i had to stop this... I feel my head spinning from the few kicks i barely could vent off...

I need to get up i need to get away... It is do or die... Chris and the kids flashing through my mind... I need to fight for them so i take a deep breath while i can and i roll down on my back pushing myself up and i crawl back until i am with my back against the wall... I see my dad stumble to the door to get the keys still in the door and i feel panic rise inside of me... 

I reach behind me and pull out the gun i had tucked in my waistband... "Do... dont move..." I stammer barely getting it out and Kyle freezes as i push myself up against the wall finally back on my feet again hoping my body will work with me for a little longer to get out of here... "Come on sweetheart you are not a killer..." Kyle says immediately trying to charm me again like he has done in the past but i was not the girl from the past anymore... He had no hold on me anymore and i scoff... "Wanna bet on that..." I say as my head starting to pound and i feel something warm run down my face and i know i am bleeding... I test for a second if i can put my full weight on my knee and i just bite through the pain... 

"Move away from the door and put the key back in...!" I yell at my father, and he looks at me with murder in his eyes but does what he says... "Move...!" I say waving the gun pointing it at the corner of the room wanting them as far away from the door as possible... 

They are both still intoxicated and do as i say and i stumble to the door and open it and i can smell freedom as fresh air comes in... "I am going home! To my husband... The father of my kids...! He is Oscar's father you are nothing! You are scum... The lowest of the lowest... Chris showed me what love is... Chris showed Oscar what it means to be a man... He is more man than you will ever be! Both of you... And God, he fucks me good... God when his big, massive dick is inside of me i scream out in pleasure... He gave me more pleasure in the first night we slept together than you gave me in all those years... He is so fucking good that he knocked me up on our wedding day... He makes me feel loved and respected I am going to hug my kids until they are sick of it and i am going to be happy without giving you 2 anymore thought... I am going to be the best mother for my kids and together with their father we will raise them to become the most wonderful human beings... Oscar is nothing like you thank God... I am breaking the cycle..." I yell not knowing why but i just wanted to yell i wanted to get it all out... I can see his brain working steam coming out his ears and the fact i am telling him that Chris is better especially in the bedroom is getting to him and i smirk... 

"I am going home..." I say again and i look at the mantel seeing the tin can with my mother's ashes... I stumble over... My mother who paid the ultimate price for trying to leave... My mother who's wish it was to get away from my father... Who was just as much a victim of my father as i was... She was going to get her wish... She was going to come home with me and have a proper urn... A place in my home even if it was while she was dead... But it was the least i could do for her... To honor her wish even in death... 

I grab the urn and my dad protests trying to walk towards me but i yell at him to step back waving the gun around... Kyle is watching my every move as i stumble back to the open door and i slowly back out and right then i lose my balance for a second and Kyle lunges at me and i pull the trigger without thinking... My ears are ringing as i look at Kyle and he stumbles back... "You shot me... You actually shot me..." He says shock in his eyes as he grabs his stomach... 

I grin at my father... "Better get on your knees or you can join him bleeding out on your floor..." I say and my dad grumbles, but he does as i tell him... Kyle is crying out in pain but i couldn't care less... "Just leave... Go and leave your mother here..." He says and i laugh... "No i am going to grant her wish... She is getting out of your grasp... My only regret is that i did not push her more in the past..." I say and my dad stands up in anger not able to help himself as his ego takes over. 

He is stumbling towards me and i shoot him in his leg and he falls down clutching his leg... I smile knowing there is no way they get up now... They are both screaming in pain now and i look at them and feel nothing... No regret... No urge to save them... Nothing... 

"Good luck in either prison or hell..."  I mumble and i turn around and stumble out... When i look out i see blue lights and smile looking up to the sky taking in a deep breath of fresh air and i give in sinking down to the floor dropping the gun... I am free... I am free from them i dont care what happens next, they can lock me up in prison for shooting them for all i care... I am free from them free form this hell... I start laughing as i hear the cars pull up doors slamming, and voices yell my name...

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