Chapter 40

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Chris pov...

Thanksgiving Day... and we were getting ready to go over to ma's... Lana and Oscar were now fully moved in... Oscar's room was ready, and it was mind-blowing how talented Lana is... In two days, Lana had painted the biggest Octopus on the wall i had ever seen and it looked absolutely amazing... Oscar was ecstatic... We had bought him a new bed... Or Lana did... She wouldn't let me... and after going back and forth i gave up trying to convince her to let me pay... 

I did however surprise her with a drawing table for her office... She was in total shock but loved it and i was happy that she was so happy... Her office was still a work in progress... But we were just waiting for the rest of the furniture to be delivered... 

I was nervous for today... Tara hadn't stopped texting... I still had her on mute and i just had texted her back to stop... and that i was very happy and that they would meet on thanksgiving...  She had even showed up at the house one day but thank God we weren't home as we were getting the last things from Lana's house... I didn't want them to meet at my place... Having them meet at ma's was for the best... Sort of neutral terrain and the fact that the rest of the family was going to be there who adored Lana and Oscar made me a little bit at ease... But i knew Tara... She could be sneaky... So, i was not completely at ease...

She was rambling over text...asking why she couldn't open the gate... Why i didn't let her in... and why i avoided her. I told her i was busy and not at home... That no one was home... I had called Scarlet and she had confirmed what Seb and Mackie had told me... I was just floored... When i asked why she hadn't told me she said that she had no proof... and didn't want to cause drama.... Slowly but surely i had to admit that Tara was not the friend i thought she was...

 Mackie and Seb hadn't been by again they were just too busy filming, but they invited us to come by set after thanksgiving... as a surprise for Oscar...

3 days ago, we had some of my other friends over for dinner and they absolutely loved Lana and Oscar... Their kids got along with Oscar, and it was just al around fun and we agreed to do it again soon... 

But now it was time to go to ma's... Lana looked absolutely beautiful in a nice dress and Oscar was so proud walking around in his Sunday best... "Are you two ready to go?" I asked taking in a deep breath... Oscar nodded, and Lana smiled nodding to... 

We got into the car and i smiled as Oscar was rattling about the drawing, he had made for my mother... or like she was now known as... Grandma... 

We arrive at ma's and i feel a bit of relief that it seems like Tara and her family are not here yet... We walk through the door and when Oscar sees ma, he runs up to her hugging her tight and handing her his drawing... She has the biggest smile thanking him and i can see she has to wipe away a tear when he tells her that it is a drawing of him and her... He looks so proud when she puts it on the fridge and then both Lana and i give ma a hug... 

When Lana excuses herself to freshen up so she can help with the cooking i look at ma... "We told them to be here later than the rest..." She whispered smiling. "So, we can have some family time first..." She continued... Scott comes walking in and he hugs me and then Oscar. I smile as Scott tickles him and to our surprise he is now Uncle Scott as Oscar squeals at him to stop...  

Deep down i feel a bit jealous because everyone is now aunt... uncle or grandma... But i agree with Lana it comes when it comes... I can't and dont want to force him... But deep down i can't wait for the day...

Carly walks in and Oscar runs off with the other kids to play. Lana comes back from the bathroom and hugs everyone and then helps ma with cooking together with Carly... Scott and i sat down at the table... I watched Lana laugh with Carly and ma looking absolutely radiant... and happy... Fuck she just looked beautiful... I am so happy... It feels like it always have been like this... Lana and Oscar just fit in... Like they belong... Because they do...

"So... Ma told me about the whole Tara debacle..." Scott said and i groan... "Please just act normal... The situation is already tense enough..." I ask him and Scott nods... "Just want you to know i got you guys' backs..." Scott said smiling and i smiled back at him... "Thanks... but let's just give her a chance..." I whispered. Shanna walked in greeting everyone, and she sat down with Scott and i... 

It was a bit chaos but i loved it... In the background you could hear the kids play and having fun... I was laughing with Scott and Shanna and ma was laughing with Carly and Lana while preparing the last things for dinner... When everything was ready so far, they joined us... Lana sat down on the chair next to me and on instinct i pulled her chair closer wrapping my arm around her and she looked at me and smiled. 

"Have you fully settled in?" Shanna asked Lana smiling and Lana nodded smiling back. "We have... Oscar's room is ready, and all our stuff is moved in... We still have to unpack some stuff, but we now officially live together..." Lana said smiling. "Yeah, ma showed us the pictures of your mural it is amazing..." Scott said and Lana blushed. "Thank you... I am very happy with how it turned out... and Oscar was over the moon so that makes me happy..." Lana said. 

"If i ever want a mural can i call you?" Carly asked smirking and Lana nodded... "Of course, i would be happy to..." She said smiling... "I'll keep that in mind when it is time to redo the kids their rooms..." Carly said smiling and Ryan her husband sighed at the thought of my sister wanting to redecorate making us all laugh...

After talking a bit more, the doorbell rang and i took a deep breath and i could feel myself getting tense... It was time to put on my poker face... and act normal... I just needed to give it a chance maybe it would be okay... Carly stood up to open the door and a few minutes later Tara and her family walked in... 

She looked my way and i looked back and i could see she was checking out the situation...  I could see she had a fake smile plastered on her face... She had her poker face on to... but her eyes... her eyes said she was ready for a fight... After she greeted the rest, she walked over to Lana and i... We stood up... I just held my arm around Lana's waist holding her close to me...

"Hi... I am Tara... Chris his.... BEST friend... You must be... LANA... I heard so much about you... and your... SON..." Tara said and i took a deep breath to control myself. Her smile was ominous... It was not friendly at all and i think Lana noticed to because i could feel her tense up...

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