Chapter 176

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Lana pov...

While i drive my phone rings again... "Change of plans little girl... You are going to the carpool area and wait there..." The evil voice of Kyle fills the car, and a cold shiver runs down my spine...

"Do you hear me little girl..." He spits through the phone and i can hear Chris groan in the background... "Yes, i heard you i will wait there..." I say trying my best to sound calm and collected trying to not show fear anymore... My only goal is to get Chris out of there...

Chris doesn't deserve this... He doesn't deserve to pay for the mistakes of my past... Our kids need him... Chris never did anything wrong... Other than maybe fall in love with me... Maybe this was always going to be the ending and i was a fool to think i could be happy... Maybe happy endings weren't in the cards for women like me... I was a fool to think i would get away from him... But whatever is going to happen Chris needs to get back to our kids... This is my mess, and he doesn't deserve to suffer our kids dont deserve to suffer a life without their amazing father... 

I arrive at the carpool spot and park my car grabbing my purse and getting out waiting for what is to come... I look around there is no one here... No one to help me... I am alone... I wait what for me feels like hours but every time i look at my watch it is like time is standing still... 

All of a sudden, an old beaten-up car appears, and it parks next to me and when i look in it feels like i can breathe... He is older... Prison has not been kind to him... He looks like an old man... He has a scar on his face and combined with the evil grin he looks like something out of a nightmare... 

He gets out the car holding a gun and walks over to me and i take a step back my back pressing up against my car as he comes to close for my liking... "Hello little girl... Happy to see me..." He says laughing but i dont answer... He steps closer and i have no place to go as i am now caught between him and the car and he leans in and kisses my cheek... I close my eyes trying to breath and not throw up at the feeling from his lips on my skin... "Where is the boy?" He asks and i open my eyes... "At home..." I say and he steps back... "I told you to bring him..." He growls and i shake my head...

"No..." I say and for a moment he is stunned at the fact i am telling him no... "No?" He asks and i nod... "We are off to a bad start little girl... If i tell you to bring the little shit... You bring the little shit..." He growls poking my chest and i take a deep breath... "Do you really want a kid around to slow you down for whatever you planned... The sounds of him crying and sobbing and whining because he is scared..." I say trying my best to sound calm and collective trying my best to show no fear...

"Hmm maybe you are right... He has always been a whiney little shit weak like his mother... And i gather it has become worse being around that pathetic excuse you call your husband..." He says the word husband dripping with disgust... I have to bite my tongue so i wont scream at him... God i want to scream at him... I want to tell him to shut up... That Chris is more of a man than he will ever be... I want to scream at him that i am so happy Oscar is nothing like him but is a sweet and caring boy... But i know screaming at him will get me nowhere... It will only aggravate him so i bite my tongue...

"Get in the car..." He says and i want to step in the passenger seat... "No... Other side... You are driving want to keep a good eye on you..." He says and he waves the gun towards the driver's side door... I walk around the car, and he groans... "The spoiled rich life suits you little girl... You look fine can't wait to claim you again..." He says in a tone of voice that makes me sick as i feel his eyes roam my body following me... I ignore it... I ignore the bile coming up my throat almost making me gag... I get behind the wheel and he closes the door before walking around the front of the car his eyes never leaving mine the gun at all times pointing at me... 

He gets in beside me and tells me to drive... I just keep my eyes on the road and while he is reminiscing about the past... He talks about our times together as if it were the good old days... He gives me instructions and i wonder where we are going as the buildings seem to get more deteriorated the longer, we drive... We drive a little longer and a lonely building appears... I am sure it is abandoned, and he tells me to park... He tells me to stay put and i see another car parked and for a moment i panic scared that he is not taking me to Chris... That i am never going to see him again that he is going to leave him to die... 

He opens the door and tells me to get out and when i stand beside the car he shoves me... "Walk!" He growls and he leads me towards the building... We walk inside and it is dark... The little slivers of light are filled with dust and the air is thick and it just smells nasty... He pushes me on and on and he grins stopping at a door... 

"Time to say goodbye little girl..." He says with a grin on his face, and he opens the door pushing me in and i almost fall over... I look in the room my eyes need a moment to adjust and i see him... Tied to a chair his head hanging down and for a moment i lose it and forget Kyle is there...

"Chris...!" I yell running over putting his head in my hands making him look up at me and the tears are running down my cheek. His perfect face is beaten bruised... He opens his eyes and i can see the panic... "Lana no... You can't be here..." He mumbles and i shake my head... 

"No baby... You can't be here..." I whisper and i press my lips on his... "I love you... Never forget that... Take care of our baby's okay... I love you... I love you so much... Thank you for making me really happy... Thank you for loving me... Thank you for our beautiful little girl and thank you for being an amazing dad" I whisper in a rush and desperate to let him know that i love him... That i am so thankful for my life with him even if it was short... That i have never been happier and felt loved more... "

No... no this is not goodbye..." He says crying and i kiss him... "I love you Lana... I can't lose you..." He says and i close my eyes as my heart is breaking...  I kiss him again one final kiss before i get dragged away... "That is enough..." Kyle growls... "Wait here while i deal with America's golden boy..." He says and evil smirk appearing, and he kisses his gun...

"No let him go! You promised my life for his! Let him go..." I scream and Kyle just laughs and when he stops he leans closer... "Do you really think i would let him go..." He says laughing and i swallow hard... "Still a stupid little girl..." He says laughing even harder...

I take a deep breath and straighten my back... "You forget one thing Kyle..." I say and he looks at me confused for a moment... "You forget the love i have for that man... You forget if he dies especially at your hand i dont have a reason to life anymore... I already said goodbye to my kids, and they are in good hands with the family... But if you kill him i dont have a reason to life anymore and i will not make it easy on you... I will fight you every way... So, you have the choice between me coming quietly or me coming kicking and screaming making your life hell... No matter what you will do to me i will fight you every step of the way... I am not the pathetic little girl i was when i was with you..." I say and he looks at me...

"Just let him go son... He is of no use anymore... We got what we want... And i am not going to be an accomplish to murder especially not a high profile one... That is bringing down the whole of America down on us... Now let's get out of here and take her home... I dont want to deal with her tantrums along the way..." A voice says and i freeze... I snap out of it and turn around to make sure my ears dont betray me... 

"Dad...?" I whisper looking in the face of my so-called father...

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