Chapter 115

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Chris pov...

I wake up on the couch alone and when i sit up i smile seeing Lana sitting in the windowsill looking out... I can hear the wind howling around the house and you can barely see anything through the window and yet Lana is sitting watching out with the biggest smile on her face a cup of tea in her hand... She has put on clothes a big sweater with fluffy socks a blanket wrapped around her... It is a beautiful sight... She turns her head towards me and smiles... "Come sit with me..." She says opening the blanket and i chuckle... "Be right there going to put on some clothes..." I say and she giggles... "Aaahw really?  Why?" She says smirking and i laugh shaking my head. I walk over give her a quick kiss before i make my way up to put on some clothes... 

I watch outside as i get dressed and sigh... The car is almost completely covered with snow making it disappear... I have to admit it looks beautiful... But being completely cut off from the outside world made me a little anxious... What if something would happen to Lana and i couldn't get her out of here... I take a deep breath in an attempt to quiet my mind... Nothing is going to happen i told myself... 

I walked back down, and Lana smiled opening her blanket for me... I sat down and pulled her in between my legs wrapping my arms around her as she leaned against my chest. We sat in comfortable silence for a while looking out as the snow came down... 

It was so peaceful so comfortable... Neither one of us said a word and yet it was not awkward... I loved we could be silent together... "I love you..." I murmured in her ear, and she looked up at me and smiled. "Love you to..." She whispered and i attached my lips with hers... She takes my arms wrapping them tighter around her and i smile. 

"Sometimes i still can't believe this is my life now... It is like a dream and sometimes i am scared i am going to wake up and it is not real..." Lana whispers and i smile planting a kiss on her shoulder. "It is baby... You me and Oscar... and maybe some more little once... It is all real..." I am going to give you the life you deserve... Everyday i will make sure that you know you are loved and cherished...  I whisper and she sighs. "That sounds like heaven..." She murmurs and i smile... "Life with you is heaven..." I murmur... 

My stomach growls and Lana laughs and wriggles herself out of my grip. "Time to feed my husband..." She whispers and i grin... "Pasta?" She asks and i nod. "When we get back home i have to watch what i eat again... Need to bulk up for this part i am playing..." I say pouting and Lana giggles. "And here you were thinking after the whole Captain America thing you wouldn't have too anymore..." She says and i sigh... 

"Thank god i dont have to get to that level but i do have a few shirtless scenes and i dont want everyone to go... O... oooh he let himself go..." I say and Lana laughs. "Chris... You did not let yourself go..." She says poking my stomach and i smile. "That is true... You keep me active..." I say grinning and she giggles. "Besides... I like you a little softer..." She says smiling and i grin... "Is that so..." I ask and she nods... 

"Can i help?" I ask and Lana shakes her head... "No but can you put some more wood on the fire... It is getting colder..." She says and i nod. I put some more wood on the fire and then see the camera still sitting on the stack of books. I take the camera and smile as i start looking through the pictures... "How many pictures did you take of me sleeping..." I ask as i walk back into the kitchen and she smiles... "You looked so handsome sleeping..." She whispers and i feel myself blush... I smile seeing myself wake up trough pictures and see everything that happened earlier today unfold through pictures... 

"Having fun?" Lana asks and i look up at her seeing her grinning at me... "Very much so..." I say and show her the pictures of herself... She giggles... "You look so beautiful..." I say and she blushes... She takes the camera from my hand and puts it aside and wraps her arms around my neck pulling me in for a kiss... "Promise me that no one will ever see those..." She whispers and i smirk... "Trust me i dont want anyone to see that... My eyes only..." I say grinning and she chuckles... "You have gotten more possessive lately... Should i be worried?" She asks and i can see part of her is serious...

I cup her face and put a strand of her hair behind her ear... "Sweetheart... Am i feeling a little possessive... Maybe... But i would never try to control you... Or keep you from doing the things you love... Understood?" I whisper putting my finger under her chin and pecking her lips... She closes her eyes and smiles... "Understood..." She whispers and her smile grows bigger..."There she is my beautiful smiling wife..." I whisper... A timer goes off and she gets out of my grip. 

She finishes our lunch, and we sit down to eat falling into a comfortable conversation. We clean up and Lana settles on the couch with a book and i take another few pictures of her without her noticing before i settle next to her with my own book. She lays her head in my lap and we spend the rest of the day just lounging around as the weather outside rages on... It is complete bliss... A bliss i always dreamed off she brought a calm in my life the crazy world i normally life in seems so far away when i am with her and part of me never wants to leave my bubble to go back to that live again... Part of me wants to stay home with Oscar and Lana forever... 

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