Chapter 120

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Chris pov...

"Dad!!" I heard and i groaned opening my eyes just in time to catch Oscar who was just about to jump on the bed between me and Lana and i want to shiel her from that now that she is pregnant... Lana started to groan and i chuckled... "Hey bud..." I whisper and get out of bed lifting him up throwing him over my shoulder and walking out of the bedroom so Lana could sleep a little longer... 

He is giggling and squealing hanging over my shoulder and i lift him up and put him down on the ground... I get down to his level and hug him tight... "Did you miss me bud?" I ask him and he nods hugging me a bit tighter... I lift him up again and tickle him making him giggle... "Daaaaaaad...." He squeals and i laugh throwing him over my shoulder again and walking to the kitchen. "So, let's make some breakfast..." I say and i put Oscar on the kitchen counter... 

"You can't cook dad..." He says grinning and i look at him... "Did your mother say that?" I ask him and he laughs... "No... Grandma and aunt Carly did..." He says with a grin on his face... I laugh and shake my head... "Thrown under the bus by my own family... Great... You know what... We are going to get dressed take the dogs and pick up some breakfast..." I say and Oscar balls his fist in the air screaming "YES!" I laugh and lift him off the counter and tell him to get freshened up and dressed... 

I walk to the bedroom and get changed... I lean over Lana and kiss her forehead and Lana wakes up a little... "Hey you can go to sleep in a little bit... Just wanted you to know we are going to get breakfast... What would you like..." I say and she groans... "Just some toast and fruit..." She mumbles and i smile and nod..."Okay whatever you want sweetheart..." I whisper kiss her and i smile as she is already half asleep again... 

When Oscar is done getting ready i load all of us in the car and i take off to Lana's favorite diner...  "You look funny..." Oscar says and i smirk... "You dont like the mustache?" I ask and he shakes his head... "Well, dont worry buddy it will be gone soon..." I say... 

"Dad?" He says and i look at him through the rear-view mirror... "Yes bud?" I say smiling... "Do you have a twin?" He asks and i look at him confused... "No why do you ask that?" I say and he shrugs his shoulder... "Mommy was talking on the phone and she said you looked like your evil twin..." Oscar said and i laughed... "It is just a something what people say bud... If you all of a sudden look different..." I say smiling and i can see Oscar thinking and processing the information... "When i am older will i have a mustache?" He asks and i chuckle... "If you want to..." I say... and he smiles... 

We arrive at the diner and take the dogs out of the car and walk in... I order breakfast to go and the lady smiles as Oscar is telling Dodger and Bob to sit... "Wauw you have trained them well..." She says and Oscar looks at her smiling... "They are my dogs, but mom and dad learned them to sit..." Oscar says standing between them... I chuckle at the fact that he calls them his dogs because it is basically true... From the moment Oscar stepped foot in my house Dodger totally forgot i existed... I am only interesting when Oscar is not around...

The lady talks with Oscar until our breakfast order is ready and he waves her goodbye, and we walk out with the dogs... We drive home and i put breakfast in the kitchen and tell Oscar to go wash his hands so i can wake up Lana to see if she wants breakfast... I walk in the bedroom, but she is no longer in bed and i look around until i hear her throw up in the bathroom... 

"Oh sweetheart..." I say and kneel beside her and rub her back as she throws up again... When she is done i help her up and she groans... She brushes her teeth and i look at her worried... "Is the morning sickness bad?" I ask her and she shrugs her shoulders... "What is bad..." She mumbles and i pull her in my arms and rub her back... "Anything i can do?" I ask and he hums... "You are already doing it Chris..." She whispers and i smile... "Anything you want you got understood..." I say as i make her look up at me with my index finger under her chin... She blushes and i smile... 

"I am going to spoil you rotten and you are going to be the most pampered pregnant lady on earth..." I whisper and she giggles... "Chris... I am pregnant not sick..." She whispers but i shake my head... "Paaaaaampered..." I whisper and she giggles again... "Do you want to try and eat something?" I ask and she nods... 

"Oh, before we go... One more thing..." I say smirking and she looks at me... "I look like my evil twin right now?" I ask with a smirk on my face, and she blushes... "How?" She says and i chuckle leaning down kissing her... "Little ears eeeeverywhere..." I murmur into the kiss, and she groans... "Oscar overheard?" She whispers and i nod... "Oh god..." She says turning bright red and now i am the one confused... 

"What did he say?" She asks and i tell her about the twin comment and she lets out a sigh of relief... "Oh thank god..." She says and she wants to walk off but i stop her.... "I am starting to think that was not all you have said..." I said smirking and she blushes... "Nope that was all... Now can we go eat..." She says pouting and batting her eyes at me... I chuckle and nod letting it go... for now...

We walk into the kitchen and Oscar is already sitting at the counter opening everything up. I help him while Lana sits down next to him at the counter and strokes his head and plants a kiss on it... "Goodmorning sweetheart..." She says and Oscar looks at her and smiles... "Goodmorning mom... Are you happy dad is home?" He asks and Lana smiles and nods... "Can we still have a snuggle day?" He asks he and she laughs... "Of course... We can have a snuggle day with the 3 of us..." She says and i smile and let out a sigh happy to be home again...

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