Chapter 130

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Chris pov...

"Thanks for taking Oscar for a few night..." I say smiling to Carly and she pats my cheek.  "Take care of my favorite sister-in-law..." She says grinning and i chuckle... "She is your only sister-in-law..." I said grinning and she giggled... "Still, she is my favorite..." She said smirking walking off and letting Oscar i the car who was jumping up and down all excited to spend some time with them... 

We had gotten back from ma and Lana was sleeping on the couch and Oscar the amazing kid that he is was watching over her. He told me the baby kept kicking mommy and that she needed to lay down, but she had fallen asleep. 

I smile thinking back at the first time i had felt the baby kick... She had woken me up in the middle of the night because she could feel the baby kick for the first time, and she didn't want me to miss out... She had put my hand on her belly and i was in shock feeling our baby kick. There was really a baby in there... I know it is stupid but that was the moment it really sunk in... 

I walk back in the house and smile as she is still asleep, and the dogs have taken place in front of her... I was getting worried about Bob... He was the clingiest to Lana, but he was also going downhill fast... I was so scared he wasn't going to make it to the end of her pregnancy and i dont know how she would take it... 

I shook my head pushing it out of my thoughts and i walked over to her and i wriggled myself around her without waking her up... I wrap her in my arms, and she sighs in her sleep and i have to chuckle as she is struggling to turn around in my arms. Her belly was growing by the day and some things were starting to get harder and more uncomfortable... 

I sigh and kiss the top of her head and she wakes up a little bit... "Go back to sleep sweetheart..." I whisper and she hums and relaxes again. I chuckle when half asleep she takes my hand putting it on her belly... "Rub please..." She murmurs and i do as i am asked making her hum even more... 

All of a sudden, she pushes herself up in a panic looking around... "Where is Oscar..." She asks all panicked and i take her shoulder and push her back down again... "Staying at Carly for a few days..." I whisper and she gives in and relaxes again. 

"He is probably bored with me... I am no fun at the moment..." She whispers and i sigh... "Sweetheart you should have seen him when we got home, he was your little keeper... All protective of his mommy" I whisper back. "Still, he will be happy that he can run around like a little maniac over there..." She whispered and i chuckled. 

"How did it go with your mother..." She said softly almost like she was afraid to ask. "It was a struggle at first but in the end, she understood... Maybe she didn't really like it, but she understood..." I whisper kissing the top of her head. "She must hate me..." Lana whispers her voice so vulnerable... "I am sorry i ruined the relationship you had with your mother..."  She says as she starts to cry... 

"No, you didn't sweetheart..." I said kissing the top of her head as i hold her close... This is Lana... Even though she had every right to call me out on my bullshit with my mom... She has this big heart that wanted everyone to be happy... 

But she did the right thing... She was not comfortable and the more i thought about... The more i was embarrassed about my behavior... She had cried in my arms for hours at night after she admitted she couldn't do this anymore that she didn't want to feel like she didn't matter ever again... I felt like the biggest piece of shit... I promised to make her happy and in my own euphoria i completely forget her... I was now doing everything in my power to make it up to her. 

I had postponed the gender reveal appointment on her request because she was scared that ma was going to show up... And as much as i told her ma wouldn't do that... She would almost panic at the thought of it so i postponed So now we would have it tomorrow...

"So, what are you thinking for tomorrow.... Boy or girl..." I ask and she giggles... "You know what i am thinking it hasn't changed... You are the one going back and forth..." She said and i smiled. "So, you still think girl..." I ask and she nods smiling. "What do you think today...?" She asks me and i chuckle... I am still rubbing her belly. "Hmmm... Feels like a boy today..." I whisper and she giggles... "Feels like a boy?"  She asks and i smirk. "Yep..."  I say popping the p.

"We will find out tomorrow..." She whispered and i smiles as she took my hand and put it on her back... "Can you rub there please..." She whispers and i chuckle as i start to rub her back. "God that feels so good..." She hums and i grin proudly... "Do you want me to rub your whole back sweetheart?" I whisper and she hums... "If you dont mind?" She asks and i chuckle... "No sweetheart i dont mind..." I whisper in her ear, and she gives me a small shy smile...

I push myself up and pull her up to... I pull her in between my legs sitting her down and she pulls her shirt over her head exposing her back to me and i smile as i slowly start to warm up her muscles. I smile as she hums and moans and i can feel the muscles relax under my touch... "My back is already killing me... and i still have to go a while..." She murmurs and i sigh... "Well whenever you need me to rub you back i am happy to do so..." I mumble planting a kiss on her back making her shiver. 

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