Chapter 185

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Lana pov...

"Mrs. Evans...? Mrs. Evans? LANA!" A voice says pulling me out of my laughing fit and i look up into a friendly face of a cop... "I won... You better call an ambulance..." I say with a smile on my face and the cop nods... "Ambulance is already on their way for you Mrs. Evans..." He says and i start to giggle again... "Oh no not for me... For the scumbags inside..." I say waving to the door and the cop's nudges to his colleagues and they draw their guns... "Dont worry they won't shoot you they are too much of crybabies to do so... I already shot them to get away... If you are quick, you can still save their pathetic asses..." I say grinning and i point to the gun on the floor... The officer gets the gun handing it off to another officer as the others go inside guns drawn... 

"Are you okay..." The officer asks crouching down in front of me and i sigh looking at him... "I will be... Once i am home with my husband and kids..." I whisper and he gives me a smile... 

The rest goes by in a haze i am being placed sitting down in the back of an ambulance and they try their best to clean me up and bandage my wounds... I watch as two other ambulances arrive and my dad and Kyle are getting rolled out kicking and screaming when they see me... Kyle yells he got out once before he will do it again and come find me... To kill me... The cop stepping in with him telling him to shut up and he starts to beg for pain relief and i cant help but smile when the paramedic tells him no... My father is only whining... The doors are being closed on them and are taken off to the hospital... 

One of the officers join me again and i sigh... "They killed my mother..." I say holding up her urn... My dad confessed in the car he made a deal with Kyle... Kyle would make my mother have and accident and in return my father would help to abduct and house me with him..." I say as the officer writes everything down... He takes my statement... I tell him every little detail i can remember... He writes everything down before he gets called away... 

"Were am i..." I ask one of the paramedics as i have no idea where the hell i am... and he smiles... "Bitter springs..." He says and i start to laugh and he looks at me confused... "Sorry the name of the town suits them..." I say and the paramedic smirks... "Let's get you to the hospital..." He says and i look at him... "Will that be the same hospital as them..." I ask and he nods... "Sorry it is the only one nearby..." He says and i shake my head... "I am not spending another second in the same building as them..." I say my voice clear letting him know i was serious... "I want to go home... I am not going anywhere else but home..." I say and the paramedic's protest... 

"Look i get it you're doing your job... But i spend.... I dont even know how many days doing what a man told me to... I fought to get back to my husband and children and not you or anyone is going to stand in my way..." I say not caring what anyone else is going to say... A man in a suit appears and identifies himself being FBI... 

"It is good to see you Mrs. Evans we have been looking for you... Your husband will be happy to hear you have been found..." He says smiling... "How is he... Is he awake yet?" I ask and he smiles nodding... "He is good my colleagues in Boston are letting him know we found you as we speak... He had woken up an hour after he got to the hospital but for your safety, we kept that information from the press..." He says and i sigh... "My kids?" I ask and he smiles... "The boy is not leaving your husbands side... Your little girl is at home being taken care of by family..." He says and i let out a sigh of relief... "Can you get me home... Please i just want to go home..." I say... "I think it is smart to get you to the hospital first..." He says and i feel myself getting angry...

"Listen buddy! I am going home... I am not going to the hospital... I am going home... To my husband and kids... So, you either work with me or I'll make my own way home..." I growl standing up the paramedics trying to stop me from doing so... 

I am not taking crap anymore... I am done with this place... I know i am being rude and unfair and difficult, but I am done i just want to see Chris, Oscar and Maeve... No matter what they all tell me i put my foot down that i want to go home... I ask them if i am under arrest, but the men shake their heads as it was clearly self-defense... I escaped my kidnappers i didn't kill them... I used reasonable force... They are in the hospital as we speak, and they are going to be alright unfortunately... 

And to their credit a few hours later i am being driven to an airstrip... I had signed the documents denying medical attention... I am still in my filthy clothes my face still bloody swollen my body bruised and i am in pain... So much pain but i power through... I can hold out a little longer until i can see with my own eyes that Chris and my kids are alright... I clutch on to the tin can with my mother's ashes determined to fulfill the promise i made... 

I drag myself out of the car after we park next to the plane and the agent rushes over and helps me up into the plane... He is all giddy and excited... "What has you in such a good mood..." I ask happy to see someone smile and act happy it is a nice distraction and change of all the sad pity looks... 

"I have never flown private before..." He whispers and i smile... "Do you know whose plane this is?" He asks me still giddy and i shake my head... "Robert Downey Jr..." He says almost squealing and i laugh as he looks like a little boy... "You know he will not be flying the thing right...?" I say and he grins... "I know i am an idiot to be this giddy you must fly private all the time..." He says and i chuckle... "Only once... On my honeymoon... Chris and i life a pretty normal quiet life... We are not the jet set around the world kind of people..." I say chuckling and he grins... 

"You guys always look happy when Chris... I mean Mr. Evans posts pictures..." He says smiling and i chuckle... "You can call him Chris...And yes we are and i can't wait to be back..." I say and smile back at him as he helps me sit down and fastens my seatbelt before sitting across of me and i smile as he looks around i look out the window and i vow to come never back to this place... I am going home... Half an hour later the plane takes off and i close my eyes... 

As i it was a about a 2-day trip here... I was now going to be home in a little over 4 hours... "Home..." I mumble and i take another deep breath... The nightmare is over... I am on my way home...

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