Chapter 58

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Lana pov...

"My work here is done..." Carly said smirking and hugged me while i still looked at Chris in shock... After she released me, she hugged Chris and walked back to the car... "Happy Valentine's Day baby..." Chris said pulling me into his arms and kissing me passionately and i melted into the kiss... I wanted to slap myself because i totally forgot that today was Valentine's Day... After we broke the kiss i just touched him scared that i was imaging things... "You are really here..." I whispered and he chuckled... "I am really here baby..." He whispered smiling and i blushed. 

He kissed me again and i just held him tight scared he would disappear again. "How... When..." I murmured into the kiss... "I flew in this morning... Spend the afternoon with ma and Oscar so we could have the night to ourselves..." He said smirking proud that he pulled this off... "You spend time with Oscar?" I whispered and tearing up... "Yes of course..." He said smiling and wiped away a tear that had rolled down my cheek... He then took a step back and twirled me around and i giggled. "You look beautiful sweetheart..." He said smiling and i blushed. "God i missed you..." He whispered and kissed me again... "I missed you to..." I said and he smirked. "I love you sweetheart..." He whispered and i smiled. "I love you to..." I said blushing profusely...

Chris took my hand and we walked into the restaurant. Chris said he had made a reservation and the hostess walked us to a table in the back... Everywhere were couples having their own Valentine's celebrations... The place was amazing and looked so romantic... We would be having dinner by candlelight in this amazing restaurant that looked like it was coming straight out of a romantic movie...

Chris pulled out my chair and i sat down before he sat opposite side of me, and he took my hand rubbing his thumb over the back of it... I just looked at him and smiled. "How long are you staying..." I whisper and Chris smiles... "I am here until Monday... So, we have 4 days together..." Chris said and i smiled again... The idea of him leaving again made me sad but i was getting 4 days with him... That is 4 more days than i had this morning... 

"Did everyone know?" I ask and he smirks and nods... "Even Oscar...?" I ask and again he smirks and nods... "Yes, he accidently found out and ma had a little talk with him that it was a surprise and that he had to keep it a secret..." Chris said and i blushed as everything fell into place... The giggles and the secrecy... I felt a little stupid because while they were all planning this as a surprise for me... I could only think their secrecy was something negative... I shook my head not wanting to think about it anymore and smiled at Chris. 

"Well i am really surprised and had no idea so you guys succeeded at that..." I said smiling and Chris smiled back at me proudly... "I have to confess... I totally forgot that today is Valentine's Day..." I whisper and Chris chuckles. 

A waiter appears with a menu, and we order something to drink. We look over the menu and i can feel Chris watching me so i look up and he smiles at me. "Everything okay?" I ask and he smiles... "Just happy to be here... with you..." Chris said smiling and i blushed... "I am really happy you are here to... I miss you more everyday..." I whisper so soft it is almost inaudible... 

I can feel Chris take my hand again and when i look up he looks back at me with a sad smile. "I know it is not easy being apart for so long... I am sorry..." He says and i shake my head... "It's okay we will manage, and it will get easier... You call every night without fault... Even on the other side of the country you are here for us..." I say and he smiles at me... "I will always be here with you and Oscar... Maybe not physical... but in my mind i am always with you..." He says and my heart melts... 

We just smile at each other when a waiter pulls us out and we order dinner... Chris tells me things from filming... I chuckle as Chris tells me Robert keeps pestering him for details and that he wants to come over with his wife after they are done filming to meet me and Oscar... "Oscar will lose his marbles... He didn't stop talking about the fact that you were with Robert... And that was just seeing him through a screen..." I say smiling and Chris chuckles... 

"I just can't believe you could get the time off..." I whisper smiling as our first course gets put in front of us... "You didn't really think i would let another year go by that you didn't have a proper Valentine's Day... Did you?" He says smirking. We start eating and i tell him about the sets i am designing for his mother and he tells me that he is so happy ma and i get along so well and that he can't wait to see the sets and play... 

"Oscar was all excited to show me the fish tank..." Chris says and i chuckle... "I had to take the fish food out of his room... He kept over feeding them..." I say and Chris laughs shaking his head... "Yeah he told me... He said the fishes were sad about that..." Chris said smirking and i laughed. 

The waiter came to take our plates away and not much later our main course came. Chris told me about the next project he would be filming here in Boston, and he was happy and excited that he could be home every day... I told him that it sounded amazing and almost like a dream because it was just such a normal thing... Something we both looked forward to... 

It was nice talking with Chris face to face again... Realization set in on how much i actually have missed him and i couldn't stop smiling at the fact that he was here... I pushed the thought of him leaving on Monday out of my mind... I just wanted to enjoy the fact he was here... For the next few days, the bed would not feel cold and empty... I would feel his strong arms around me again a i fell asleep... The thought of sleeping next to him tonight made mee feel all tingly and warm inside... Excitement running through my body and the longer the dinner goes on the more i crave his touch...

"Do you want a dessert..." Chris asks and i shake my head smiling at him... "Can we just go home..." I whisper softly and Chris grins... "We certainly can sweetheart..." Chris says and i smile as he waves over the waiter and pays the bill... 

After that he stands up and holds out his hand for me to take and with his hand on my lower back, he leads me out of the restaurant and to an awaiting car... The driver opens the door for us, and we get into the car and as soon as the door closes i pull Chris into a passionate kiss... I moan as my body feels on fire as his hands are all over me... 

"Fuck baby... I missed that sound..." Chris growls and i moan again... 

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