Chapter 99

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Chris pov...

It is a month after my little accident... After coming home Carly and ma chewed me out giving me a really hard time... Oscar was not leaving my side as he was super worried about me, and it was the sweetest thing ever... Lana surprised me over the last 4 weeks... They had tried and pressured me to go back to filming but Lana was adamant... As long as the arm was not healed i was not coming back to filming... She told them off when they were getting pushy... Throwing the accident in their faces... Ma loved her like this... Glowing about the fact she was not impressed by the big Hollywood people... And all the while she was running the household working on her next book... Taking care of me and Oscar...

I was sitting on the couch reading a book when Lana walked in smiling followed by Oscar. Oscar sat down next to me, and Lana was just about to say something when we heard the front door open and close... Ryan, Carly's husband walked in and Lana and Oscar both smiled. "Are you ready for your sleepover Oscar..." Ryan said after he greeted us, and Oscar nodded all excited. 

After he hugged me goodbye Ryan and Oscar left, and Lana sat down next to me on the couch. My arm was healing well... The ribs were still a bit sore... but the cuts and bruises were gone... "How are you feeling..." Lana whispered as she laid her head in my lap and closed her eyes... 

"Better... but not there yet... The cast is killing me though... It itches..." I say letting out a sigh. "And the ribs...?" Lana murmured and i sighed. "Getting better baby... I promise..." I whispered running my free hand through her hair and she let out a sigh. Her eyes were still closed, and she hummed. "Something on your mind sweetheart?" I asked and she shook her head. "No just tired..." She mumbled and i sighed. 

"I am sorry baby... I am not really helpful at the moment..." I whispered and she carefully turned in my lap looking up at me and she smiled. "The only thing you have to do is heal so that you are 100% at our wedding..."  She whispers as she runs her hand over my cheek. "Besides... I can relax on the honeymoon right...? Right???" She says raising an eyebrow at me and i chuckle. "You never have to leave the bed if you dont want to..." I say grinning and try to lean down but it still hurts a little and wince... Lana notices and smiles sitting up and kisses me passionately. 

"I will hold you to that..." Lana says in a soft moan and i groan internally... Ever since the accident we haven't been intimate other than snuggling and a kiss here and there... Lana smirks as she kisses me again and i let out a little moan... I whine when she breaks the kiss and rests her forehead against mine. "We can't babe..." She says under her breath and i whine again. "I can push the pain away..." I moan and kiss her again making her giggle. "Or we could wait until our wedding night... It is only a few more weeks..." Lana whispers and i whine again. "That is to long... and it has already been so long..." I whine and she giggles. 

"You are a bit whiney today..." She whispers and i sigh. "That is because i miss touching you... I miss feeling you skin under my fingertips..." I say under my breath as i kiss her between every word... She giggles and i kiss her again... I lift her up breathing through the pain and put her in my lap and i rub her up and down over her thigh... She wriggles in my lap and i let out a little growl as she grinds down on my dick which is already hard... 

"Chris..." She says under her breath in a soft sulky moan. I grin and keep kissing her all over slowly pushing the strap of her dress of her shoulder... I attach my lips to her soft skin wherever i get the chance... I push down the other strap of her dress and it falls down exposing her perfect tits to me... "It has been to long baby..." I hum as i kiss one of her nipples and she lets out a little moan... 

"Oh shit... Fuck..." She groans me as i gently bite her nipple. She keeps wriggling in my lap as i play with her tits and i growl as i can feel my dick throb... I keep teasing her... Her soft skin feels so good under my touch... We are totally caught up in each other... 

"Oh, fuck it..." Lana mumbles and she pushes me gently into the couch. I groan as she stands up and pulls her dress over her head and takes off her panties throwing them aside... She gets on her knees between my legs and i groan as she helps me out of my pants throwing them aside. She stands back up again and straddles me. 

She puts her hands on my face and kisses me. "Tell me if i hurt you..." She whispers and i groan because she removes one hand from my face and wraps it around my throbbing cock... "You won't hurt me baby... I promise you won't hurt me..." I groan as she is lining up my dick with her entrance before sinking down taking me balls deep making us both groan... 

"You make me always feel so full Chris..." She says letting out a sigh as i attach my lips to the skin in her neck again all the while wrapping my arms around her and pulling her closer. She starts rocking her hips back and forth and i groan before taking a deep breath... I fight to control my body... I have been so frustrated for the last week because every fiber in my body craved her... Every opportunity i got i touched her... Kissed her... Pulled her in my arms... But it never led anywhere because i know she didn't want me to be hurt... But to be fair the pain is manageable because the urge to be inside of her is bigger...

I groan as she starts to circle her hips letting out little moans... "Fuck you pussy feels so good baby..." I growl and she whimpers. "I can't wait until after the wedding and i finally can put a baby in you..." I growl and she whimpers again... "Can't wait to carry your baby..." She whispers and i growl and buck up my hips my dick hitting her deeper making her moan louder. "Does that feel good sweetheart?" I growl and she nods. "So, fucking good... Before you i never knew it could be like this..." She moans and she looks at me her eyes dark filled with lust, and she kisses me again. 

"Fuck baby... I am not going to last long..." I growl as she picks up her pace... She is riding me faster and faster her moans getting louder her breathing getting heavier... "It is okay baby fill me up... I am close..." She moans and i growl and kiss her again hard as we keep moving....

I groan and breath through the pain because she is moving faster, and it hurts but i dont want her to stop... Because on the other hand it feels so good... My dick inside of her feels so good... If i could i would be inside of her 24 hours a day... "Oh feels so good i am so close..." She whimpers and i start bucking up my hips again and after moving for a few more seconds thrusting into her as she circles her hips, we cum together... Moaning loudly but muffling our moans by a kiss... 

We pull apart and she puts her head in my neck as she is trying to catch her breath... "Are you okay..." She whispers and i chuckle. "I am okay sweetheart..." I say smirking as i rub her back up and down... 

She winces after she gets off my lap and she hold out her hand for me to take. "Let's take a bath..." She whispers and i smile. She leads me to the bathroom and as i am normally the one to run the bath and let her sit it is now my turn... She sits me down on the edge of the tub as she starts filling the bath. 

She gets one of the covers for my cast and smiles as she gently puts it around my arm. She kisses me and i chuckle as she helps me into the tub holding my hand so i can sit down. "Is it wrong that i kind of like this...?" I whisper blushing and she giggles shaking her head. "Of course, not baby..." She whispers and instead of sitting in front of me she sits behind me and pulls me lying against her and i let out a deep sigh.... 

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