Chapter 43

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Lana pov...

I am taking a breather between the main meal and dessert... Dont get me wrong the food is amazing and Chris his family is great to... But that woman is making me so uncomfortable, and it is starting to get to me...

I am outside taking a deep breath looking out over the garden... It is cold but even here it is warmer than that woman's icy demeanor... All throughout dinner she has been staring daggers at me... Every time Chris would show me some sort of affection, she would roll her eyes... When someone would ask me a question, she would upstage me constantly or rudely interrupt me... And as much as Chris his family would try to intervene, she kept going... I think i even saw annoyance on her husband's face... 

I take another deep breath and calm my nerves... Her making the... I cut your throat... motion had me worried... I didn't know this woman... and her behaving like this made me think she was unhinged... The fact that without even getting to know me she was so hostile had me a little scared for me and Oscar... If she was willing to take the risk motioning that to me at a crowded dinner table... Then what was she willing to do when they were not around...I just didn't get it... If you really are someone's friend... Dont you want them to be happy? 

"You really have your hooks in him... As a matter of fact, you have them all fooled..." I heard an ice-cold voice say behind me...  I froze on the spot... I took another deep breath before turning around... "Excuse me...?" I said looking at her and i realized how much of a show she had put on at the dinner table because if i thought she looked evil there... Well let's just say that the little friendliness she had faked... Was now all gone...

 "Dont play dumb..." She spits at me taking a step closer. "If you think just for one second i am going to let you have him..." She says in this menacing tone... "Let me have him...? What is that supposed to mean...?" I ask her... "He is not yours... You may think you have him reeled in using that brat of yours... But he is just biding time..." She spits at me with venom in her voice...

"Biding his time for what?" I ask her still in a calm tone of voice and i can see that that pisses her off even more... "That is none of your business..." She growls stepping closer to me... "I'll take my chances..." I say shrugging my shoulders... "I am going back inside..." I say and Tara scoffs and grab my arm as i want to walk away...

"If you know what is good for you and that brat of yours you better end it... Or i will make your life hell... You might have your hooks in him... Using that brat of yours as bait... With his pathetic can i call you dad crap... But i have known him ever since we were kids and i just have to say the word and he will drop you two like a hot potato... So, save yourself and that ugly brat of yours the heart ache and get out of my family..." She growls and i just look at her in shock... 

"Lady... You are delusional..." I say pulling my arm back and walking inside before she can say anything else... My adrenaline is pumping as i walk inside and i stop for a moment to regain my composure... 

"You, okay?" Carly says as she appears... and i nod... but i start shaking as the adrenaline wears off... Carly looks up just as Tara comes inside to and she looks at me and then at Tara... Tara smiles and stops beside us... "Poor thing... She stayed out in the cold to long... Look at her shiver..." She says and walks off to the dining room chuckling... 

"You want me to get Chris?" Carly says and i shake my head... "No please dont... He is already on edge and feeling guilty... I can handle it... Besides i dont want to cause drama and give her the satisfaction..." I whisper and Carly sighs... "Okay but please do tell him... Maybe not know but later..." Carly whispers and i smile "I will... I promise..." I say and Carly hugs me...

We walk into the dining room and i sit down next to Chris who immediately pulls me into his side and i let out a sigh... "Everything okay...?" He murmurs into my hair as he kisses the side of my head and i let out a sigh again... "I tell you later... not here, not now..." I murmur... Chris puts his finger under my chin and i can see the worry in his eyes... "I am okay..." I say smiling and he gives me a sweet kiss...

I smile as Oscar is running in with Carly and Tara's kids... At least they get along... I think to myself... I can feel Chris worry... and i just snuggle into him hoping that it will calm him a bit and i let out a sigh of relief when it does... Lisa and Shanna come out with dessert and hands everyone a plate with pumpkin pie... As good as it looks and smells i have lost my appitite and i have to force myself to eat not wanting to be rude... 

But after a few bites i just give Chris my plate... "You dont like Lisa's famous pumpkin pie?" Tara says in a snarky tone... and i look at her and give her a smile. "I love it but i am so full..." I say forcing me to keep smiling... 

When i look at her husband i can see he is getting more annoyed with Tara's behavior by the second and i kind of feel sorry for him... He seems like a nice guy and even her kids are sweet and i can't help but think they got it from him... 

About an hour later Tara reluctantly agrees to go home as her husband has had enough and her kids are getting whiney because they are tired... They thank Lisa for everything and Tara hugs Chris and i can hear her whisper in his ear that they need to catch up and talk soon... It is soft enough for the rest not to hear... but loud enough for me to hear... She thinks she is so sneaky, and nobody notices her behavior... But i could see and feel that she was getting on everyone's nerves with her loud and obnoxious behavior...

Chris ignores this remark and does not react to it... Just tells her to drive save before shaking her husband's hand and thanking him for coming... Scott walks her out and i can feel the mood shift and everyone immediately seems to relax and unclench... 

"OMG... I thought they would never leave..." Scott yells as he walks back into the dining room and for a moment the room is quiet before everyone bursts out laughing... Just then we all notice how much on edge we all were and that this laugh was needed to break the tension... 

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