Chapter 71

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Chris pov...

We are a few days later and the detectives and someone from the prosecution have been by to take Lana her statement... Tara has to appear in front of a judge for a bail hearing... But they were almost 100% sure that she would not be allowed bail because she was a flight risk and because of the nature of her crimes... 

"Are you okay?" I asked Lana when they had left, and she sighed... "I dont know how to feel about all of this..." She whispered and i laid down beside her in the bed and pulled her into my arms. "What do you mean sweetheart..." I whispered kissing the top of her head... 

"Is it weird i feel guilty... not for her but for her kids..." She whispered and i shook my head. "No baby it is not... It makes you a compassionate human being... You feel sorry for her kids and that is perfectly normal... They didn't ask for all this... But neither did you or Oscar... Please remember that... Dont go blaming yourself for her actions okay..." I said and she sighed cuddling into me more. "Okay..." She whispered. 

I hugged her a little tighter and she winced... I immediately let her go... "I am sorry i didn't mean to hurt you..." I said and she shook her head and leaned forward to rub over her leg... "Does your leg still hurt?" I ask and she blushes... "Baby... Is it getting worse..." I ask and she looks at me with tears in her eyes. I press the button for a nurse... "No, it will get better..." She protests but i shake my head... "It is not though..." I said and there is a knock on the door... A nurse walks in. "Everything okay?" The nurse asks and Lana just nods. The nurse looks a bit confused. 

"No... her leg is getting worse..." I say and Lana groans... "Chris it will get better..." She protests but the nurse is on my side and says she will talk with the doctor... When the nurse has left the room Lana sighs and pouts... "Why did you say that... Now i probably have to stay even longer and i just want to go home..." She says on the verge of tears... "Baby you can't go home if it hurts so much, and it is not getting better..." I say and Lana sighs. "Fine..." She says and i kiss her... 

"What do you say if i order us some pizza or something for dinner..." I say and she shakes her head. "You can... I am not hungry besides i will get food here..." She mumbles and i shake my head... "No, the food here is disgusting I can see it on your face... Tell me what you want sweetheart..." I say smiling. She shakes her head... "The food here is fine Chris..." She says and then she mumbles about not deserving something else and i look at her confused... I want to say something when the nurse knocks on the door and walks in with the doctor in tow...

"I heard the pain in your leg got worse..." The doctor says smiling at her and she sighs and nods giving in finally. The doctor checks her leg out and orders a xray and she is put in a wheelchair and is rolled away by the nurse... 

"Doc... Can i ask you something?" I say and the doctor nods. "How do i get her to talk about the baby..." I say and he looks at me confused. "She won't talk about it... I think she blames herself for losing the baby..." I say and the doctor sighs... "There is nothing she could have done... She had been beaten so badly and with the dehydration it had no chance of surviving... The trauma was just too much... The body went into protecting itself and not the fetus..." He said and i nodded... 

"Just keep reminding her that it is not her fault... That there was nothing she could have done... It was out of her hands... She needs time to come to terms with that... And maybe a therapist to talk to... But in my experience time is something that is most needed..." The doctor said and i nodded. 

"Can she go home soon? That is all she wants... She wants to go home... That is why she didn't mention the leg before..." I say and the doctor takes a deep breath... "If... And i am only saying if... The leg is not too serious... She can go home... But on bed rest... She still has to take it easy... But again, only if the leg is not too serious..." The doctor says and i smile... "Okay i can live with that..." I said and the doctor patted my shoulders... "She will be fine... She is tough..." He said and walked out of the room.

I waited for Lana to be back... I just wished her leg was easy fixable and i could take her home... The door opened and ma walked in with Oscar and i smiled. "Where is mommy?" Oscar immediately asked and i smiled picking him up hugging him. "They are taking pictures of mommy's leg... She will be right back buddy... Oh i missed you..." I said hugging him tight and he giggled... "How is she doing?" Ma asked and i sighed. "The pain in her leg got worse so they send her for x-rays... I talked to the doctor and if the leg is not too serious i can take her home... That is all she wants... To go home..." I said and ma smiled. 

The door opened again, and the nurse wheeled Lana back in. I put Oscar down and he ran over to her, and she hugged him. "Hey sweetheart... God i missed you..." She mumbled and we all smiled as she hugged him tight. "Dad says you can go home!" Oscar squealed all excited and Lana looked up at me in surprise. "If your leg is not too serious i can take you home... but on bed rest..." I said and for the first time she had a real smile on her face... 

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