Chapter 64

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Chris pov...

I am waiting for the plane to take off... We all have been working like crazy and finished filming early and i couldn't wait to see the looks on my family's faces as i walk in on their pizza party... I haven't told anyone that i was coming home early... I wanted to surprise Lana and Oscar... I just couldn't wait to be home with them... I had charted a plane and they were waiting for permission to taxi when my phone rang...

I smile as i see it is ma and i answer. "Hey ma..." I say hoping she doesn't notice something is off. 

"Chris... have you heard from Lana today...?" Ma asks sounding panicked. "No why... What is going on..." I say sitting up straight. "Nobody can get in contact with her... She was supposed to pick up Oscar and Carly's kids from school to take home to make pizza together, but she never showed... We can't get a hold of her and we dont know where she is... Something is wrong... She would never leave the kids stranded..." Ma says and i can hear she is on the verge of tears...  

"Ma what do you mean you dont know where she is... Ma this is not funny..." I say feeling panic rise inside of me... "Chris it is no joke... Her phone goes straight to voicemail... She hasn't contacted anyone telling that the plans changed..." Ma says now crying... "Ma i am already on my way home... My plane is taking of any minute now... I'll be home in a few hours but call the hospitals and the police..." I say as the flight crew tells me we are ready for takeoff... 

"Ma i have to hang up we are taking off... Just call the police... And dont tell Oscar okay just for now let's not scare him... even if he is probably already scared because she didn't pick him up... I'll be home as soon as i can and I'll call you when i land in Boston..." I say and hang up the phone

The flight home seems so much longer than normal... The fact that i can't have my phone on and i am now basically in the dark on what is going on at home is making my anxiety hit the roof... I can't imagine what legitimate reason she would have to not show up for pick up... She would never do that... She would never leave her son stranded... They had plans... She told me that she was picking up Carly's kids to because Oscar wanted to make homemade pizza and that she had decided to make it a pizza party... She was excited for it... It made no sense... Even if she wasn't able to pick them up, she would call ma... or Carly or anyone else in my family... 

I called her phone again... voicemail again... "Baby... please pick up... please everybody is worried..." I said before hanging up again... What if she had an accident or worse... Tara came to mind... She had been quiet the last two months... I had to admit we both kind of forgot about her... We were both happy... We were living life and Tara was just a distance memory... I closed my eyes and took a deep breath... There was probably a reasonable explanation... Lana would come home, and we would have a laugh about it...

"She has to come home..." I murmur to myself... I think of Oscar and how scared he must be if he already knows his mom is missing... I hope they had not told him like i asked... But i knew they probably had to explain why Lana wasn't there to pick them up and why she was not there to make pizza with him like she promised...

I finally land in Boston and to my surprise instead of my driver Scott is waiting for me at the strip... I take a deep breath and walk over to him, and we hug... "Anything?" I ask and he shakes his head... "No... We called all the hospitals... even the morgues... Nothing..." He says and i run my hand over my face feeling desperate... "The police?" I ask... 

"They are at the house talking with ma and Carly... But they need the data of her car and we dont know where it is..." Scott says and i nod... "How is Oscar holding up?" I ask and Scott sighs... "Scared... We tried to protect him, but he knew something was up... and we had to tell him because he kept asking for Lana and was getting panicky..." Scott said and i nod... My heart broke thinking of a scared Oscar... Scared and confused on why his mother is not there...

We get into the car and Scott rushes me home... "We are going to find her Chris... Everything will be fine..." Scott says and all i can do is nod. "I am scared Scott... She wouldn't do this she wouldn't just disappear... She would never let Oscar wait let alone leave him... If something had come up, she would have called any of you..." I said feeling hopeless... 

"We know Chris..." Scott said and i broke down... "Something is wrong Scott... and i dont think it is an accident..." I said sobbing as we pulled up to the house... "I know... But right now, you have to be strong... Oscar is scared... He is going to need you most..." Scott said and i dried my tears and took a deep breath. 

We walked into the house and Oscar immediately came running up to me jumping in my arms clinging on to me...  "Mommy is missing..." He said sobbing and i just held him tight. "I know buddy, but we are going to find her okay..." I said still holding him tight. 

"Mr. Evans?" A voice said and i looked up seeing a man and woman standing there... Carly appeared and i handed Oscar over to her and telling him i will be in the kitchen and not going anywhere that i just had to talk to the two gentlemen...  

I walked to the kitchen and the men introduced themselves as detectives... They assure me that they are taking it seriously as it is out of the ordinary for her to leave her child... They ask me if i had contact with her today and i told them i had not because i wanted to surprise her by coming home earlier than i had originally planned. 

I told them about Tara, but they already knew.... It was another reason they were taking it seriously... I gave them the Data from Lana's car... I also gave them her credit card data...I gave them everything i could think off and the man walked off to relay it all...

About an hour later they left... There was nothing more they could do for now from here... They would start to track the car and hoped to find it and with-it Lana... They would let me know if something came up... They also gave me their cards and to call when something comes to mind... Ma appeared... She had been crying so i hugged her... As much as i wanted to break down i couldn't right now... I had to stay strong... For ma and Oscar but most of all for Lana...

After comforting ma for a bit i went to look for Oscar... I found him in his bedroom crying in Carly's arms and she handed him over to me... He just clings onto me crying begging me to find his mommy... It was heartbreaking... All i could do was just hold onto him and comfort him... 

About half an hour later Scott appears to say that they ordered dinner and it had arrived... I picked Oscar up and carried him to the kitchen... Although we both weren't hungry, we needed to eat...

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