Chapter 161

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Lana pov...

I smile listening to Chris reading Maeve a story over the phone... He is gone a week now and the first few days have been a struggle for him... He misses us like crazy and was a little down but now that filming is distracting him, and he is busy it is getting better... 

"She is asleep..." I whisper picking up the phone and walking out the room... "How was your day?" I ask and i smile when he tells me in a chipper tone of voice what he has been up to all day... I smile because it is such a difference with a few days ago when he was on the verge of tears... The first few days he only had a few fittings and such but other than that he had nothing to do and after being busy with family life it was weird for him having nothing to do...

I walk to Oscar's room after talking for a bit longer with Chris and hand Oscar the phone and left smiling as Oscar was going off about how he had helped me bathe Maeve... I walk to living room and install myself on the couch with my laptop... I had done a thing the day after Chris had left... I had started a book... Not a children's book but a novel... 

I was totally in the zone and used every minute of free time writing... researching... I dont know if something would come of it or that my publisher would even want it but i was having fun... My children's book was ready and i had send it to them and it was now in their hands... 

After Oscar brought me my phone back i got up and put him to bed... Oscar was finally a little bit in a better mood now that we settled in a bit just the 3 of us... Chris had talked to him over the phone after 2 days because he was moping so much, and it had helped... He had cheered up and was his happy self again...  

After i read a story to Oscar i walked back to the living room sitting down only to get up again because Maeve started crying... I take her out change her and take her with me to the living room and i put on a movie while feeding her... After i am done i smile at my smiling girl and i am so happy that she gave Chris her first smile before leaving as if she knew he would be heartbroken if he had missed it... 

The next week goes by fast... I am busy taking care of my little ones the house and writing when i can... Carly comes over for lunch as i dont want to go out with Maeve on my own for the first time without Chris being here to fall back on if something happens... Thank God the media shit storm had died down a bit but the call for a picture of our little girl got louder and louder... But when the paparazzi realized i already had given birth and the missed the hospital run... That i was not going outside with my girl just yet they seemed to have given up...

I wake up get Oscar ready for school and attend to Maeve's needs when i hear the front door open and close and the dogs get all excited... I wonder who it could be and i walk out to the front door after putting Maeve down in her crib... 

My heart makes a little jump and i squeal seeing Chris standing there and i run over and jump in his arms kissing him passionately almost toppling us both over and he laughs... "Hello sweetheart..." He murmurs into the kiss and i smile... "What are you doing here?" I ask after we break the kiss, and he smirks... "Had a few days off and decided to surprise you..." He murmurs and i smile and kiss him again... "Maeve asleep?" He growls and i nod smirking and he walks us to the bedroom... 

I am not wearing much as i had been busy this morning and had had no time to get dressed yet... I gasp and groan when i feel him pull the fabric of my panties apart before dropping me on the bed and leaning down pulling his patriots jersey off of me leaving me now completely naked... "Fuck i missed you sweetheart..." He growls taking his clothes off and i bite my lip watching him excitement sourcing through my body as he crawled over me kissing me all over... 

I moan as his lips find mine and without warning he sinks into me... "Sorry sweetheart need to be in you..." He growls and i take his head in my hands smile and kiss him again... "Just fucking move..." I moan and he grins and slowly pulls out before agonizingly slow sliding into me again... " God i love you and that pussy of yours..." He growls while keep moving slow... To slow... It is driving me crazy and i roam my hand down his back to his ass digging in my nails as to say speed it up and he growls again... 

"Did you miss me sweetheart?" He asks in a soft shy tone and i moan... "So fucking much..." I moan as he slams into me hard as i say it... "Did you miss me fucking you?" He growls and i sigh nodding my head... "Yes..." I whisper and i arch my back as he hits my sweet spot sending that delicious tingle all through my body... 

His hands are all over me as he keeps kissing me and i wrap my legs around his waist... He i grunting and groaning while pounding into me building my orgasm and giving me so much pleasure that i am moaning and just a mess... We had been texting and video calling over the last weeks absolutely driving each other crazy and i know it won't take long... I dont care i just want him to fill me up and make me cum as quick as possible because i didn't realize until now how frustrated i had been... How much i longed for him inside of me... 

I feel his hand glide down between my legs rubbing my clit and i moan louder... He wants me to cum... I can feel he is close as his thrusts get sloppier, and his grunts get louder... "So good..." I moan as my body takes over and i feel my orgasm washing over me and i cling onto him my body shocking my pussy squeezing him for everything he got and after a few more thrusts he lets out an animalistic growl and cums filling me up collapsing on top of me...

We lay there for a moment until we hear crying and Chris grins... "I'll go..." He whispers smiling pecking my lips and i whine as he pulls out of me... But i smile watching him get off the bed with the biggest smile and quickly puts his sweatpants back on and he does a little weird waddle walking out the room towards the nursery... I just chuckle as i hear him talk to Maeve who got quiet immediately seeing her dad and i chuckle as he keeps telling how much he missed her....

I get out of bed and get a quick shower and get dressed all with a big smile on my face... He just flew home to be with us if only if it was for two days... If that isn't dedication to this family i dont know what is...

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