Chapter 85

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Lana pov...

We never left the bed yesterday and it was heavenly before i had met Chris i never had lazy days in bed... Well days in bed... there was nothing lazy about what we had done all day... We talked about what we both wanted for our wedding and i was kind of excited to start planning... 

Chris was still sleeping... I couldn't sleep anymore... I didn't want to wake him so i had crawled out of bed and was now muttering around the house... Wearing nothing more than one of Chris his jerseys i was rearranging some things... I was feeling like it... I have to admit i hadn't changed a thing since Oscar and i moved in other than my office and Oscars room... Everything in this house was Chris's... I had moved some of my stuff in the house but that's it... 

I water the plants and clean the shelves humming dancing to the music... I smile rearranging the decor... All of a sudden i feel two arms wrapping around me making me jump a little... I relax in his arms as he plants a kiss in my neck... "What are you doing sweetheart...?" He murmurs and i smile... "Cleaning..." I whisper holding my breath hoping he doesn't mind me moving some stuff around... 

"Looks good baby..." He whispers and i smile... "You dont mind?" I whisper and he chuckles. "I was waiting for you to do this... I am happy you finally feel at home enough to do so..." He murmurs and i blush... "Maybe we should go shopping together for some new stuff... Maybe paint..." Chris says and i sigh... "Can we do that after the wedding..." I whisper... "Of course..." Chris murmurs spinning me around and kissing me...

I giggle as he wraps his arms around me... He is letting out a little groan as he pulls me closer into him... I sigh and wrap my arms around his neck, and he smirks before kissing me... "You look good in my jersey baby... But.... It is still too much..." He whispers and i giggle as he slowly pulls it over my head... 

"Chriiis... I already can barely walk..." I say giggling as he kisses me in my neck, and he smirks... "Sweetheart... You were shaking your perfect ass to the music... You can walk just fine..." He growls and i giggle as he lifts me up and walks me to the windows... I gasp as the cold glass touches my skin... I moan as he keeps sucking at the skin in my neck marking me for sure... 

I sigh as he pushes his sweatpants down and lines himself up with me... He looks at me asking for permission and i smile cupping his face in both hands and kiss him. "Just fuck me already Chris..." I groan and he smirks before thrusting into me.... I moan... The feeling of the cold glass and his warm body against me makes me shiver... He fucks me up against the window until we both come and fuck it is feeling so good... He puts me back down and he kisses me... "I can never get enough of you..." He murmurs and i blush... "Ditto..." I say smirking... 

"Chris...?" I whisper. "Yeah?" He whispers back. "After the wedding... can we try for another baby..." I whisper blushing and he looks at me smiling putting his hands on my face and kissing me passionately... "Why wait until after the wedding...?" He whispers and i chuckle. 

"Because i want to enjoy the wedding... I dont want to waddle around or not be able to have a drink... Is that okay?" I ask and he nods... "After the wedding... I am going to put a baby in you..." He says smirking and i giggle but still blushing... 

We ordered breakfast and after it arrived, we ate together... We took a shower together and washed each other... I love showering with him... Even if it wouldn't lead to sex, it was so nice and intimate... I loved soaping him up... God i love touching him all over... We got dressed and took the dogs for a walk... Yesterday we only let them in the garden, and they were getting restless. I smiled as we walked the trail hand in hand... We talked a bit more about the wedding and after we had gotten home, we cuddled on the couch with the laptop to get some inspiration and look up some information about different wedding planners... We looked at some venues online, but we just didn't know where to start so a wedding planner was a must... 

Chris would start a new project in 2 weeks, and he didn't want me to have to do it all and neither did i... I wanted to enjoy my day as stress free as possible... To our surprise nobody had leaked the fact that we had gotten engaged... All the parents present at the party seem to understand that we didn't want it out yet... I really liked all the parents of Oscar's classmates... They were nice and didn't pry... They didn't seem to care who Chris is... 

We agreed to interview wedding planners next week when Oscar was at school... Chris had one thing he wanted to arrange without me... The honeymoon... He wanted it to be a surprise... He had asked some questions about what i had imagined... I said i didn't want to go tropical... A cabin in the woods somewhere... Snow and a fire... That sounded heavenly to me... Chris just smiled and told me he had some idea's... 

The day went by way to quick... But this weekend has been heavenly... Tomorrow Carly would take the kids to school, and we would pick them up and go over to Carly's for dinner... I had to admit having Oscar in the same school as Carly's kids had some perks... Next weekend Carly's kids would be staying here for the weekend so she and her husband could have a nice weekend to themselves... I was kind of excited having a house full of kids... 

I knew Chris wanted a big family and i couldn't wait to start it with him... I just hoped Oscar would be happy with having a brother or sister... or 2 or 3... The thought of little once running around made me all giddy... 

In the evening i made dinner for the both of us as Chris was sitting at the counter learning his lines for his next project... I just smiled... This was heaven... Just heaven... A somewhat normal quiet life... No screaming... No bruises... No fear... As sappy as it sounds it was just all love and happiness... And sex... God the most mind-blowing sex ever...

I turned our dinner off and walked around the counter pulling my shirt over my head. Chris was still buried in his script and i smirked... "Chris..." I whispered and he hummed before looking up and his eyes turned dark. "Fuck me on the counter please..." I whispered and he grinned throwing his script to the side before lifting my on the counter to have his way with me...

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