Chapter 95

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Lana pov...

"We are home!" I yell as Oscar and i walk through the front door and Chris looks up at us and smiles... But i can see that he is worried about me being a bit standoffish. Oscar runs over to him and hugs him tight and i smile. He looks at me confused and i sigh. After hugging Chris for a bit more Oscar wriggles his way out of his arms saying he is going to play in the backyard with the dogs. I tell him to get changed first and he runs off.

"I am really starting to hate that Charlene kid..." I say plopping down on the couch next to Chris and he put his arm around me pulling me into him and i let out a big sigh. "She told him after we got married... we would have a baby and forget all about Oscar and not love him anymore." I mumbled and Chris groaned. "Seriously? Where does this kid get all this?" Chris whined and i shrugged my shoulders.

"We didn't even talk with him about brothers and sisters..." Chris says and i let out a sigh. "I talked with him, and it is all good now..." I mumble and Chris pulls me closer and smile. We sit there in silence when it is all of a sudden broken by Oscar running by with the dogs to go outside and Chris and i both burst out laughing.

"Are you okay?" Chris asks softly and i nod. "Yeah... I am sorry about the whole birthday thing..." I whisper and Chris sighs. "I dont know why and i won't push you to tell me... But i hope that one day you will..." He whispers and kisses the top of my head. I sigh... "Ava... died on my birthday... Chris... So to me... It is not really a day i feel like celebrating..." I mumble almost inaudible... 

"Oh sweetheart..." He said letting out a deep breath and pulling me closer. "I am sorry for not telling you immediately..." I said and he kissed the top of my head again. "It is okay sweetheart... You told me now... I understand and i promise no birthday... and if you ever change your mind about that you just say the word and i give you the best birthday party ever..." He whispers cutting me off from explaining why i hadn't told him... "I love you..." I whisper and i can feel him smile in my hair. "Love you to baby..." He whispers back and i cuddle into him more...

"I am going to start on dinner can you go check on Oscar in the yard?" I mumble and Chris hums in response but neither one of us is moving and i chuckle. "We need a weekend just the two of us again..." I say letting out a sigh and when i look up at Chris he has a grin from ear to ear. "I think i can make that happen sweetheart..." He whispers and he kisses me sweet soft yet passionate.

I melt into the kiss and let out a little moan as i feel Chris his hands roam my body... I break the kiss breathing heavy and he grins. He stands up and pulls me up to and kisses me again and again i moan as he gives my ass a light squeeze... He smirks when he breaks the kiss again and goes outside to check up on Oscar leaving me all hot and bothered behind.

I walk into the kitchen and open the laptop to look up a recipe when an email pops up. I groan as it is from some press thing asking us if we can confirm the date for our wedding... and when i see which date they have i groan as it is indeed the right one...

I start on dinner and when Chris walks in half an hour later i show him the email and he groan to. We knew it was about to happen, but we had hoped that we could keep the exact date to ourselves... "I will call the security team and Maggie to let them know that it is out there so they can take extra measures." Chris says kissing the top of my head before walking to his office.

Oscar walks in and i give him something to drink but tell him we will eat soon so no snack. He goes to his room and i continue with dinner. I sigh thinking of all the security that will be surrounding our wedding but with our guestlist it is most definitely necessary... I just hope it won't overshadow everything... I hope that people will be nice...  Part of me was scared to be in a room with so many strangers... 

I feel two arms wrap around me and a kiss being planted in my neck.  "The team knows... Security for the venue will start as soon as they will start decorating for us..." Chris mumbles and i feel myself relax in his arms. "Thank you..." I whisper and lean back into him. 

"Oh, and sweetheart... I talked with people of my team... and all of a sudden i have a week off around MY birthday... Do you know what that is about?"  Chris asks me with this little boyish grin on his face and i chuckle. "I do... But it is a surprise... and that is all i am going to say about it..." I say and i step out of Chris his grip with a smirk on my face. He sighs and shakes his head and i giggle a bit. "I promise... You will love it..." I whisper giving him a quick kiss before continuing with dinner.

He has been working during the day on his next movie here in Boston... It was heaven having him close... especially with planning a wedding and him able to take a day off to help every now and then... His schedule was not as tight as with the previous movie he did. 

The other day he had a weekend shoot because they were filming at a location that was only available on a Sunday and he had taken Oscar with him who absolutely was ecstatic to go with Chris to work. I took it upon myself that day to plan Chris his birthday surprise... I had been a bit selfish, and it was not just something for him... It was something for the 3 of us and a first for me and Oscar but i knew Chris would be so excited for this.... 

So much was happening these days... Live was so busy but i absolutely love every second of it... 

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