Chapter 38

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Chris pov...

"Are you coming?"  Lana yelled from Oscar's bedroom.  Today her and i would be painting his bedroom the basic color so she could start with the Octopuses when it was dry... While she had taped everything off last night i had written a letter to Santa with Oscar... It was the sweetest thing and i had to take a deep breath a few times to not get too emotional... I promised that tonight when we would have our walk with the dogs, we could post it... 

I walk into Oscar's bedroom and i smile as Lana looks absolutely adorable... Her hair up in a bun... an old t shirt and dungarees... "How do i look? Very romantic comedy, right?" She said smirking and i laughed. "You look cute..." I said walking over to her and giving her a kiss wrapping my arms around her... 

She giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck deepening the kiss... "If you keep this up, we won't get to painting sweetheart..." I said smirking into the kiss... She smirked and stepped out of my arms. "Nope... Painting first..." She said giggling and i groaned... "You are a tease..." I said smirking... 

Around lunch time the doorbell rang and i went to accept our lunch i had ordered. I walked into the kitchen where Lana already was sitting at the counter... "Your mom is so excited to have Oscar this afternoon..." She said smiling and showed me a picture ma had send her of everything she had set up... "Yes, she really likes Oscar and wants him to feel part of the family..." I said kissing her temple before putting the food down. "She is so happy you trust her to take him and spend time with him..." I said smiling at her.  

"Of course... I love that she wants him to be there, and Oscar is so excited about it... I love your mom and Carly for welcoming me and Oscar with open arms... They are amazing... I mean we are not together for that long... We move fast and i would understand if they would be hesitant, but they really embraced us..." Lana says smiling and she blushes a little...

"Mom is a firm believer in if you are happy, we are happy and besides... What is not to love about you and Oscar..." I say smirking and pull her into my arms kissing her passionately... 

After we eat, we continue painting the room and at the end of the afternoon the whole room is pained and i look around kind of proud... She chuckles and wraps her arms around my waist hugging me resting her head on my chest as we both look at the fruits of our labor... 

We order in dinner as neither one of us wants to cook and seeing as Oscar eats at ma's Lana doesn't mind... She normally doesn't want to do fast food on a school night when Oscar is around... I am certainly not complaining as her cooking is amazing... 

After dinner i am going to pick up Oscar from ma's and i text Carly to please wait for me there because i need to talk about something with her and ma. She texts back she will and i take a deep breath... I am dreading this talk... 

Tara hasn't stopped texting me even after i told her we would talk later and that she would meet Oscar and Lana at thanksgiving... It went even so far that i have muted her because the constant buzzing of my phone was driving me crazy... She even had told me she would show up at my place but i had told her to not do that... I had even changed the code of the gate... Just to make sure she couldn't get on the terrain... I told Lana i just changed it sometimes just to be sure... 

I arrived at ma and as soon as i walked through the door Oscar came running up to me with the biggest smile on his face... I picked him up and hugged him asking if he had fun and seeing the big smile on his face i knew he had... The rest of the kids came running and i put Oscar down and hugged everyone... I told the kids to go play because i need to talk to ma and Carly...

I walked into the kitchen and smiled seeing ma and Carly sitting at the counter... I hugged them both and asked how it all went and ma told me about everything with a big smile... "Oscar is really fitting in..." Ma says smiling. 

"You wanted to talk about something... Can we expect an engagement...?" Carly said smirking and i looked at her shocked... "What? no... Sorry... one step at a time we are happy living together for now... I need to talk about something else..." I said and ma and Carly looked at me worried. 

"I... I dont know how to start with this..." I say letting out a sigh... "Chris just tell us... No judgement... Are you having doubts about living with Lana and Oscar?" Ma asks looking at me worried. "What! No! Never... If i am sure about one thing than it is having Oscar and Lana living with me..." I say looking at her and she smiles back at me. "Good...Because i am not giving up that cute son of hers..." She says smirking and both Carly and i chuckle... 

I take another deep breath and just let it out... "It is about Tara..." I say and they both look at me confused. "What about her?" Ma and Carly say in sync and i sigh... "I dont know how to explain it so i am just going to let you read it..." I say handing ma the phone and her and Carly read Tara's texts together... Their faces are going from concern to horrified... I then explain what Seb and Mackie had told me and they looked at me even more shocked... 

"Look i dont know what to do... My mind is all over the map... I dont want to believe it but the texts they have me worried... The things Seb and Mackie said maybe they misunderstood... I mean we all know how protective Tara can get... But i dont know what to do with this..." I said looking at ma and Carly...

" Please... I need your help... I dont want her to make Lana and Oscar feel uncomfortable... I dont want to lose Lana and Oscar because Tara has this weird notion that she has to be protect me... I mean Lana is not with me because of fame... or money... I mean she does well for herself she doesn't need me to help with Oscar..." I say and at this stage i am just rattling because i am scared... Scared that it is going to be a thanksgiving disaster... Scared that i am going to lose everything...

"Breathe Chris..." Ma says and she hugs me...

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