Chapter 186

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Chris pov...

Without knocking the agents walk into my hospital room... They have smiles on their faces and i look at them a little hope growing in my chest... "We found her... Cops are on their way as we speak..." One of the agents says and i sit up and Oscar who is asleep wakes up... "Dad...?" He mumbles and i hug him... "We thought we wait here with you for news..." One of the agents say and i nod telling them to please sit down...

Minutes feel like hours as we all wait anxiously for the outcome... Ma and Scott are pacing up and down the room Oscar is cuddled into me as i hold him close... I can't stop looking at the clock in the room... 10 minutes... 20 minutes... 30 minutes... 45 minutes... 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51... All of a sudden, a phone rings and the agent answers and after a few seconds he starts to smile and i for a moment i think i see a tear... "They got her...!" He says and i fall back in my bed and start to cry out of relief... I dont pay attention anymore and hug Oscar ignoring my pain and i kiss the top of his head over and over as he is crying to... "Mommy is coming home bud..." I whisper and he hugs me tighter... Scott and ma are hugging ma crying her eyes out and i look at the agents and thank them... 

"Is she okay... What happened..." I ask and one of the agents looks at Oscar letting me know it is not for kids to hear and ma steps in... "Let's get your mom the biggest teddy bear from the gift shop we can find..." She says wiping her tears away smiling to Oscar who nods smiling back and this time without a tantrum he leaves willingly.... 

"They pulled up to the house and she was sitting outside... Inside they found her father and Kyle shot... A fight had clearly gone down the exact details i dont know but she said she won and to call them an ambulance... According to the officer who reached her first she was laughing saying over and over that she had won and was free... finally free..." The agent says and i smile through my tears... "Your wife is a fighter... I dont know many women who take a beating like she has had according to the cops first on scene and got out on top..." He says and i look at him worry setting in... I want to say something but his phone rings again and he answers... "I know you are worried, but she will be okay... She got out of there..." Scott says hugging me and i cry again... 

"She absolutely refuses...?" We hear the agent say over the phone grabbing our attention... "Okay i see what i can do... Call you back..." He says and sighs... "She is refusing to go to a hospital... The only thing she wants is to go home but no airline is going to let her on a plane in her state..." He says to his partner... "We can drive her it is just a two-day drive..." The partner says and i sigh and interrupt "I can help with that..." I say because if she wants to go home, she gets to go home... I ask to borrow Scott his phone as i dont have a new one yet... I call Robert and ask him for a favor he grants immediately... 

"Where does the plane need to go?" I ask and the name some airstrip... The men looked at me shocked... "Downey's plane will be there is a few hours..." I tell them and one of the guys start to chuckle... He calls back telling them and i hear the guy on the other end let out a little squeal like a little boy and the agents here smirk... "Good flight..." He says and hangs up... 

"Sorry... He is a fan of Downey and apparently flying on his plane is hitting the jackpot..." The agent explains and i smile... "Scott can you get me a doctor... I am signing myself out..." I mumble and Scott looks at me shocked... "Why...?" He asks and i look at him annoyed... "Because Lana will be home in a few hours and i am going to meet her as she gets off the plane..." I say... "Chris..." He says but i hold up my hand... "I dont want to hear Scott i am going..." I say and he nods knowing there is nothing that is going to change my mind... 

"We will take you..." The agents say after Scott has gone to get me a doctor... "We need to pick up our colleague anyway..." He says and i nod... I sit myself up and start to pull on all the stickers on my chest wanting them off of me when Scott walks in doctor and nurse in tow who immediately start to protest... "Save it doc... I am going..." I say and they try to push me back in bed but i tell them to back off... 

"My wife is coming home and you and your whole army of nurses can't stop me from going to pick her up from the plane... So, give me the damn paperwork to sign and i am out of here..." I say and he sighs... "Mr. Evans the risk..." He starts to say but i hold up my hand... and he stops talking... He asks the nurse to help me and to get the paperwork and after she has helped me with the iv, she goes to get the paperwork. I grab the bag with clothes and get dressed when Oscar and ma walk in with a big bear... I groan as i get down to his level again ignoring my pain... "Can you do me a favor bud?" I ask him and he nods... "Can you go home with grandma please... I am going to get your mom..." I say smiling and he nods smiling back... 

"You're leaving the hospital...? The doctor is okay with that?" Ma asks and i sigh... "I am going to pick up Lana She will be landing in a few hours with Downey's plane... No one is going to stop me from doing that..." I say looking at her with a serious look and she knows protesting is no use... "Okay..." She says and hugs me... "Give her a kiss and hug from me..." She whispers and i nod. 

After the nurse came back with the paperwork and i signed my release forms, she wished me luck and left again... I looked at the agents who were patiently waiting. 

I hugged Oscar tightly saying how much i loved him and thanking him for being such and amazing son for sticking by my side and that i was so proud of him... He smiled and hugged me again before going to our home with ma... I looked at Scott and he looked at me and shook his head... "Yeah buddy that is not happening i am coming with... Someone needs to keep an eye on you..." He says and i nod giving in as the look on his face also is serious... I packed my stuff and Scott handed me a cap and sunglasses... "How bad?" I ask and Scott sighs... "Bad..." He mumbles and the agents look at us confused...

"The press at the entrance..." I say letting out another sigh and the agents both smirk... "Well good thing we are parked in the parking garage for emergency vehicles then..." One of them said and i smiled... Relieved that i was having a chance to get out of her unseen and to get my wife without it turning into a spectacle...  

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