Chapter 197

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Lana pov...

Chris his category is next and when it is time to present it Seb and Mackie walk on stage and i look at Chris who looks shocked... I just smirk... I knew they were going to present... I had seen the movie before it came out in a private screening at home and i loved it and i might be a little biased but in my mind, there was no doubt he was going to win... 

I laugh as Seb and Mackie are even bickering on stage making everyone laugh... I roll my eyes and i feel Chris take my hand again all nervously bouncing his legs... I told him no matter what in my eyes he had won but God i wanted him to win... He deserves it so much... 

The nominees are being introduced and i smile as Chris his name appears on the screen... And then it is time... I see Chris has his eyes closed and i focus my eyes back on the stage as Seb and Mackie open the envelope and a big grin appears and the call out Chris his name... Chris opens his eyes looking at me shocked and we stand up... He pulls me in for a breathtaking kiss before walking onto stage and i join everyone clapping for him...

He walks on stage and i smile as Seb and Mackie hug him with big smiles on his face... I just love the bond they have... Seb hands him the Oscar and Chris walks to the mic clearing his throat... The room goes quiet, and he starts to speak...

"Wauw... I uhm... Oh god where to start..." He says looking at me and i wink at him...

"I want to thank everyone who worked on this with me... I had so much fun, and you are all the best of the best... And without you the movie wouldn't have been what it is... It was such an Honor working with you all..." He says and takes another deep breath... 

"But i have to thank my wife most of all... She was the one who almost pushed me out of the door telling me to get back to work... To accept this role ..." He says and everyone in the room chuckles... 

"As everyone probably knows it hasn't been an easy year for us... And although this is amazing and i am so grateful i am more grateful for you and our kids... You gave me the best Oscar any man could ever get in the form of our little boy... Hi Oscar..." He says waving at a camera, and everyone chuckles again and as i look around everyone has smiles on their faces... 

"I am so grateful for our daughters... Maeve and Clover..." He says and the room gets quiet as everyone is confused... No one other than the people close to us knows we had another baby... I blush at his word as it is more a speech about us than the whole damn Oscar...

"4 months ago, my wife gave birth to another beautiful girl... And we are over the moon... You are my rock and you and the kids made this possible... Because i wouldn't be the man i am today if it wasn't for you and the kids... You guys are my home, and nothing can beat that... I love you sweetheart... You, Oscar and our girls... I love you all so much..." He says and i blow a kiss at him with tears in my eyes mouthing that i love him to...

He says another thank you and walks off with Mackie and Seb giving him hell which i can see at the smirks on their faces... I stand up and follow someone going backstage and i am crying as i finally can hug him... "You idiot... You ruined my make up..." I mumble and kiss him, and he smirks into the kiss... We dont have a lot of time together as he gets pulled in every direction for interviews and congratulations, but he never lets me go holding me close pressed against him... 

I watch him be his charming self with the biggest smile on his face... God he looks good and i can feel my core starting to heat up... I put my hand on his ass again as he is talking to a reporter, and he looks at me with a grin on his face... "It is good to see you two do so well after everything..." The reporter says and Chris beams at him... "We are doing very well... She is the love of my life... She and the kids make me so happy..." He says and i blush... "You must be proud..." He says to me and i nod... "I am... He is amazing... Not only in his work... But he is an amazing father and husband... I am a lucky girl..." I say beaming at Chris, and he smiles... 

"Well enjoy all the festivities tonight..." The man says and we thank him, and we finally are done... "Are you ready to party Mrs. Evans...?" He asks and i smile nodding... "Yes, let's find ourselves a drink..." I say smirking and Chris chuckles... He hands his Oscar off to someone of his team before Chris starts to lead me out... His hand is on my naked lower back rubbing circles, and it is sending tingles down to my core... God i want him... I need him and i let out a little sigh... Chris stops and looks at me... "Do you rather go home?  Are you tired?" He asks worried and i shake my head... "Not tired... Just a little disappointed..." I say pouting at him and step closer grabbing his jacket in my hand pulling him closer to me... "I thought you never would break your promises..." I whisper hovering my lips over his, my pout turning into a grin when i see his eyes go dark...

He looks around and pulls me away giggling... He opens a door looking in and pulls me inside closing the door, but it is a closet and i grin thinking about our wedding... "It might not be a bathroom sweetheart, but it will have to do..." He growls pushing me against the door and pulling me into a mind-blowing kiss... I feel him start to pull up my dress and it makes me shiver as the fabric slowly glides over my skin... "Fuck... No panties..." He mumbles and i smirk... "Didn't want lines showing..." I whisper and he smirks back at me as he runs his fingers through my folds and i whimper...

"You better be quiet sweetheart... Dont want people to catch us..." He whispers in my ear and i nod biting my lip... I can hear him unbutton his pants and zip down his zipper making his pants drop to the floor around his ankles...

He lifts me up and i wrap my legs around his waist and i gasp as he wastes no time thrusting into me... "Fuck i missed your pussy sweetheart... Missed being inside of you..." He growls softly in my ear and i let out a little sigh trying my best to not make a sound as i just want to scream out of pleasure feeling so pleasurable full... "Fuck Chris so big so full..." I murmur back and i can feel him grin in my neck before he sucks on my skin, and it definitely is going to leave a mark...

I am dripping wet around him coating his cock as he starts to move, short deep thrusts as he softly groans and moans in my neck... I moan as he hits my sweet spot, and it feels just so good that i can't help it... He lifts his head and kisses me to muffle the sounds but never stops moving... I can feel the pleasure build... I know we both won't be long the excitement of fucking in a supply closet at the Oscars... The danger of being caught combined with the fact it has been a while sets us both in overdrive... 

I whine when he all of a sudden pulls out of me and puts me down on my feet... But he pulls me away from the door... "Put your hands on the wall..." He growls and i do as i am told sticking my ass out and he lets out a low growl squeezing my ass... 

He slams back into me and i let out a moan and he shushes me... But i can't help it every thrust i let out a soft moan and he picks up the pace a hand finding my clit and i bite my lip to not scream as he starts to rub gentle circles on it... 

It doesn't take long and when we both cum he puts his hand over my mouth to shut me up as my body shakes my orgasm taking over sourcing through my body... I can feel his hot cum fill me as he is buried deep inside of me... After a few minutes he pulls out of me and spins me around kissing me and i smile into the kiss... 

He pulls my dress back down making sure that it is all in place again before pulling up his pants and he takes my hand opening the door to peak around to see if the coast is clear... I giggle and we walk out undetected i hope... Not that i would care if people saw us sneaking out... He is my husband... He pulls me in his side his hand resting on my hip as we this time make our way back out to our car to go to an afterparty to celebrate his big win... 

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