Chapter 119

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Chris pov...

I just landed in Boston and i am on my way home... I can't wait to crawl into bed with Lana... The 2 last weeks seemed more like 2 months all the more because the last week i barely got to talk to her over the phone... We texted but i didn't hear her voice as much and i hated it... The moments calling home at the end of my workday were the best... Hearing Oscar laugh made me smile even when he was laughing at me... He found the mustache hilarious... Lana i dont know... I couldn't get a read on what she was thinking about it... 

Although i had fun working on this movie i was glad, we finished earlier and i could get a flight home sooner... She didn't expect me until the end of the upcoming day and i knew she would be sleeping when i came home... 

I arrive at the house and the dogs come running and i do my best to keep them quiet to not wake Oscar... It is 3 at night and the house is quiet... I put my stuff down... I will put it away in the morning... I lead the dogs back to Oscar's bedroom and smile as the dog's crawl back into bed with him... I walk over and pull the blankets back over him as he has kicked them off during the night... I kiss his little forehead and freeze when he moves... But luckily, he doesn't wake up...

I walk into my bedroom and smile as i see Lana peacefully sleeping... She is wearing one of my shirts and she looks so beautiful... I take off my clothes and pull back the blankets before crawling into bed... 

She starts to wake up a little and i smile pulling her in my arms... She turns in my arms and opens her beautiful eyes smiling... "Honey i am home..." I whisper and without hesitation she kisses me passionately... I melt into the kiss pulling her even closer... She giggles telling me the mustache tickles and i smirk... I can't stop kissing her between telling her how much i missed her and having her in my arms again is heaven...

But she starts to wriggle saying she needs to pee and after protest from my side i let her go to the bathroom... I push myself sitting up and she walks out of the bathroom smiling at me... I am confused at her behavior as she tells me she will be right back and quickly leaves the room... I listen and hear her walking into her office confusing me even more... 

She walks back in holding a box and it confuses me even more because she looks nervous and is blushing... "So, i did something..." She says handing me the box... "I got you a gift..." She says all excited and i look at the box and then back at her... "Why? You didn't have to buy me anything sweetheart..." I whisper but she tells me to just open it...

I open the box and remove the paper and my heart skips a beat... On the bottom of the box lays a pregnancy test and a picture of an ultrasound... I take out the test and look at it where it says pregnant, and the tears start coming... 

"Really?" I ask her as i look up at her with tears filled eyes and i take the picture out of the box to seeing a little blob that is our baby.... "Really..." She whispers and i crawl towards her sitting on my knees on the bed in front of her... I put my hand on her stomach and look at her as she puts her hands in my hair... "There is a baby in there...?" I say rubbing her stomach and she is now crying to... 

"Yes..." She whispers and i pull her closer and kiss her before leaning down and kissing her stomach... I look up at her again and she wipes away my tears... "Really?" I ask her again and she nods leaning down and kissing me again... I take the picture in my hand again and stare at it... "Our baby..." I whisper... "Yes, our baby..." She says...

I pull her onto the bed with me and she lays down and i kiss her stomach again... "How far along are you..." I whisper and she giggles... "Guess..." She whispers and i look at her and kiss her... "I dont know sweetheart..." I whisper... "Let's just say we probably can't tell anyone when he or she is conceived...  Seeing as it would give away why we disappeared for a bit from the wedding..." She says smirking and a big grin appears on my face... "The doctor said i was about 8 weeks along... That was 5 days ago... So, in two days i will be about 9 weeks" She whispers and i gasp... 

"That is why you barely spoke to me over the phone..." I say and she blushes and nods... "I wanted to surprise you and not tell you over the phone... Are you mad?" She asks in a small voice and i shake my head... "No not at all... I am so happy... Best surprise ever..." I say and kiss her passionately... She lays on her side cuddling into me and i wrap my arms around her and pull her closer... "Told you i would get you nice and pregnant before the honeymoon was over..." I murmur and she giggles... I rub her back up and down and she hums... "Yes, you did..." She whispers and plants a kiss in my neck before snuggling into me more... She holds me tight and i smile... 

I can feel her breathing getting calmer and i can feel she is asleep again... I smile trying to sleep but i can't i am too excited... I want to enjoy this moment... We are going to have a baby... I sigh and kiss the top of her head and she hums in her sleep making me smile even more... Even in her sleep she reacts to my affection... I have so many questions... How is she feeling is the question that is on the fore front of my mind... I know one thing though... Knowing how her pregnancy with Oscar was... from what she told me... I am going to make sure she feels comfortable and pampered this time around... Anything she wants she gets... I can't wait to see her belly grow... Because she is going to look beautiful...

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